Work Style

Plaid Blazer & Graphic Tee: Snowstorms & Cheesecake

Plaid blazer, graphic tee and skinny jeans.

I like to fancy myself an amateur meteorologist; a weather prognosticator if you will. Perhaps that makes more an amateur groundhog than it does meteorologist…


…In any case, I love all things weather related. Several years ago after finishing a weather unit with my kids, I invited my favorite local weatherman to come to our class and talk to them. He showed them all sorts of cool weather technology and tracking tools and helped them predict the weather for the next few days following his visit. I was a total fan-girl…lol! I even did an entire blog post about it that you can check out here.

This entire week my man Wetzl (Paul Wetzl is the weatherman) has been tracking the big bad storm that’s heading our way this weekend. I have been relentlessly following along because it all fascinates me. The storm models that he has been running for the past week haven’t changed much from day to day which means in all likelihood we will indeed get slammed with about a foot of snow (actually he just said 14″…I’m watching him as I type this) #sorrynotsorry. And that my friends, is a sh*t ton of snow.

Here’s my question…why is it that when a storm event like this is predicted do people descend upon the stores like a swarm of psychotic locusts looking to snatch up all of the bread, milk and eggs?? Bread, milk and eggs…why? I have to get weekly groceries tomorrow (which due to the aforementioned situation I’m dreading) and I am indeed buying bread. One loaf. Because we are out of bread.

I stopped at the grocery store on my way home today to grab pasta sauce. The man in the next checkout had 8 dozen eggs. You read that right. Eight. Dozen. Eggs. I heard him with my own ears say that he was getting ready for the snowstorm. With 8 dozen eggs?? What the hell?? I could understand a shovel…or rock salt…or maybe a snowblower, but what exactly is one doing with 96 eggs? And he didn’t even have milk with which to scramble them. Or bread to make toast for dippy eggs. I’m so confused…

What exactly are people doing with all of this bread, milk and eggs? On the local morning news today they interviewed a local grocer who confirmed this weirdness. The morning news guy was puzzled too because his question was, “If you really think that you’re going to be trapped by this storm, and say the power goes out, wouldn’t it make more sense to have stocked up on non-perishables as opposed to milk, bread and eggs? Good question my friend, good question.

What am I doing during the big storm? I feel confident that I have the best snowstorm plan ever. I am buying a whole cheesecake tomorrow. Why cheesecake? Because I love it and it’s a rare treat for me so it just seemed like a good idea. Then on Saturday I’m wearing pj’s all day, and we are all going to burrow into a blanket pile on the couch, eat obscene amounts of cheesecake with plenty of coffee and hot chocolate to wash it down while watching a pre-chosen list of movies on Netflix. I don’t know about you, but I think that beats bread, milk and eggs any day of the week.


Speaking of randomly weird weather, I wore this outfit about a week ago the day before our last snow dump…this day though? It was 60° and there was a tornado…an actual real tornado. In PA. In January. The day before a mini blizzard. Sorry, I digress; back to the outfit…lol

You can’t go wrong with a good blazer, and this plaid blazer is a definite keeper. I got an excellent deal on it last Summer during the Nordstrom big annual sale. I’ve worn this several times this year; blazers make such a great finishing piece for so many looks. They are also one of the easiest ways to dress up jeans like I did last Summer with my distressed white jeans. This particular plaid blazer is a favorite of mine for wearing over graphic tees like I did here and here.

Even so, I don’t wear blazers often. I think that’s because they are one of the most difficult pieces for me to get a reasonably good fit with. I’m petite, but I have unusually broad shoulders and a large bust so I have to buy blazers that fit those two areas. That means oftentimes they are too big everywhere else and arm length is always a problem for me. As much as I love this blazer, it doesn’t fit quite right either. Yes, I could have my blazers altered, but both seamstresses that I’ve used over the years are no longer in business and as of yet I haven’t found any others in the area.

The jeans and graphic tee are both from American Eagle. AE doesn’t carry a huge selection of graphic tees, but the tees they do have always have cool graphics, and the material is that perfect soft slouchy kind that I love.


Layering a blazer over a graphic tee is an easy way to make a look work appropriate. If the blazer is a print like plaid or paisley like this one, it also adds a little print mix into the look. Blazers are also great for dressing up your favorite pair of jeans. And if there’s a snowstorm headed your way…buy cheesecake, plenty of cheesecake.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Plaid blazer, graphic tee and skinny jeans. Plaid blazer, graphic tee and skinny jeans.Plaid blazer, graphic tee and skinny jeans. Plaid blazer, graphic tee and skinny jeans.Plaid blazer, graphic tee and skinny jeans. Plaid blazer, graphic tee and skinny jeans.Plaid blazer, graphic tee and skinny jeans. Plaid blazer, graphic tee and skinny jeans. Plaid blazer, graphic tee and skinny jeans.

