Work Style

Red Floral Tank Top & White Jeans: Sometimes When It Rains It Pours

I do not even know where to begin to explain the nightmare this last week has been…


…First of all, allow me to apologize. I left you all with that somewhat cryptic post last Sunday, and then poof…I vanished. Ah, but it was not by choice. You see, occasionally when it rains, it does indeed pour. First, let me give just a brief rundown of what led to Sunday’s post and then I’ll get into what happened Tuesday. You might wanna grab a cup of coffee…just sayin’.

On Tuesday, April 24th my dad passed away. And this was no normal passing away situation if such a thing even exists. I have mentioned in previous posts that I came from a particularly bad group of people. That was the day I discovered exactly how bad they truly are. My entire life, my dad and I always had the father/daughter version of an on again off again relationship. One day in the future, when I’m feeling ready, I’ll write about that in more detail, but today is not that day. Anyhow, his woman (whom he’d been with since I was in high school, but never married), my uncles and cousin took it upon themselves to not only neglect to tell me the hospital had notified them that the end was coming, they also did not tell me that he had passed away. You read that right. That heinous group of individuals did not tell me my dad was gone. I found out accidentally. What in the literal hell?

As per my dad’s wishes there was no service of any kind. So there was really no resolution. To make matters worse, since he and the woman weren’t married I ended up with power of attorney over various matters. Fun times when not only are these people not speaking to me, but in my mind they all vanished from my world the day dad passed away and they neglected to mention it. You can only imagine the major mind f*ck I’ve been going through when you couple that situation with my apparently unresolved daddy issues. Alas, that’s all for a deep introspective post at some point in the future.

So, onto Tuesday. I sit down to write a post and boom…my blog imploded in edit mode. I can’t cover all of the issues because quite honestly I still don’t know what in the hell is wrong with it. The images were blowing up ginormous, my text (when I could add text…most of the time the cursor was stuck at the top) was showing up all over in random places. If I’d look at a post in preview mode, there were huge areas of white space between things. It was one hot mess.

My website designer, a freelance WordPress “specialist” and four, yes four, Bluehost techs later and I’m the one that through hours of research and experimentation figured out an at least manageable workaround. It’s still not fixed…you’ll notice that my images are no longer uniformly sized. I have to go in and hand code the size on every single one and for whatever reason, some of them won’t even adjust when I manually enter the image size code. According to all professionals involved, they aren’t seeing a problem on their end. I’m not sure how they access the site, but the issues were showing up on devices that weren’t even mine; I had numerous people look at the preview posts, and they all saw the issues that I saw. The web designer said it’s a WordPress issue, Bluehost said it’s a web designer issue…ya, whatever tech people.

To sum it all up, it’s been a damn rough few weeks. I know the blog doesn’t really matter per se, but it matters to me. When that fell apart in addition to everything else I seriously feared that my head would explode. So for the foreseeable future, please bear with me and my sporadic and not quite right looking posts. And please, if you notice any other issues with the blog from your end, let me know either via a comment or email.


How deliciously bright and happy is this red floral tank top? Believe it or not, I found it at Walmart for under $6. As of late, they have started to kick up their fashion game. Methinks they’re looking to be more competitive with our good friends over at Target.

To really allow the top to pop, I felt like white jeans were the perfect choice for the bottom half. These are the white girlfriend jeans I got at Chico’s last year and I am still loving them. The chambray shirt on top was because, well, work. I figure a spaghetti strap tank top on it’s own isn’t necessarily appropriate middle school teacher attire. Besides, I think the chambray plays nice with the white denim, don’t you?

I was super pumped to bust out my most favoritist (ya, I’m making that a word) sandals ever (not counting my Birks). I got these super comfortable block heeled cuties at JCPenney last year, and you’ll be happy to know that they brought them back for round two this year. I have them in red, black and nude and I’m considering picking up the cute floral/stripe mixed print pair they added this year.


