Advice For Real Life / Work Style

8 Tips For Maintaining Our Collective Sanity +Leopard Slip Dress & Chambray

leopard slip dress_chambray shirt

Now, perhaps more than any time in our lifetimes, kindness, empathy and grace cannot be optional…


…Let me begin by saying that I am in no way a professional in the field of mental health, I am however a professional human; I’ve been doing it for 55 years after all. The situation in which we all currently find ourselves is truly unprecedented. Every adult human on the planet is in the exact same situation at the exact same time; we are all sharing the same feelings, fears and concerns simultaneously and in real time. It can be scary and overwhelming if we allow it to be.

The phrase that is currently on the tip of everyone’s tongue as it well should be, is social distancing. The single most effective way to stop the spread of the virus is to not provide the kindling for its flames. Yes, washing our hands is crucial as is making a concerted effort to not touch our faces, but if we deny the virus the opportunity to spread in the first place then it has nowhere to go.

The struggle is though…social distancing is hard. It’s isolating. It’s frightening. It’s something that we as humans have never been forced to do. We are by nature social creatures, and being told that we can no longer be around one another is unthinkable. Yet here we are. Many of us are left feeling not only alone, but out of control because the situation is out of control.

“Social distancing does not have to translate into emotional distancing…”

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Here is what is important to remember…You still control you; your thoughts, your feelings, your behaviors. No one controls those things but you. So it has to be a priority for each of us during this surreal period in our collective history to maintain our connection to ourselves and to the world.

  • If like so many of us, your work is closed or you have to work from home, maintain a regular schedule for yourself, whatever that looks like for you. Get up in the morning and have your coffee. Take a shower and put on actual clothing. A pajama day is fine every once in awhile, but too much of a good thing can take you to a rough place mentally.
  • Schedule your day in a way that makes sense for you so that you get things done. If it helps, write out your daily schedule in a planner, journal or even a sticky note. I find that writing things down makes a huge difference in my motivation to get things done.
  • Keep in touch with your friends. Whether it be through text, dm, Facetime, whatever…don’t lose touch with the people who matter to you.
  • Use social media for good and do not get caught up in the craziness. Do not follow coronavirus related hashtags; get your information from reputable sources. Unplug for awhile if you need to, but don’t unplug completely. Interacting with one another via social media, whether it be Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, whatever your preferred medium is, will help to keep us all sane. I truly believe that because we need to remember that we are all going through this together and we can all be someone else’s shoulder to lean on. Be the light that another human so desperately needs right now. 
  • If you have the opportunity to help someone in your real-life realm then do it. Run to the grocery store for your elderly neighbor…offer to babysit for someone who has to go to work, but their children are home from school…little things matter and they serve the dual purpose of giving us back a feeling of at least a little control.
  • Continue doing things that you love (assuming they aren’t crowd related). Read, write, nap, work on your spring flower garden…whatever it is that you love, do that.
  • Look at the extra unexpected time at home as a gift. Spend quality time with your family. Use the time for personal self-reflection and growth. Listen to your favorite podcasts. Binge on Netflix. Do that task you’ve been putting off for months.
  • Make a conscious effort to focus on the present, the right now. Just like every other day, the future is an unknown so it is truly a waste of time fretting about it.


I really do love a good slip dress and this reddish/orangish leopard slip dress is no exception. I have considered leopard a neutral for years, but a fun colored print like the one I’m wearing today or this pink lace trimmed cami are perfect options for mixing it up a little bit.

While we never really had a winter, there definitely have been chilly days and this day was no exception so I layered a graphic tee under the dress and a chambray shirt over top. Pairing slip dresses and graphic tees is one of my favorite ways to style them. You can also layer a graphic tee over a slip dress like I did with this vintage Harley tee.

I wasn’t feeling over the knee boots for this outfit and instead opted for my mid-calf slouch boots. Since it was chilly I added a pair of sheer tights for a wee bit of additional warmth to finish off the look.

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If you are hesitant about adding a slip dress or two to your wardrobe, trust me, a slip dress will be one of the most versatile styles of dresses in your closet. Do not fear the sexiness factor! A slip dress can be sexy, however by adding some creative layering either over or under the dress you can make a slip dress appropriate for just about any situation.

