Work Style

Plaid Blazer & Superhero Graphic Tee: Weekly Randomness

Plaid blazer, superhero graphic tee and black pants.

I’m baaaccckkk…


…It’s been almost two weeks since I posted due to a 1,001 things I had to tend to in the real world. Now that I have about 995 of them taken care of I can finally sit down and blog again. If you happen to follow me on Instagram (here’s the link if you’re so inclined) then you got a sneak peek into my daughter’s homecoming night as well as a few fun family snaps we took before the dance. I’ve also gotten the bulk of my IEP writing (a special ed teacher’s nightmare) and meetings done at school so that covers the 995 things.

Now for some of the random things that have happened in the last few weeks:

  • While talking about nouns in Language Arts class, I asked for an example of a person. Hands go up and I call on one of my girls and she says, “Zombie.” What then ensued was one of the best class discussions in recent memory. A lengthy debate in regard to  whether a zombie is a “person” or a “thing” went on for a good 10 minutes. Valid arguments were brought up on both sides…a zombie was a human prior to becoming infected, so “person”…a zombie is no longer a human, so “thing”…now that’s a real conundrum isn’t it? Let me remind you that I teach a life skills special education class; that makes this discussion even more amazing in my opinion.
  • The outfit that I’m wearing in today’s post is a little out of character for me with the blazer, pumps and whatnot. The day that I wore it, I pulled my stool up in front of the kids, sat down and I as I started to talk, one of my boys interrupts and says, “Are you going to some kind of business meeting or something?” I busted out laughing and asked if the superhero tee shirt didn’t make me at least a little bit cooler. He said, “Ya, but you still look all business-y.” Seriously, those kids make my world so much fun to live in.
  • If the video of this puppy trying to find its bark for the first time doesn’t bring a smile to your face then you should probably just bury your cold dead heart right now.
  • The other night we discovered that some random a**hole stole my son’s profile pic and a bunch of his shots and then set up one of those endlessly annoying scam accounts on Instagram. Reporting it to Instagram to deal with takes a whole lot of work, so I dm’d and trolled the fool mercilessly…the account was gone by the next morning. All I can say is…don’t f*ck with mama bear…
  • While I’m on that topic, is Instagram EVER going to address the never ending onslaught of those fake dude accounts flooding my follows? I literally cannot keep up with blocking them. Some days I block upwards of 30 accounts…seriously, ain’t nobody got time for that. The only reason I even attempt to keep up is that I don’t want my account to have a boatload of fake followers. I know, first world problems, but still….grrrrr.


I’ve wanted a glen plaid blazer since last year so when this little gem popped up in the Nordstrom sale this Summer I snapped it up. Sadly, this exact business-y (lol!) blazer is so longer available, but I’ve linked a few other options for you below. I’m not sure what the fascination was, but I just really wanted one. This particular blazer is really well made for the price and it has a menswear cut which I love. The only problem is that as per usual the sleeves are too long on my little elf arms, and since it has buttons running up the cuff I can’t roll the sleeves. I suppose I should probably just remove the buttons and then problem solved.

How cute is this superhero tee from the men’s department at Target. It was superhero theme day at school and I purchased it just for that specific reason. Even so I wanted something that I loved so that I could wear it whenever I felt like it, and this one definitely fit the bill. Paired with the blazer and pumps I guess you could call this look “superhero business chic”…

The perfect little bit of bling to go with my “superhero business chic” outfit? This beautiful family birthstone bar necklace I received c/o Messages In Metal. They have a wide range of personalized jewelry ranging from nameplate necklaces to engraved bar necklaces to birthstone necklaces in a plethora of styles. All of their pieces are made of high quality sterling silver and are handcrafted in Montana so the turnaround time for shipping in the U.S. is super quick…and they do ship worldwide as well. My favorite pieces in my jewelry collection are the pieces that mean something special so I have no doubt this necklace will be a favorite for years to come.


Even when you’re wearing something that might be out of character for you, try to incorporate a piece that is “you”. This look might be all business, but the addition of the fun graphic tee keeps it more in line with who I am.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Plaid blazer, superhero graphic tee and black pants.Plaid blazer, superhero graphic tee and black pants. Plaid blazer, superhero graphic tee and black pants.Plaid blazer, superhero graphic tee and black pants. Plaid blazer, superhero graphic tee and black pants.Plaid blazer, superhero graphic tee and black pants. Plaid blazer, superhero graphic tee and black pants. Plaid blazer, superhero graphic tee and black pants.

