brown boots / cream v-neck sweater / JustFab / neon cardigan / Neon pink cardigan / neon statement necklace / Old Navy / Walmart / white skinny jeans

Pretend Spring: Neon Pink Cardigan, White Jeans, White V-Neck Sweater

     Yes, I still have to pretend it’s Spring. There’s another storm about to dump six inches and freezing rain on us tonight, and today we had school because it was a snow makeup day for a day we missed. Yuck. So I wore this outfit to brighten things up a bit. Even though it’s Spring colored, don’t be fooled…that’s a sweater under the cardigan, not a tee shirt. And I was still cold.
     The cardigan caught my eye at Walmart the other day. The color is beautiful and it’s a nice lightweight knit for Spring and Summer…and for layering in the polar vortex.  They also have it in highlighter yellow/green and black. I plan on picking those up later this week. I figured I’d take this one for a trial run before I went hog wild and bought all three colors.  It passed the test, so they will be mine. Oh, yes. They will be mine.  Sorry…I went all Wayne’s World 2 on you there for a second.  I guess that gives away my high-end taste in movies. Besides my insane obsession with end of the world movies, I also love ridiculously stupid movies. Joe Dirt and The Son In Law are two of my all time favorites. I actually own both of them. And yes, I did go to college and have a Master’s degree and administrative certification. So there. I’m a smart girl that loves stupid movies. I say that makes me multi-faceted.

Linking up with:  Trend Spin Link UpStyle Sessions Fashion Link Up, and Stylish Tuesday.

Cardigan: Walmart (In-store purchase);  Sweater: Old Navy (No longer available);  Jeans: Old Navy; Boots: JustFab (No longer available)

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une femme
10 years ago

You look fantastic in that neon pink!! Hope you get some better weather soon.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  une femme
10 years ago

Thank you une femme…I’m lovin’ hot pink at the moment. We’ve had a warm few days, but the weather man says yet another polar vortex (for real!) is coming this week…
Debbie 🙂

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

Ha ha! You multi-faceted gal you.

All the pink and white does make me think there might be a chance for brighter days ahead…although as I’m writing this it is snowing outside YET AGAIN. (sigh)


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

Ha! I know, right? It’s been warm, but Mother Nature isn’t done with us yet, damn it!
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

That cardigan really is a fun color–and I’m so looking forward to Spring weather and being able to not freeze to death outdoors!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Rachel
10 years ago

Thank you Rachel! I can’t wait to go out without 10 layers piled on me!
Debbie 🙂

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Great colour combo, love this pink 🙂

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Thanks Claire…me too!
Debbie 🙂

Jan Graham-McMillen
10 years ago

Bright and pretty! Great combinations, Debbie, and great on you You are anxious for spring, aren’t you? I’m feeling less enthusiastic and am having trouble getting my style act together right now. Don’t like much of what I’m wearing. Probably feel better with a good nights sleep. The weather here will be almost 70 tomorrow … I have no idea what to wear!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Jan Graham-McMillen
10 years ago

Oh Jan…winter is just kickin’ my butt this year. I think because there hasn’t been one break in the snow and/or cold since November. 70…I’m so jealous! I love the faux pajamas you rocked for Valentine’s Day!
Debbie 🙂

Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Hey Debbie! Man, this day has been very eventful and I have gotten some medical things accomplished and then realized that I haven’t come to see you, yet. The thing is I read your post first thing this morning when I was on my exercise bike {new years resolution that keeps getting put on the back burner}. I need to tell you that this color combo is so GREAT on you!!! It compliments your hair and complexion and yet I wouldn’t in a million years consider this for you but YOU pulled it off beautifully!!! Now have a great day… Read more »

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Haha…you always make me smile! The only color I really shy away from is yellow, otherwise I’ll wear it. Glad you stopped by my friend.
Debbie 🙂

josep-maria badia
10 years ago

A lovely look, love the combination of pink and white. It is an outfit full of light.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  josep-maria badia
10 years ago

Josep…you’re always so poetic! Thank you!
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

Oh, I love Joe Dirt! I rate it as a classic, could watch it 100 times and never tire of it. btw: I am with you on dressing for spring. Thank goodness we’re having some warm days here in Texas. Just hope they stick around.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Charlene
10 years ago

Joe Dirt is absolutely a classic, love it! I’m so over winter clothes right now…I know I’ll be bitching about the heat in July, but enough is enough already! Ha!
Debbie 🙂

Willfully Elegant
10 years ago

That necklace is gorgeous! Love how you kept eveyrhting else neutral and let the cardian and necklace do the talking 😀
Stopping by from Style Session link up
Willfully Elegant

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Willfully Elegant
10 years ago

Yep, that was the plan. Glad you liked it!
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

I like that the neon pink cardigan and necklace pop up in your whole outfit. The look brings joy and youth – definitely looks good on you. I also like that you made an effort to brighten things up with your outfit.

~ Evelyn of AND

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