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Pink Slip Dress & Embroidered Denim Jacket: Dreams Don’t Have An Expiration Date

Pink slip dress, embroidered denim jacket and tan ankle boots.

Have you ever taken a moment to stop and think about the dreams and goals that you had when you were younger…


…I’m not talking about the goals from when you were seven and thought that one day you would be a famous model when unbeknownst to you, the majority of famous models were not 5’2″ tall. I’m talking about the grown up dreams and goals that you had in your 20’s and 30’s. Many of mine were realized; I have a husband and kids who are even more amazing than I had hoped, I have the teaching career that I always wanted and I own a nice little home.

There were other dreams though, dreams that over time fell by the wayside. Some were relatively unimportant, but there were one or two that really meant something. Sometimes real day to day life just gets in the way. Sometimes we become complacent with what we have and forget (or at least tuck away) desires that we at one time ardently aspired to. If we are complacent for too long, that’s where it can become dangerous.

Dangerous how? Complacency can lead to fear. Fear of change. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. And fear can be the death of dreams. This is true for even the most confident amongst us. Wait too long to go after what you want and suddenly you doubt yourself; you doubt your abilities, you doubt what you know to be true of your deepest desires, you doubt your own awesomeness.

The best way to avoid the doubt is to keep the really important dreams alive. Even if whatever it is isn’t something that you can accomplish right now today, nurture it, protect it, allow it to take root and grow. If it is something that truly matters to you deep down, then you owe it to yourself to keep it alive. Remind yourself often of your awesomeness. You never know when the opportunity to make that dream a reality might come along, and when it does you need to be ready to seize it and make it your own. Dreams don’t have an expiration date.


I do love me a good slip dress and tee shirt combo. It’s such an easy (and comfortable) outfit to pull together. A plain white tee is the easiest way to go like I did today with this pink slip dress, although a graphic tee works too as I did here back in the Spring. The nice thing about slip dresses are they are minimal and lightweight, thus making them the perfect layering piece all year round. In the Winter I wore this same pink slip dress layered underneath a sweater with over the knee boots and I love it just as much as I do with the white tee.

Like I said when I first got them, the Birkenstock boots are going to be in heavy rotation pretty much, um, forever. Not only are they super comfortable, but I love the slouchy laid back vibe they give off. So far they’ve worked with jeans, shorts, dresses and skirts so I have no doubt the cost per wear is going to end up being pennies.


A slip dress is an easy addition to your closet. You can find them just about anywhere at a variety of price points and I think you’ll find yourself pleasantly surprised at how versatile a slip dress can be.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Pink slip dress, embroidered denim jacket and tan ankle boots. Pink slip dress, embroidered denim jacket and tan ankle boots.Pink slip dress, embroidered denim jacket and tan ankle boots. Pink slip dress, embroidered denim jacket and tan ankle boots.Pink slip dress, embroidered denim jacket and tan ankle boots. Pink slip dress, embroidered denim jacket and tan ankle boots.Pink slip dress, embroidered denim jacket and tan ankle boots. Pink slip dress, embroidered denim jacket and tan ankle boots.Pink slip dress, embroidered denim jacket and tan ankle boots.

Dress: H&M (Similar);  Jacket: Chico’s (Similar);  Boots: Birkenstock via 6p.m.

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7 years ago

Wow, love the outfit and the thought about dreams! It’s my birthday and (late 30s) I’ve almost achieved a basic dream from early childhood (a family), but wow! Reminding me about the other ones! I would love to live a simpler, quieter, more sustainable life. But I have no idea how I would do that. What are your other dreams? Thanks for sharing!

7 years ago

I can’t believe I don’t own a slip dress! I really should get one, in my hot weather it would be useful year round for sure. Looks like I need to rectify that.
As far as dreams go I probably need to pay attention to if I even have any and then write them down. While there are certainly things I think about from time to time I flit around like a gnat and my thoughts are all over the place! I am the poster child for Adult ADHD!

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

Yep—another great way to wear my slip dress! This is exactly why I’m glad I didn’t give it away!
And your message is true. Why do we fear the unknown so much? I didn’t as much when I was younger, but I notice with my mom, that she doesn’t like new things at all. (Although she is being more adventurous with her styling now that I’ve pushed the beegeezes out of her—if only I could get her to try a smart phone) And hopefully, I’m realizing that I don’t want to be like that!

Daenel T.
7 years ago

So funny that you wrote about that because my daughters and I were just talking about dreams, growing up, knowing what you want to be/do, etc. And I confessed that even at the ripe old age of 44, I have no idea and feel like I’m winging it most days.

When I was younger, I wanted to be a combat photographer. I joined the Army, got married, and had kids. Now I’m a librarian with a photography hobby. Funny, but I guess my dream did kinda come true.

Suzy Turner
7 years ago

I bought the exact same dress from H&M but in a different teal colour – the only problem is that the only one available was too small for my hips, but I bought it anyway and figured I’d make it into a top! I haven’t yet though lol.
I love this post – my dreams were to become a mother (too late) to become a bestselling author (I’m working on it) and to be happy (I am!).
Suzy xx
Suzy Turner at Yogadocious

7 years ago

You totally rock slip dresses! Love the denim jacket too.

7 years ago

I’m loving the fit, but can we talk about how GORGEOUS your hair is? So beautiful!!

xx, Chanda | Birth of a Fashion Blogger

7 years ago

Such a lovely post Debbie. I have a few dreams I want to accomplice but at the minute they are still dreams and I am no closer to them. These dreams could be really if only I can find the time to go and chase them. Thank you for reminding me to change this 🙂

Lovely outfit. Love your jacket Thanks for sharing at the #weekendbloghop.

7 years ago

Your message of following your dreams is so inspirational. It’s so refreshing to see such positivity throughout your entire blog. First of all, your hair color is absolutely gorgeous and you pull it off so well! I love the way the embroidered denim jacket looks with your pink dress. Such a fierce, feminine look for fall!
Thank you for linking up this week!
~xo Sheree

7 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. You look stunning! This slip dress plus denim jacket and Tee is a perfect pairing! You really rock it!

Amy Christensen
7 years ago

Very cute! Love that jacket! I am working on keeping my writing dream alive, so I appreciate the kick in the butt! – Amy

jess jannenga
7 years ago

I know I want a slip dress at some point! I love the soft pink on you, perfect with your hair and so pretty with the embroidered denim jacket. i know what you mean about dreams! When i was in college i thought i would be playing in a rock/blues band for awhile.I did have a group while i went to music school, but after school finished it fizzled out. i need to sit and just play my guitar more..
Thanks for linking!
jess xx

7 years ago

Your slip dress is such a beautiful color! I really like it layered and with your neutral booties. I can remember wearing my slip dresses like this back in the day. Makes me think I may need to add one to my wardrobe again.

Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday!

Jennie – A Pocketful of Polka Dots

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