jeans / layered necklaces / Old Navy / over the knee boots / Shop Hearts / skinny jeans / style tips / sweater / tunic sweater

Over The Knee Boots & Faux Fur Vest: I Was A Very Good Girl

lace up over the knee boots, faux fur vest, black jeans

Okay, now we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief…


…Christmas has come and gone. Come on, admit it; the holidays are exhausting. Yes, I love the excitement, the lights, the overall feeling in the air. But by the time it’s all said and done I feel like I’ve been run over by a reindeer. Or eight. Now’s the time I feel like settling in for the proverbial long winter’s nap. Although it would be more like a long spring’s nap considering we’re having severe thunderstorms and flooding as opposed to snowstorms and blowing drifting snow. I kid you not. I took pictures today of a cornfield about a mile from my house. It’s now a lake; it had waves and a current going through it. You guys…a cornfield. With waves. And a visible current. Like, I kinda wished I had a surfboard in the back of the Jeep. W.T.H. is up with this weather??

See how easy it is to get me off topic? I start off talkin’ smack on the holidays and end up inventing a new extreme sport; cornfield surfing. My mind is a scary place. Annnyyway…while I’m glad the hustle and bustle is done, I must have been a very good girl. Not only did I find these uber-fabulous lace up over the knee boots under the tree, I also found a 50 mm prime lens for my Canon. Oh yeah, that sweet lens everybody upgrades to once they tire of the kit lens. You’ll have to bear with me for awhile in the photo area because there is definitely a learning curve with it. Getting the focus just right is going to take some practice. I do think today’s shots look crisper with a more blurred background, but maybe that’s just me. What do you guys think? Any tips for using a 50 mm lens?


Ahhh…the boots. They may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but they certainly are mine…and I don’t even like tea. I’ve lusted after these for months so I was super excited to get them. Fortunately they have both a side zipper and laces. Why fortunately? First of all, who in their right mind wants to be involved with this much lacing. Seriously, my Converse are all slip-ons; yes, I’m that lazy. Secondly, for being elfin-sized with teeny tiny bone structure I have weirdly large calves (and lats, but that’s a complaint for another day). Even prior to my body building days I had hugely muscular calves. This makes boots somewhat of a challenge. Since these are actually functioning laces, I was able to adjust them to fit my mini Incredible Hulk calves. My favorite thing about them? I feel like a boho pirate. Again, not everyone would find that to be a good thing, but I kinda dig it.

The sweater is another tunic length cutie I found at Old Navy, and Saturday it was warm enough that all I needed over top was the faux fur vest. The layered necklaces? Believe it or not, they didn’t come pre-layered. I’ve developed some pretty good necklace layering game over the last few months if I do say so myself.



The key to layering necklaces is length and proportion. I like enough difference in the lengths of each piece so that you can see the details of each one. I do occasionally jumble several of a similar length together, which is also fine, but I prefer fairly even spacing between each. I also mixed up the size of the pendants; one small, one medium and one large. It just so happens that all of these are on gold chains, but don’t be afraid of mixing metals as long as it looks intentional and not like you grabbed a handful of necklaces and put them on randomly in the dark. You can also mix chunky and delicate like I did here or maybe throw in a strand of pearls.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

lace up over the knee boots, faux fur best, black skinny jeans layered necklaces lace up over the knee boots, faux fur best, black skinny jeans lace up over the knee boots, faux fur best, black skinny jeans lace up over the knee boots, faux fur best, black skinny jeans lace up over the knee boots, faux fur best, black skinny jeans

Boots: Shop Hearts;  Jeans: Old Navy;  Sweater: Old Navy (Similar);  Vest: Kohls (Similar);  Bracelet: Susie Raine

**Who couldn’t use $500 after the holidays? Enter below for your chance to win!

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Susan (une femme)
9 years ago

Oh, you’re going to LOVE that sweet little 50mm. Great for low-light shooting too, and in case you enjoy nature photography, takes outstanding close-ups. Santa knew what he was doing…you look great in these new pieces! And the weather? Seriously?

Darlene Fadem
9 years ago

Cute! I finally took my OTK boots out of the box…
Where did you get that fab bracelet?

Miss Moonlight
9 years ago

Fantastic boots !! I love it <3 Yoy look amazing! Wonderful colour of your hair <3

Have a lovely week dear !!
Happy New Years Eve <3

9 years ago

You were a good girl! I know the weather is messed up my parents expect a white Christmas in Pittsburgh. It was a balmy 72 here. Love the vest and I love the OTK boots! Santa brought me a pair I will share next week, cool style, great you don’t have to lace them up❤oh, and nice Lens, yes hubby uses it often
See you tomorrow!

9 years ago

Yes, the 50mm lens is the best. Life changing! I wish I discovered it as soon as I decided to start the blog! And I know I should be admiring your new boots, which I am, but your hair! I have so much envy! The color is absolutely gorgeous!
Carylee | more pieces of me

9 years ago

These boots are amazing! They are so bold & super tough looking!

9 years ago

Adore this look! LOVE!

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