Boho / boho outfit / casual outfit / Grace and Lace / layered necklaces / Shein / shorts / skirt extender / style tips / sundress / Three Bird Nest

Off The Shoulder Sundress & Peep Toe Ankle Boots: Keepin’ It Brief

pink ots dress, peep toe ankle boots

I’m going to be keeping the story portion of today’s post to a minimum…


…Currently there is a lot going on in real life that has me mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. I’m only firing on about two of my one hundred cylinders so forgive the lack of my usually sparkling wit. Although one bright spot is, assuming no drastic change in the situation my family is currently dealing with, we are still planning to go on a previously planned day trip to Cedar Point today. So hopefully as you read this, I’m plunging into a 90 degree drop on the newest coaster. For those of you who are unfamiliar, Cedar Point is known as the roller coaster capital of the world. That is the single only reason my husband and I make the pilgrimage…the coasters.

This year we are particularly excited because we haven’t been there for over ten years. My husband had a heart attack nine years ago and we’ve been leery since then. Our daughter has apparently inherited our roller coaster gene and has recently been super interested in riding the big coasters. The hubs saw his heart doctor recently and she gave him the absolute go ahead for a little coaster adventure. Needless to say, the three of us are pretty pumped about it. First on our list is the Valravn, which was CNN’s number one pick of new coasters for 2016. It is the world’s largest dive coaster at 223 feet and it travels at 75 mph…that’s going to be one of hell of a ride my friends and I absolutely cannot wait.


Today you’re getting a two-fer. Is it a dress? Is it a top? Technically speaking, this gorgeous pink off the shoulder sundress which I received c/o Shein is, well, a dress. It was a little short at the sides for my liking so I threw it over a pair of…what else? Denim boyfriend shorts of course. But with that being said, I knew that it would make an absolutely beautiful dress layered over my Lace Flounce Skirt Extender from Grace & Lace.

And guess what? Since you all loved my skirt extenders post so much I have a special surprise for you…this particular extender is currently 30% off! That is a sweet deal! The discount is part of Grace & Lace’s Christmas in July promotion and no code is necessary. It comes in Ivory, Bisque and Black and at 30% off you might want to grab more than one color. In any case, I was correct. Seriously, how pretty is this off the shoulder sundress paired with the lace skirt extender? They’re a perfect match. In order to keep things grounded with all of that sweet pink and lace going on, I added my brown block heel peep toe ankle boots to funk it up a little bit and also to prevent myself from looking like a 51 year old women dressed for a 6 year old girl’s birthday party. Nobody wants to see that.


There is not a thing in the world wrong with going for an all out girly-girl look. In my opinion though, it’s best to ground it with something edgy, masculine and/or funky. In this case the booties toned it down, but in cooler temperatures a moto or denim jacket and maybe even leggings would do the trick as well.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

pink oft sundress, denim boyfriend shorts, peep toe ankle boots pink oft sundress, denim boyfriend shorts, peep toe ankle bootspink oft sundress, denim boyfriend shorts, peep toe ankle boots pink oft sundress, denim boyfriend shorts, peep toe ankle bootspink oft sundress, denim boyfriend shorts, peep toe ankle boots pink oft sundress, denim boyfriend shorts, peep toe ankle boots pink oft sundress, denim boyfriend shorts, peep toe ankle boots

Dress: c/o Shein;  Shorts: Old Navy (Similar);  Skirt Extender: Grace & Lace;  Boots: Three Bird Nest (Similar)

**Dress was received c/o Shein. All opinions, as always, are my own.

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8 years ago

You look so pretty! Have fun at Cedar Point, I’ve always wanted to go!

8 years ago

Hope your vacation is peaceful and glorious. thanks for the tip on the skirt extender – I just ordered one in black and can’t wait to play with it! xox


8 years ago

I hope you enjoy your day! I also adore roller coasters . It sounds exciting!


Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

That’s a perfect reasoned dress to wear your dress extender!! So pretty!
I grew up in Toledo, Ohio and we went to Cedar Point every year—I’m so jealous!! I hope you have the best time!

8 years ago

Stunning dress Debbie, enjoy the roller coasters!
Rachel xo

8 years ago

There you go showing those gorgeous shoulders again. . .I love it all.

8 years ago

I love it both with and without the lace underneath!

8 years ago

Wow! That sounds like one insane coaster! I am terrified of heights and am so not a coaster person at all. On another note such a beautiful dress!

8 years ago

I bet you had a great time, I’m late stopping by so you will have been by now! Love your dress Debbie, great outfit 🙂

Thanks for sharing at the blog hop..

8 years ago

This is where I have the most difficulty ~ trying not to look like a 6 year old. I have to find a few funky pieces I guess. Thanks for the tip, just ordered the skirt extender in bisque.

8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. I like the denim skirt underneath

Jaymie Ashcraft
8 years ago

I grew up about an hour from Cedar Point!!! One of my fav places!!!

8 years ago

Deb, since I was on vacation, I didnt get to see your new blog layout! Love it, very pretty! Love the shein dress, so feminine in color and style on you. The skirt lace extenders are growing on me, I thnk they look so cool and the booties ar e the perfect touch for added edge. Glad to hear your hubby can now ride the coasters. I miss Cedrepoint! Its been awhile!
Thanks for linking up with THT
jess xx

Happiness at Mid Life
8 years ago

I hope you made it out to the roller coasters. I am deathly afraid of them. Love this pretty dress paired with those boots.

Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


8 years ago

Such a pretty top!I love cold shoulder styles lately.

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