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Plaid Suit & Sneakers: Chillin’ With Sheldon

Plaid suit, sneakers and choker tee shirt.

I’ve talked before about some of the bizarre things that happen once you have been blogging for awhile…


…For example, you’re just mindlessly scrolling through Pinterest and an image of yourself pops up. Or try googling your name and hitting the images tab and there are hundreds of images of you. Things like that just amuse me, but then again, I’m easily amused.

The other night I was doing some research for an upcoming post and I was googling images of various characters and their outfits. At one point I googled “Sheldon plaid suit”. Go do that now…hit images and scroll down a bit. Actually I’ll make it easy for you…here’s the link. I literally spit coffee and busted a belly laugh out loud. My daughter thought that I’d lost my mind, but when I showed her she couldn’t hold back the belly laugh either. I immediately texted my son and my besties and told them to do the same thing because I could not even with it.

I always refer to this as my Sheldon suit because it really does resemble the suits that Sheldon sometimes wears on The Big Bang Theory. Who knew that would lead to me just chillin’ with Sheldon. Me and Sheldon just hangin’ out in our cool plaid suits. Okay, maybe it’s only on Google and in my mind, but still…


Generally speaking, few things are less me than a suit. I prefer to live life in the more casual laid back lane. However, if the suit is a not so subtle plaid and paired with a graphic tee and a fabulous pair of kicks then I’m in. I haven’t worn this suit often, but when I have it has inevitably been styled in a similar manner.

The nice thing about a suit though, is it can worn in pieces. I’ve paired the pants with a sweater and boots, as well as with a floral bomber jacket. I’ve also worn the blazer with jeans on a number of occasions.

The reason that I bought this suit in the first place was the bold plaid print. At first glance, one might think that all of this plaid in one place is too much to handle, but it really isn’t. Like most things, if you love something and rock it with confidence; as in, really own it when you wear it, you can’t avoid looking anything but fabulous.


A suit can truly go either way; classic and business-like or casual and cool. This suit has the added bonus of the plaid print which also gives it a funky edge as well. Like most things, the vibe a suit will give off is dependent upon the add-on’s. Go with pumps and a button down or turtleneck and a suit will feel classic and put together. But add a fabulous pair of sneakers and a tee shirt and now you’ve got an entirely different ballgame.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Plaid suit, sneakers and choker tee shirt.Plaid suit, sneakers and choker tee shirt. Plaid suit, sneakers and choker tee shirt.Plaid suit, sneakers and choker tee shirt. Plaid suit, sneakers and choker tee shirt.Plaid suit, sneakers and choker tee shirt. Plaid suit, sneakers and choker tee shirt.Plaid suit, sneakers and choker tee shirt. Plaid suit, sneakers and choker tee shirt.

Suit: Target (Similar);  Tee: Bohme (Similar);  Sneakers: Nordstrom

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Suzy Turner
6 years ago

What a great post, Debbie! I laughed too when I saw the Google images LOL. Love the suit on you. I don’t think I own a single thing in plaid….hm, perhaps it’s just not very me? I might try something on next time I go shopping just to see. I love the idea of a suit though.
Hugs – I hope you’re keeping warm!
Suzy xx

6 years ago

This is awesome Debbie!! Love your Sheldon suit 💙

Jodie filogomo
6 years ago

You really know how to make a plaid suit come alive!! And I definitely love your variation way better—you’re such a pro at styling the unexpected!!

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

I have the same blazer from Target. I now so wish I had bought the pants! I love this look. Especially styled with sneakers and a graphic tee. BTW, I love Sheldon too! 😉

6 years ago

This look is just: WOW! I love how you made these classy items so fun with this mix of prints and colors!! Love it!! !

~xo Sheree
Posh Classy Mom

6 years ago

I love this set with plaid print! It is a beautiful and elegant proposal, even with your commitment to informality. The whole set is beauty and harmony.

6 years ago

I adore this whole look! I think it looks just as “you” as your usual multi-layered boho looks!


6 years ago

Great look Debbie. Ha, I had to look on Google. Yeah!

I only have one suit and only wore it once for an interview for a job I didn’t get. ( There loss 😉 ha! ) Now I need to wear it more often and you have given me some great ideas here how to style it 🙂 Thanks for linking up #weekendbloghop

6 years ago

Love, love, love the plaid “Sheldon” suit! I also enjoyed googling it and seeing Sheldon in such wonderful company!

Thanks so much for linking up with Fabulous Friday, Debbie!
A Pocketful of Polka Dots

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