casual outfit / Converse / Ettika / Kohl's / Old Navy / shorts / sleeveless button down / slip on sneakers / style tips / tank top / Walmart

Mixed Print Tank & Sleeveless Button Down: The Learning Process

mixed print tank, sleeveless button down, denim shorts, Converse

You know that saying, “You learn something new every day”? Wednesday turned out to be a wellspring of education for me; a veritable plethora of new and useful knowledge…


…I had gotten all of my morning “stuff” out of the way, showered, prettified and corralled the four-legged children. My unobservant self walked to the Jeep and loaded my camera and tripod in the backseat then hopped in the driver’s seat. “Well, somethings wrong with this picture,” my brain realized. I may be carrying around a few extra pounds, but not enough to make the front end of a Jeep lean to the side. So I get out and glare at the insanely flat tire that I somehow walked right past. And when I say flat, I mean flat. As in a total and complete absence of air. Probably had something to do with the big ol’ screw sticking out of the tread. That was definitely a game-changer.

It’s at this point I had a late life epiphany. Over the course of my lifetime I’ve learned how to unstick an alternator, remove and replace a car battery, check tire pressure and put air in a tire as well as basic routine maintenance things. How is it that no one ever taught me to change a freakin’ tire? That’s kind of a major knowledge gap in my opinion. When the husband came home from work I had him provide guidance and I changed the tire. All by my damn self. Can I hear a “Hell yeah!”? And I did it while looking all cute in this outfit, minus the button down because I didn’t want to get it dirty. The tank top was on clearance at Walmart so I wasn’t super concerned about it. In case you’re concerned though, it survived unscathed.

The rest of my adventure in learning happened after the sun went down. I decided that since I had previously unknown mad fireworks photography skills, I’d try my hand at snapping shots of the full moon and maybe some star trails. I spent hours outside fiddling with my camera and taking photos from a variety of angles. None were fabulous, but I’m definitely learning more about my camera and what it’s capable of so I’ll get there eventually. That’s one very important detail about learning something new that people often forget. Learning is a process; you might figure it out all at once like I did with the fireworks, or it might take time and numerous redo’s. Patience and enjoying the process itself are key to learning any new skill. Okay, maybe the process isn’t always enjoyable; for example, um…changing a tire.  Hot molten lava blacktop on bare knees and filth up to my armpits was totally not enjoyable. Ahhh…but the feeling of accomplishment afterwards was so worth it.


This is an example of one of those weird outfits I’ve mentioned in the past while trying to figure out the bizarre nature of likes on Instagram. I wasn’t going to include it on the blog because, I don’t know…it’s just kind of “eh” after looking at the photos. At this point in time, it’s gotten more likes than any other shot I’ve posted during the entire month. I just don’t get it. Yes, the mixed print tank is cute enough. Like I said, I picked it up on clearance at Walmart so I’d have a few cheap but cute tops to wear around the house. Honestly I think what made the difference here is the additional layer of the sleeveless striped button down. The subtle mix of print and the color combination just work together. That would be why I nag you about wearing layers whenever possible. An extra layer is like the cherry on top of the outfit sundae. The other reason I figured I’d include it was because hey, I changed a tire while wearing it. It’s my inaugural tire changing outfit.


Layers my friends, layers. And print mix. Whenever the opportunity to layer or mix prints presents itself, take it. It’s almost always a good idea.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

mixed print tank top, striped sleeveless button down, distressed denim shorts, Converse mixed print tank top, striped sleeveless button down, distressed denim shorts, Conversemixed print tank top, striped sleeveless button down, distressed denim shorts, Converse mixed print tank top, striped sleeveless button down, distressed denim shorts, Conversemixed print tank top, striped sleeveless button down, distressed denim shorts, Converse mixed print tank top, striped sleeveless button down, distressed denim shorts, Converse

Tank top: Walmart (Similar);  Button down: Kohl’s;  Shorts: Old Navy (Similar);  Shoes: Nordstrom;  Choker: Ettika (Similar)

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8 years ago

This outfit is darling! Perfect layering for a summer day! That’s awesome that you changed the tire yourself!

Doused In Pink

Jaymie Ashcraft
8 years ago

Love this tank!!!

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

Good for you for getting that tire changed!! It does feel good to accomplish something (although I confess I belong to AAA now–it’s just easier)
As for the outfit—in my opinion, this is the ultimate print mixing. One because it’s with colors (and not black & white) but also because I think anyone could do this. The stripes of the shirt are subtle enough to make it almost solid and the print of the tank is so pretty! Plus I think layers make everything more visually stimulating!
And the sneakers—fun, fun & more fun!

Bettye Rainwater
8 years ago

You used the word “plethora.” I will love you forever.

And look at you, with an OXFORD stripe and a mixed pattern tank. I would notta thunk it. I’d have been all “play it safe, now” and put a blue CHAMBRAY top over the tank, but OXFORD STRIPE? The very epitome of “business” mixed with a hippie boho anti-establishment look tank??. Wow. WOW. My hat is off to you, girl.

You Rule.


Monica P
8 years ago

Congrats on changing that tire! Me? I just called AAA .. lol. I was on the road though (made it safely to a gas station) and I had the dog in the car and the temp was in the 80’s .. so … quite thankful that we have Tripple A 🙂


PS: Cute outfit as usual 🙂

8 years ago

I have the same tank that I bought on clearance at Wal Mart! I love mine

Shelbee on the Edge
8 years ago

Well, this is a super cute casual summer outfit and I am starting to believe that many readers want to see affordable, wearable, every day outfits that are functional and comfortable while still being stylish. This you have given us with this particular outfit. Plus you have inspired me to “want” to learn how to change a tire. Except, I’m going to one up you, Debbie, and do it while wearing a white dress! (just kidding. No, I’m not!)

Thanks for linking up On the Edge of the Week! I hope to see you again this Friday!


8 years ago

So comfy and stylish! Great styling!

8 years ago

Love the cute print of this top!

8 years ago

I wonder if the appeal of this outfit is due to its “thrown together but cute-at-the-same-time” nature. To me, it looks like it was thrown on in a whim, without thought to making an OUTFIT, and yet, manages to do just that. This is the type of thing that I would wear. #loveit

8 years ago

I forgot to ask: can you actually wear those Chucks for any length of time? They are so cute! I’ve tried them on many time but never buy them due to the lack of arch support.

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