Blazer: Nordstrom (Similar);  Tee: Target;  Pants: American Eagle;  Shoes: Nordstrom;  Necklace: c/o Messages In Metal

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
5 years ago

I love the idea of “businessy” with a superhero graphic tee!! That’s true business in my opinion!!
And how fun your last weeks have been. True live, and true fun….that’s real!!

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
Reply to  Deborah Stinedurf
5 years ago

And you know?? The blog is usually irrelevant when it really comes down to it. I just have to tell myself that many days!! LOL!!

5 years ago

Haha, I can imagine that you laugh a lot in your class! What a fabulous look, I love cropped trousers and I love contrasts in a outfit!

Kellyann Rohr
5 years ago

What a bummer about your son’s account! I can’t even imagine what a nightmare that is, ugh.
You super hero business chic! Love it! I just got a blazer similar to that from Target and I cannot wait to wear it!

5 years ago

You are a smoking hot momma bear, Debbie! I love how you leap into action to help your kids, and anyone’s kids. Best tee of the week. xox


5 years ago

Love this super hero/business look. I know what you mean about all of a sudden getting a “bug” to get a wardrobe item. It’s smart to take a look at the men’s department for t-shirts, I mean how different are they from women’s — Ha! I’m glad you’ve caught up with your IEP responsibilities.

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
5 years ago

This is a fantastic look for you and I laughed out loud at the kid thinking you were going to a business meeting – well why not?! You are so cool and you rock it xx

Paula Holloway
5 years ago

Oh, the things kids say! Glad you’re back in “business” so to speak.

And regarding those dude follows… do you mean all the “new followers” that are guys? Or the DM’s from them wanting to “get to know me” types? I delete those, but I didn’t know I could delete people who follow me. Hmmm… so much to learn.


Bettye L Rainwater
5 years ago

LOVE LOVE LOVE this outfit! I’ve wanted to wear a blazer over graphic tee look for so long but…it just doesn’t work on me. BIG SIGH. “While I’m on that topic, is Instagram EVER going to address the never ending onslaught of those fake dude accounts flooding my follows? I literally cannot keep up with blocking them. Some days I block upwards of 30 accounts…seriously, ain’t nobody got time for that.” Seriously. And you can BLOCK them? I didn’t know that. But as you said, like I don’t ENOUGH on my to-do list? Now I have to add sweeping against… Read more »

5 years ago

Hi, Debbie
You got me laughing from your first sentence on! You must have been in a humorous mood when you wrote this. Very entertaining and lots of fun…just like you, I would guess. 😉 And I LOVE your creation of a “superhero business chic” outfit. I wanna try it, too!

5 years ago

First of all welcome back. I missed not only your fabulous style but your fantastic stories as well. I love that you tell a story with every outfit you post. I, unlike your boy student, think this look is very you despite looking kind of business-y. I mean that super colorful graphic tee says Debbie and so does the print-mixing with that fabulous glen plaid blazer, I just bought a blazer almost identical to it by the way and I have already it worn it 3 times in less than a week! Also that graphic wall goes perfect with your… Read more »

Jessica A Jannenga
5 years ago

Love this Debbie! The mix of the plaid blazer and the graphic tee, is fun and stylish! I thought it was cute what one of your student’s said about the blazer being busineesy! Kids are observant. I used to laugh at some of the things my students would say, especially kindergarten!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

Cindy Scurry
5 years ago

LOVE this outfit! Yes, I will be copying it! Thank you! 😉

Nicole at High Latitude Style
5 years ago

Great look, and again the perfect background! The red shoes are the perfect finish! Thanks for sharing the outfit at the party.

Robin LaMonte
5 years ago


I am so happy you have almost caught up with the “Honey don’t worry I” do it” list!
We are all super moms and I can imagine those IEP’s as coming from the other side.
I love the way you write and I am glad you take time out from all this to spend time with the people who matter the most to you.
I also love your style and your photos!

Enjoy the weekend!

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