Don’t dismiss Walmart out of hand…you can actually find some pretty sweet pieces there at some equally sweet prices.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Cami: Walmart;  Jeans: Chico’s;  Sandals: JCPenney;  Chambray Shirt: Target (Similar)

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Mary B. Green
Mary B. Green
6 years ago

just know that your family of origin does NOT have to be your family of choice. I come from some pretty looney tune relatives myself…your story sounds all too familiar.

6 years ago

Girl!! I’m so glad you at least got this post out! It looks great on my end in my phone and if you hadn’t told me about your issues—I wouldn’t have known any different!
I am sending you all of my love, hugs, support and anything else you need . Family situations like that are not only stressful but so depressing——I don’t know how you are handling it!

6 years ago

I have no words to describe the wrongness of what those people did. I am so sorry that they did not let you know about your dad’s health crisis or about his passing. I can only imagine how painful this whole situation must be. Your blog blowing up, while of course not on the same level of awfulness, was just what you didn’t need when your stress level was already through the roof. I am glad to see you back. Your outfit -flowers and sparkling white jeans and sassy red sandals- is beautiful. Way to show your bright spirit when… Read more »

6 years ago

Debbie, I am SO sorry to hear of all you are going through. I’ve missed your posts–your wisdom and your humor. I’m glad you’re successfully working through all of this and wish you the best. And, hey, your outfit is GORGEOUS! I am loving the red in the top and those shoes–to die for!! Take care, lady.

Ann Krembs
6 years ago

Four things Debbie:
1) I’m so sorry about all your dealing with; 2) Yes to Wallmart and Shopko and K-Mart. They are always worth a look! 3) Yes, to chambray shirts and what ever else we can use to hide the fact that the teacher is breaking dress code! Currently I’m in a tank top and shorts but thank goodness for the long kimono–I’m still in dress code. (Rebellious streaks run long and hard!) and 4) Hang in there k? You’re blog looks great and so do you!
Much love from Annie over at Kremb de la Kremb

6 years ago

Sorry to hear about your fathers passing and the way it went down for you. Thank you for being here and spreading love and beauty in the world. I see you.

Tiina L
6 years ago

My condolences for you loss. And I know that this loss is probably even harder because of the on-off relationship.
I also come from a neurotic, dysfunctional family, and have had (still have) quite a few Daddy issues. At the same time, my father passing away was a tremendous relief from a lifetime of letdowns and putdowns. That relief will come to you, too, one day. You just have to get through this shitty period and sort out all the loose ends. After that you can be free of all those people if you so choose. Focus on that.

robin nicholson
6 years ago

Oh Debbie, I am so sorry for all you’ve been going through. Sometimes the load seems too much to bear but you are strong and you will get through this. It’s inconceivable how some people act….no excuse for it. When you are ready, go someplace quiet and have a “talk” with your dad about things you wanted to say to him but weren’t afforded the opportunity. I wrote my dad a long letter after his passing and then burned it so the smoke would reach heaven. Keeping you in my prayers for peace. You are such a dear person and… Read more »

Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

Dang friend, that just stinks, no better way to say it. We’ll never what motivates people to behave the way they do – in such a cruel manner. I think sometimes it’s hard for people to be around you when you have grown and broken out of their unhealthy patterns – in other words it’s hard to be around healthy people when you’re so unhealthy. No matter, it was cruel to deprive you of the knowledge of your father’s failing health and death. Onward and upward my friend. Blog problems on top of all of that just isn’t right. I… Read more »

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
6 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear of your loss – but even more sad at the circumstances! It sounds really rough. Well done for keeping going – that’s amazing! xxx

6 years ago

Oh god, Deb, I am so sorry for what you’ve been through! The cruelty and pettiness of your dad’s “friends” is appalling. My heart is with you. I got to be at my dad’s side when he died, I am grateful for that. But his “woman”, whom he did marry a month earlier, made our lives a living hell afterwards. You’re strong, and so am i, but even the strongest can be brought low. Wish we lived around the corner, I’d love to give you a real hug and then have a tiny cocktail together. xox


Suzanne Carillo
6 years ago

I’m very sorry for your loss and all that you are going through.


