boyfriend jeans / Forever 21 / graphic t-shirt / graphic tee / layered necklaces / nude flip flops / Old Navy / statement necklace / target / Victoria's Secret

Random Shoes: Black Graphic Tee, Boyfriend Jeans, And Black Platform Sandals

     Here’s another shoe two-fer for you. This is a fine example of how a change of shoes and a small tweak in the accessory department can change the look of basic pieces like a graphic tee and boyfriend jeans. I wore the nude flip flops and my two small everyday necklaces while running errands and making a hospital visit. I switched to the heels and added some neck bling to go out for drinks…the drinks got cancelled, but hey, the outfit is still pretty sweet though. I’m lovin’ the “weirdo” graphic on the tee. I’m a big fan of being different, so “weirdo” suits me perfectly. I view it as a compliment, not an insult.
     When I was driving down the road today, I noticed a random man’s flip flip laying in the other lane. The other day I saw a girl’s sneaker on the side of the road. Umm…what’s up with that? It’s not that uncommon of a sight. Over the years I’ve noticed the occasional lone shoe just casually abandoned on the road. How in the hell do you lose just one shoe?! And while driving down the road nonetheless? Why isn’t there a pair of shoes? Wouldn’t it be more comfortable to continue on your way barefoot than with just one shoe? I don’t know…maybe they were driving reeeaaallly fast with the windows down and one shoe got sucked out the window. I guess it shall remain one of life’s great unsolved mysteries.
     Just one more day to enter the Francesca’s giveaway…just sayin’…  **Don’t forget, it’s only open to residents of the continental United States.

Linking up with:  Summer Style Weekly Link UpWorking Girl With StyleSpotlight Weekly Link UpTres-chic Fashion Link Up, Elegance And Mommyhood Link Up and Three-fer Thursday.

*Bulldog photo bomb*

Tee: Forever 21 (No longer available);  Jeans: Old Navy; Sandals: Target (Old);  Flip flops: Victoria’s Secret (Old)

$230 Francesca’s Collection Giveaway!

The Giveaway goes live on Monday, June 9 at 12:00 am PST and ends Sunday, June 15 at 12:00 pm PST. Winner will be announced Monday, June 16

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Dana Jo
10 years ago

OMG.. can´t stop laughing! I imagine right now how someone is driving very fast and one leg is hanging out of the window and his shoe is flying away but he can´t stop because of the traffic and all the cars coming very fast behind his car!!! ;)))))))))I don´t know how could you loose one shoe!? By the way, I´ve never seen so many lonely shoes on the street. Perhaps this is a new tradition in your town or it´s stylish now to walk around with one shoe ;)))))) or they have been chased by a wild dog and a… Read more »

10 years ago

Your top is so much fun, I love it!

Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

What a totally adorable weirdo you are! 😉 Love it! And love those cool shoes!
Dawn Lucy

Signe Savant
10 years ago

Check you out, Weirdo! I love this look! So many details and let’s face it… this shirt is just too fun!

: signe : : the daily savant :

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

Ha! Weirdo! : )

I often see shoes like and and have also wondered how someone became so drunk that they went home with only one shoe.


M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Now that’s food for thought, isn’t it? I like Dana Jo’s hypothesis. 😀 I, myself, have never stuck my foot out a window, even in my most carefree, SoCal, driving-up-the coast days because I love my shoes too much.

Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

Another great pair of BF Denim and love those Black Wedges. I agree about shoes and jewelry changing the entire look of the outfit. I did that today with my dress (come take a peek). Love how you layered the necklaces altogether.

And there was a link up on the blog yesterday. Come join it – would love for you too, next time you post an OOTD. If you link up, please include a link back to the blog. Thanks. Have a great evening!!

10 years ago

Ah the lone abandoned shoe, yep I’ve seen them around too. Although today it was a pair…of tennis shoes thrown over the telephone wire.

Natasha xoxo
10 years ago

Cute tee! I want one 😉

xo, tasha
twenty-something blog

Sammi @ beautifuldreamerami
10 years ago

Really cute outfit – love the fierce shoes!! Visiting from the Living in Color & Stylin in St Louis link up 🙂

The Real Arnolds
10 years ago

It is amazing what accessories can do! Love that necklace. Thanks so much for linking up.

xo, Amy Ann
The Real Arnolds

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