boyfriend jeans / GAP / JustFab / leopard print sandals / leopard wedge sandals / Old Navy / pink tee shirt / Rocksbox / Uncategorized

Pink Tee Shirt & Boyfriend Jeans: What’s Missing?

pink tee shirt, boyfriend jeans, leopard wedge sandals

When I was looking over these shots it took me a minute to figure out what was just a little off. The outfit was fine. Both pairs of sandals worked and the jewelry was good. The hair didn’t look like it belonged on Medusa. What was it…hmmm? Lip color my friends. Plain and simple. I hadn’t put on any lip color. Who knew what a huge difference that would make? Typically I stay somewhere in the pink range; anywhere from light pink to fuchsia, with the occasional stroll on the dark side. Ya, I’m wild like that. But often when I’m just going to get groceries or run errands I’ll just slap on some Chapstick and call it a day, which was the case here. Um, perhaps I might want to rethink that strategy on my next foray into running errands. I guess I never realized my lips blended to the point of looking monochrome zombie-esque.

Although this is a pretty basic look, the pink tee shirt is what made it special. I just recently discovered it at Old Navy and it’s that just right combo of light without being sheer and drapey without looking like I’m wearing a feed sack. I picked one up in olive green too since I liked it so much. The Birks are what I wore on the actual grocery run; and yes, these are my first official pair of the genuine article. I view these as my summer Bearpaws…worth the investment because I will pretty much wear them every day. I threw in the leopard wedges just to show you how easy it is to get this simple look ready to go out to dinner. Both pieces of jewelry are my latest from Rocksbox. I have to say that I really loved everything in this box. The druzy necklace is delicate yet sparkly, and the bracelet? I’m in love. The delicate fishbone design is so cool and it moves well on my arm.  If it weren’t so pricey I’d most definitely buy it, but alas, it’s a hair out of my price range. Isn’t that just my luck? The bracelet in my last box was affordable and cute, but not a keeper. And don’t forget…if you’d like to try Rocksbox for a month, it’s absolutely free if you use “fashionfairydustxoxo” at checkout!

Linking up with: Sunday Funday Link Up, Creative Mondays Blog Hop, Style To Inspire, Let It Shine, How I Spring, Link Up With Lisa, Personal Style Link Up, Turning Heads Tuesday, Confident Twosday, Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Reason To Dress, Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me.

pink tee shirt, boyfriend jeans, Birkenstocks pink tee shirt, boyfriend jeans Rocksbox necklace Rocksbox bracelet pink tee shirt, boyfriend jeans, leopard wedge sandals

Tee: Old Navy;  Jeans: GAP (No longer available);  Leopard sandals: Justfab (No longer available);  Birkenstocks: Birkenstock USA;  Jewelry: Rocksbox

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9 years ago

Love the color of your tee!

9 years ago

love the casual style! beautiful shoes! really make the difference!


9 years ago

Love this outfit and those lace up wedges! It’s amazing the difference lipstick makes sometimes isn’t it?

9 years ago

Lipstick does make a difference right. I’ve been going bright lately but I love the nudes and darks every once in a while too. Pretty shade of pink and your sandals are so cute Debbie. You look lovely with our without lipstick.

9 years ago

Damn, you’re right. We’re so used to seeing color on women’s lips, especially stylish women like you, that it seems unnatural for them to be without it. Yes, I realize how absurd that sentence is. So much about gender is in presentation — cultural expectations on appearance.

9 years ago

I actually quite like your lips au natural. They vibe with the whole outfit of soft.


Linda A Cassidy
9 years ago

I love this look and I am in the minority I like the natural look on you with just chapstick. Both shoes look great. I am going to have to check out Old Navy Tee’s this is so pretty

9 years ago

Love this outfit!! And you look great without lipstick XO!! Thank you so much for sharing with #LINKUPWITHLISA @

9 years ago

What a lovely tee and I love your jewelry from Rocksbox…which reminds me that I need to mail off mine and get my third in haha! Thanks for linking up to “Bloggers Who have Inspired Me” today.
Rachel xo
Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me link up is LIVE
Garay Treasures

9 years ago

Amazing =)
Kisses from Italy

9 years ago

I really like this casual look Deb, and you look great with a natural look of makeup. I love those leopard sandals and will soon be wearing the black fringe ones u showed on your site. Love those Birks too, I think I caved on those as well, they look so comfy!

thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday
Jess xx

9 years ago

A pretty T-shirt to add a feminine touch to your BF jeans. Comfort is the key, not just pretty, and this T is both.I do the same thing when I like something, I buy it in every colour! I have several pairs of Birks and still love them.

♥ carmen

Antionette Blake
9 years ago

#LinkupwithLisa Love how the change in footwear changes it from a causal day to night outfit.

9 years ago

I have those shoes! You’ve reminded me to bring them out again! Love your look!

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