Daenel T.
6 years ago

First of all, I”m sorry about your father and the issues surrounding his passing. Family & the people they choose to call family can be rough.

Second, the blog. I wish I could help. I know how frustrating it can be when things are just out of your control. Especially when it feels like everything else is going so wrong.

The outfit. I’ve rediscovered Walmart and I’m in so much agreement: they have stepped up their style game. I picked up a couple of dresses and tops a few weeks back and I’m loving them. And the price is right.

Emma Peach
6 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear of your dad’s passing. I can’t imagine how stressful it must be for you. Sending you massive hugs. Your post looks fine on my phone. Tech problems are frustrating enough at the best of times but that really couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

Emma xxx

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

Oh girl, I’m so sorry for the emotional last few weeks. Your blog looks fine – I’m not one to judge! You look fabulous…as always. I know you’ll get through this and be happy and carefree again. In the meantime, know we are rooting for you and thinking about you – sending all happy and positive thoughts your way. Much love, Cindy

6 years ago

No matter what your blog always matters because it is a piece of you and something for you. I totally understand how you can get frazzled when it also implodes. Mine exploded last September and I lost all my pictures. With help from a great friend I got back up but I still find posts without pictures. Life will get better my friend. Now to that outfit I am dazzled ps. All looks good on mobile pics are all uniform

6 years ago

Sorry for your loss my Dear. I just went thru final arrangements for my Big Sis and still have her car to send to her grandchildren. It takes a lot of time when the deceased does not have all their documents together. Things will fall into place in time, bereavement, final rites & disposal of the personal effects. Stay Strong!!

6 years ago

Debbie, I am so sorry to hear about the situation with your Dad! What a mess. You will get through all of this including the tech problems. Hang in there beautiful lady! Praying for comfort and wisdom for dealing with the aftermath of each of these difficulties. – Amy

6 years ago

I’m glad that you found the energy to write again. My condolences on your dad, that is very dad. And that situation is awful. I really hope it all will end real soon.

6 years ago

Hi, Debbie! Your photos look just fine on my laptop. I hope your website starts working smoothly again soon. My husband and I don’t shop at Walmart in an effort to refrain from contributing to owner Sam Walton’s exploitation of labor. Fair trade is best, but much more expensive, so I can only shop that way once in awhile. Now, for the most serious subject: my prayers and blessings are with you at this time of mourning. You have great sorrow to deal with, and I hope you take all the time you need to heal your heart. Your head… Read more »

Manisha from Modlotus
6 years ago

I wish you find peace in these tumultuous time. Love your style btw.
if you like please link up at Thursday fashion files on my blog. I am co-hosting with Carie from “Curly crafty mom”

Robin LaMonte
6 years ago


I am so sorry for the family drama and on the passing of your father.
You can choose your friends, but family is not a selection process.

Again, I wonder if I had the same Bluehost and WordPress techs helping me with my website issues, then only to tell me what has to be done but not assist me with it. I am so tired of researching and learning website technology.

Love the outfit!


Jessica A Jannenga
6 years ago

I am so sorry for the loss of your dad. I am always amazed at how some family members act especially at difficult times. My dad passed 2 years ago, and his sister couldn’t even make it to the funeral! I don’t understand people’s behavior. Hugs to you!

My hubby is my tech guru, as is his job, otherwise I would probably have gone bizzerk with some of my blog issues. You will get it sorted.
You look beautiful in this outfit. I love the cami and the red strappy heels. Lovely look!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

Bettye L Rainwater
6 years ago

Oh Debbie, I’m so sorry for the hellish time you’ve had! Sorry for your loss, sorry for the lingering “family” ickiness, sorry for the computer hell, argh! Believe me, I understand the “when it rains, it pours” misery…I’m living there right now, too, and I just want to get in bed and never come out 🙁 You have lots of “internet family” who love you and support you and are here to help you – let me know if I can help in any way, pictures, whatever. And for the outfit, UH-DORABLE! I’ve been on a total red kick this… Read more »

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