Blazer: Nordstrom (Similar);  Tee: American Eagle;  Jeans: American Eagle;  Boots: Dorothy Perkins (Similar)

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
5 years ago

Oh, if anything else, you make me laugh. Seriously, I just read your post to my hubby and we laughed about the 96 eggs. Only you would do the math!!
I’m one of those people that have a freezer full of food almost always. So I don’t go to the store when there’s a blizzard coming.
As for alterations, it’s a bummer. But I’m working on a post about alterations. Not that I’m pushing you to buy a sewing machine, but hey??

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
Reply to  Deborah Stinedurf
5 years ago

And that’s what YouTube is for!! And my mom…she invaluable, LOL

5 years ago

Ha! I love your storm plan : ) I need to do the same as they say it might makes its way up here. I was really hoping winter had forgot about us. Sigh. I guess not.


5 years ago

Haha, that’s a great way to spend time when there is a snow storm coming! I have no Idea how it looks like when you, over there, have a snow storm. Are you really not able to get out the house? I hope you will show is a photo! For the outfit………The Good Buy Good-Bye Books theme for next month is ……Graphics tee!!! So I hope you would like to join us!

5 years ago

Such crazy logic :). Love the boots – they absolutely make the outfit! Lise

5 years ago

I love the whole look of this outfit! Great job!

Kellyann Rohr
5 years ago

People swarm to the grocery stores here to buy all the things when a hurricane is headed our way and it is crazy! Love the blazer over the graphic tee – that is what I’ll be doing next time I wear my blazer, love the look! Love those booties too!

5 years ago

Hi Debbie! I, too, am a blazer girl! And love them with a good graphic tee. (currently looking for a cool Queen one) I love your tee here. Reminds me of all the hoopla when MTV became a real live thing! I’m in Butler and am also getting ready for the storm. Picking out some movies and netflix shows and getting prepared. Although, after reading this post (loved it btw!) I am really regretting NOT buying that variety flavor cheesecake I was eyeing yesterday in Aldi! Ha! I just went in for a couple things I needed and saw all… Read more »

Amy Christensen
5 years ago

Debbie, I am from Buffalo, NY. Now I live in Toledo and the panic that ensues when we are scheduled to get 3 inches, yes 3 is absolutely ridiculous! I am always disappointed by these supposed snow predictions, since I grew up in a town that got feet, upon feet of heavy lake effect snow. We are slotted to get about 3 tomorrow. Big deal! I’ll go to work and then come home and be thoroughly underwhelmed. Ha, ha. Stay warm and safe. Love your outfit. A blazer always jazzes things up and those velvet boots are the bomb! –… Read more »

Kimberly Malkiewicz
5 years ago

As Kellyann mentioned, and myself on Insta, it’s a world of crazy here at hurricane time. Funny story–the entire section of baked beans got wiped out *except* for the vegetarian ones during Irma–now tell me, just how much meat have you ever seen in a can of those? Haha! Love the M TV tee and booties!

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
5 years ago

My husband just managed to fly home before the flights were cancelled. I love your blanket – cheesecake day!! What a perfect solution to a disruptive storm. Hope you had a fabulously indulgent day x Maria

Janet Urquhart
Janet Urquhart
5 years ago

I love this look!-the attitude, the modernity, the casual comfort with some wild splashes of colour and texture!

5 years ago

Agreed, cheesecake is the best survival food. We get those crazy lines here in FL when a hurricane is coming! Hope you were warm and cozy all weekend, xox.


Mary Katherine
Mary Katherine
5 years ago

I’ll tell you what I stock up on when a snowstorm’s coming – toilet paper and bourbon! Priorities, ladies, priorities…

Cindy Scurry
5 years ago

how much snow did you get? i’m just getting caught up after being out of town for a long weekend.

Emma Peach
5 years ago

People do panic unnecessarily don’t they? We don’t get really bad weather like that here in the UK, which is just as well because everything grinds to a halt with the first few flakes of snow. We may get snow tonight, but it won’t settle because it’s too wet. Even so, colleagues are worrying about getting into work tomorrow! Any excuse for a day off! I love the blazer and graphic T-shirt combination, and those velvet boots are fabulous!

Emma xxx

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