denim overalls / denim short overalls / Forever 21 / kimono / nude wedge sandals / statement necklace / Victoria's Secret / Walmart / watercolor print kimono

Monkeys In The Trees: Denim Short Overalls, Kimono And Wedge Sandals

     Yes, I realize I spent a good part of the dark days of winter complaining about the cold and snow. And yes, now it is warm outside. But with that being said, I wanted it to be warm so I could actually go outside. The past several days have been nothing but torrential downpours and crazy insane humidity; and the storms…holy crap! My husband and I were outside a few hours ago literally hanging my 25 and 30# dumbbells by ropes inside our gazebo/canopy to try and anchor it down. I’m sure that would probably have been amusing to actually watch. It is so moist out there that I swear if it doesn’t dry up soon monkeys, toucans and poison dart frogs are going to take up residence in my backyard.
     When I took these shots today it was in between thunderstorms. And I kid you not, the sun was out but I was still getting steadily rained on. Rain or not, I’m still really loving this kimono. I think the length played well with the shorts. Since I rekindled my love of overalls as evidenced here, I of course had to have a short version. C’mon, what’s not to love? Denim. Shorts. Room to breathe. And an air ventilation system to keep me cool. I’m really not seeing a downside.

Linking up with: Summer Style Weekly Link UpTres-chic Fashion Link UpWorking Girl With Style and Spotlight Weekly Link Up.

Overalls: Walmart (In store purchase);  Kimono: Forever 21 (No longer available);  Sandals: Victoria’s Secret (Old)

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Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

Love the overall shorts, I dug my overalls out from many years ago and sadly they no longer fit, was going to turn them into shorts. This is a great look and the kimono is a nice touch. We have been getting the rain but it has only been ruining our evenings during the actual work day the sun is shining, go figure, as soon as we are off work those dark clouds roll in..

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

Of course it’s sunny during the day! My old ones didn’t fit quite right either… 🙂

10 years ago

I am a big overalls fan. I currently only have an overalls miniskirt, but I’d love to get a pants version one day if I can ever find the perfect-fitting pair! You look cool!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Rachel
10 years ago

Thanks Rachel! I got my long pair at Macy’s and I love the fit.

M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Too funny! I was just gonna go on a Mad Hunt for a jumper (skirt equivalent of overalls since it’s the Summer of Skirts)! You totally rock this look and you know I love me a good kimono. Great minds!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Yes, great minds… 🙂 Too bad you don’t live closer, we could share kimonos!

Sacramento Amate
10 years ago

That kimono blouse is fantastic Debbie

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Sacramento Amate
10 years ago

Thanks love!

Dana Jo
10 years ago

Oh.. my comment was gone.. 🙁
I´ll try once again!

Never seen somebody wearing a kimono with overall shorts!! What a great idea!!
You look wonderful in it.. love this great colors of the kimono 🙂


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Dana Jo
10 years ago

Ya, blogger seems to be having some issues. I love my kimonos…they’re perfect to throw over just about anything!

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

I really love this look on you. The colours are so gorgeous and the overall shorts are super cute. So weird that they are from Walmart! LOL

We are in the middle of the same weather. There was a tornado that touched down and did some serious damage 1 hour north of Toronto.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

I know…Walmart, right?! If I keep my eyes open I find a gem there every once in awhile. Fortunately we didn’t have any tornadoes, but the wind was like 60 mph with lots of downed trees.

Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Oh Debbie, I am loving your clear large photos. I can see so many of your details. (i’m a bugaboo about details)
Thanks for wishing me well. I need it – every little bit. It lifts me up. Between my pills, naps and people cheering me on I am muddling my way through at best. Thanks!!!! ♥

I love this ensemble with the kimono. It is perfection. Now pray those weird tree monkeys DON’T appear.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

I aim to please my friend. The problem with the larger photos is everything has to be spot on because you can see every little thing….good or bad…ha! I will get a shot of the monkeys if they show up.
Keep fightin’ the good fight my friend. September is right around the corner. xo

Garments Speech
10 years ago

I love how you styled these cute overall shorts!

Alena &

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Garments Speech
10 years ago

Thank you Alena!

Jennifer Colgrove
10 years ago

Loving these overalls! I wish I could pull them off half as well!!

Jenna from Visions of Vogue

10 years ago

you wear this denim Overall in a very elegant and chic way…love it <3

10 years ago

You didn’t mention the merits of the big bib pocket! Those things were just made for moms and toddlers. You can carry around your cell, snacks, some cash, your keys, grocery list, pen…um yeah, sometimes my pocket looks more than a little lumpy. :o)

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