Also keep in mind the dress details themselves…Is there lace? Is there a slit? How long or short is it? All of these factor in when you’re considering the sexiness factor. Fortunately, slip dresses come in a wide range of lengths and design details so you’re sure to find one that works for you.

If you’re going to take the plunge it’s a good idea to have a few slip dresses in basic colors like black, red or olive green. However prints are fun too and will make a bright happy addition to your wardrobe.


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Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

leopard slip dress_chambray shirt leopard slip dress_chambray shirt

Dress: Nasty Gal (Similar);  Chambray Shirt: Similar;  Graphic Tee: Similar;  Boots: Target (Similar)


**Disclaimer: Commission earned through shopping links in this post.

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Kimberly F. Malkiewicz
4 years ago

I’m feeling the crazy more than I thought I would. It seems I’m less worried about the virus than the way people are behaving–I’m kind of stressed about having to go to the grocery store. I also am not a fan of the isolation. I’ve allowed myself some daytime Netflix and of course blogs/blogging to maintain my sanity. Take care!

4 years ago

I put myself on isolation for 2 weeks. With my hubby who still has to go to work. But I’m not going out, just for a walk but not going anywhere inside. It is what it is. I don’t have a slip dress, perhaps I should try one coming season! Looking good lady!

4 years ago

I somehow knew that by clicking on today’s post, I would receive some peace of mind from YOU!! Thank you for that sooo very much! I am so very grateful to read your calm words today! And I am Blessed. Blessed beyond belief that my 15 yr old child is home today, instead of on NYC choir trip! I am Blessed, I tell you!!!!!! And I wish you many Blessings to you as well today!

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

Great words and ideas Debbie. I just worry about the small businesses and people who can’t work from home.
I have a couple of slip dresses and I love the layering factor.
This one of yours reminds me of one I saw in the Cabi lookbook.

Bettye L Rainwater
4 years ago

MAINTAIN our sanity? Wouldn’t that imply we HAD it before?? 🙂 That was an interesting point about everyone, no matter where in the world they are, are all going through this one thing at the same time. And how rarely that happens (if ever). Even wartimes are very different depending on where you are. Me? I live for isolation so this is not such a hardship for me, personally. Plus, I’m still going into work a couple days a week. For the time being. Who knows what two weeks from now will look like. I was wondering how your school… Read more »

jess jannenga
4 years ago

Hi Debbie
I wrote about things we can do when we are at home. I am a bit stressed because I cant get my dry needling which helps my pain levels. I am trying to live day by day and I do agree with the schedule, that helps! Love your leopard slip dress, I just bought one from Target. I love the way you tied the chambray top.
do take care,
thanks for linking
jess xx

4 years ago

I love your layering! I don’t especially like slip dresses for myself this would be a way that I think I would enjoy wearing one. I try to stay away from an overload of news, I usually can hear it when my mother in law has it on and thankfully it is not 100% of the time on that now. I try to keep my Instagram time light hearted and uplifting too.

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

Another fabulous outfit, my friend! Bringing me much joy during this crazy time. I have been staying away from social media except to share my posts and watch live music streams! And since I tend to social distance myself in real life anyway, I don’t mind it being forced for a while. Although I do get worried about things later down the line as the government is realizing that they can force us to remain in our homes and demand all sorts of other very strict measures. While it may be necessary right now, what could possibly happen later? I… Read more »

4 years ago

My husband and I are both introverts. Our lives have not changed that dramatically. But I know this is a psychological and economic hardship for many.

Lovely outfit! I don’t think I’ve seen red leopard before. Beautiful!


Nicole of High Latitude Style
4 years ago

Great suggestions to stay sane in these times. It’s important to keep in mind that not keeping the social distance can be deadly.

4 years ago

What a fun dress! 🙂 it is a strange new world with the different rules and social distancing in place! I am grateful I get to spend time at home with the kids, although with working from home and them also having to learn at home with the schools closed it’s going to be a very busy isolation time for us, haha! I will look forward to the rules being lifted so we can go somewhere and relax, ha!

Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp 🙂

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