cardigan / casual / casual outfit / fall style / GAP / JCPenney / jeans / Shein / style tips

Pink Shawl Collar Cardigan & Floral Ankle Boots: One Little Girl Too Many

Pink shawl collar cardigan, boyfriend jeans and floral ankle boots. Pastels in the Fall.

Every post I write I have a story to tell. Even when I think that I don’t, I end up having something to say. Sometimes the stories are funny, sometimes sad and every once in awhile they contain a little nugget of wisdom that someone may benefit from…


…One thing my stories really never are is political. Why? Well, politics are polarizing; much like religion they are deeply personal and people often feel defensive when either is discussed. Once I barely touched on the topic and I’m pretty sure a person or two was offended. That was certainly not my intention, but it was a story I really felt the need to tell; much like today’s story. My intent is not to anger or offend anyone. I have debated with myself for awhile now over whether or not to share this, and with my whole heart I really believe it is a story worthy of being told. A conversation with my son the other night is what finally made me decide to do it.

I am not presuming to sway your opinions and deeply held beliefs; nor am I challenging them. I simply want to share one little girl’s feelings and perceptions in regard to what she sees happening around her.

While this story does have a politically related foundation, that isn’t truly what’s at the core of it. At the core of it is a little girl; a little girl with big eyes and big ears who has really been paying attention to what is going on around her and has taken it to heart. And that in turn has hurt my heart. It’s a story that I have to tell, if for no other reason, for her.

One of the classes in my Life Skills curriculum is called “Citizenship”. We learn about our community and the world around us as well as how to be responsible members of that community. Of course a big part of that class right now is the election. We have these beautiful thoughtful discussions on the candidates and the process of electing a president. The kids are truly interested and have come up with some profound thoughts that have impressed me beyond measure.

When we first started talking about the election I had the kids list everything they thought that they knew about the candidates. No opinions were to be included. They had to list things they had heard on television or through other means that they believed to be factual. When it came time to share, the little girl in question said, “Donald Trump doesn’t like disabled people.” I asked how she had come up with that. Her response, complete with an accurate mimicry of the hand motions, was, “I saw him make fun of this disabled man on television, and he was doing this…” Insert said hand motions.

One of the other students asked, “What do you mean?” She turned around, faced the whole group and emphatically stated, “Donald Trump doesn’t like kids like us.” Eight faces turned to look at me. With tears in my eyes, I just looked back at them. What was I to say? Whether or not you believe that Mr. Trump feels that way, whether or not he actually does feel that way isn’t important. The one thing that is important, the only thing that is important is that one little girl with special needs believes that he feels that way about her. And that, in my opinion, is one little girl too many.


When I think “Fall”, the first thing that comes to mind is sweaters. Okay, boots too…but especially sweaters. Big cozy, snuggly sweaters. But when I think cozy sweaters I don’t necessarily think “pink”. This pink shawl collar cardigan that I received c/o Shein changed that. It is a thick luscious knit that you just want to burrow down inside of on a cool evening. I wore it this past weekend to a matinee movie date so everything else was kept super casual.

Originally I was going to throw a graphic tee under it, but instead decided to keep it tonal and went with the pink waffle knit top that I’ve literally been living in lately. As a matter of fact, I love this top so much I now have it in…ummm…five colors. Don’t judge me…it’s seriously insanely soft and cozy and I figured if I was going to be wearing it constantly maybe I should mix it up a bit. Finally, keeping with the pastel theme my all-time favorite floral print ankle boots were the perfect choice to finish off the look.


Don’t rule out pastels for Fall. Or Winter for that matter. Lighter shades (think pink, blue, peach, mint) are a pleasant surprise in a sea of darker spicier shades. They pair just as well with your colder weather staples and look especially fresh with black and camel. Layer a pastel top under a pullover or cardigan or maybe pair a pastel skirt with a black turtleneck sweater. And look for traditional Fall/Winter pieces like chunky knits and coats in the lighter shades of the spectrum.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Pink shawl collar cardigan, boyfriend jeans and floral ankle boots. Pastels in the Fall. Pink shawl collar cardigan, boyfriend jeans and floral ankle boots. Pastels in the Fall. Pink shawl collar cardigan, boyfriend jeans and floral ankle boots. Pastels in the Fall.Pink shawl collar cardigan, boyfriend jeans and floral ankle boots. Pastels in the Fall. Pink shawl collar cardigan, boyfriend jeans and floral ankle boots. Pastels in the Fall. Pink shawl collar cardigan, boyfriend jeans and floral ankle boots. Pastels in the Fall.Pink shawl collar cardigan, boyfriend jeans and floral ankle boots. Pastels in the Fall. Pink shawl collar cardigan, boyfriend jeans and floral ankle boots. Pastels in the Fall.

Cardigan: c/o Shein;  Top: JCPenney;  Jeans: GAP (Similar);  Boots: Similar

**This post was sponsored by Shein, but as always, all opinions are my own.

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7 years ago

One should love their clothes and it seems that your sweater is worthy of that affection. It’s always a dilemma as to color to get when there is a choice of several. Your solution of buying several is fabulous.


7 years ago

I love the soft baby pink against the shredded jeans and those ankle boots are TDF. Enjoy October.

7 years ago

Yes, one little girl too many indeed. So sad.

On a happier note, I really like your pink outfit for fall. Such a great shade of pink; you look so nice and cozy!

7 years ago

The fact that we spend so much time teaching kids not to bully in school, and then we have politicians doing this and people thinking it is acceptable is disgusting. This country really needs a reality check! Anyway, love you in pink!

7 years ago

That story brought tears to my eyes! One little girl too many indeed!

Love you in pink! This is such a pretty look!

Doused In Pink

Daenel T.
7 years ago

And that is the rub… How do we teach our children not to bully and tease when they see it everywhere? Especially, right now, in this election cycle. I’ve heard folks say that no one under 18 should be allowed to watch the news because of the vitriol. What a shame that parents are saying their kids should not watch democracy in action because of hate… I love pink {and pastels} for fall and winter. The color is a nice balance to all of the blacks, browns, and grays of the season. Have a great week and hugs for your… Read more »

7 years ago

ahhh pink my favoritest (haha) color the look is so comfy and so cool

Life is just Rosie

Tiina L
7 years ago

I keep my opinons to myself at work (I’m a teacher, in adult education) but not when I’m off duty (this includes my blog). I think more people should speak their minds and stop being so politically correct, especially people who are more liberal and outward-looking. Expressing opinions shouldn’t be the privilege reserved only for extremists, fanatics or loonies (to use a term my oh-so-not-politically-correct late grandmother would have used). It’s time that sensible people start saying what’s on their minds, too. Who was it that said something about evil prospering because good people say nothing? So, for the record,… Read more »

Sheela Goh
Reply to  Tiina L
7 years ago

You articulated my thoughts, Tiina, and that of my husband. We are petrified at the prospect of Trump winning. We are both foreigners, I’m from a Muslim country albeit a Catholic, and the thought of him holding the code to nuclear weapons is quite frightening, to say the least.

7 years ago

I love your cozy and plush pink sweater <3


7 years ago

Ooh, love this cozy sweater on you. I need to remember my pastels, great boots with this look too. I know the commercial to which you are referring, sad I know.

Talk soon.
Have a great week Deb

7 years ago

😢 The story just breaks my heart. I didn’t think I could be any more heartbroken about this election mess. 💔
Sigh. Thankful for pink! And people who are brave and good hearted like you! 💕

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

I’m one of those apolitical people because truly what do we know of these people—-politicians haven’t changed in 200 years—ugh—it just makes me sick.
That’s why I concentrate on the fluff in life—like clothing—now there’s something that makes me happy!
And I rarely match my shirt to my sweater, but I like this—because it then puts a ton of interest onto those fabulous booties!!
Yeah for ankle boots!!

7 years ago

Wow. That story really touched my heart. I’m glad you shared it! And on a lighter note, this cardigan looks so lovely on you.

Fizz and Frosting

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
7 years ago

Bless that little girl’s heart. Oh my, so sad. That almost made ME tear up. Those booties are so, so fun! These pastels really do work for the fall and with those boots. You look very warm and cozy in that sweater, like you could just sit by a fire and read a book! 🙂 I love the cozy clothes that fall brings!


Sheela Goh
7 years ago

What the little girl said made me so sad, Debbie. And angry. And protective. I rarely, if ever, share my political views, and never talk about religion, but I will say that I whisper a little prayer every day to God, to please not let the new president be Trump.

And I know this sounds immensely superficial in light of the gravity of what you wrote but I do think your boots are heavenly xoxo

7 years ago

A turbulent time you’re facing in the USA, wishing you luck whatever the outcome. Love your blog – and your look here is fabulous. How young do you look – fifty + pfft don’t believe it. You look amazing and I love you style. Jacqui

7 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. I love the jacket and its color.

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