casual style

Ruffle Hem High Low Shirt & OTK Boots: Burping, Farting & Santa Claus

Ruffled high low hem shirt, over the knee boots and skinny jeans.

One of the thousand reasons that I love my job is that every single day is an adventure. Sure, like most teachers I have lesson plans, but just like in life, things don’t always go according to plan…


…One seemingly insignificant comment, question or action can lead to an impromptu mini-lesson on the minutiae of life that we often take for granted, but that my kids are absolutely clueless about.

Take last Friday for example. The opportunity presented itself not once, but twice. The first involved all things bodily function related. One of the kids let one rip. And I’m talking the silent, but deadly variety. We were all gassed to the edge of unconsciousness. Which led to a talk about farting, burping and by extension, pooping and peeing. Of course much giggling commenced, but I explained that while it can be somewhat amusing, these are all things that every living human does. I always keep it real with my students, just like I do everyone else so we talked in terminology they all would understand. I explained that while these are all things that we all do, there are also manners involved and that from that point on there was absolutely no shame in asking to be excused if they felt a big ol’ fart coming on.

The second, but this time more delicate discussion happened after we finished watching The Santa Clause with Tim Allen. All three of those movies are on my list of Christmas favorites and since we have three weeks until break I figured we would watch one every Friday. I always have at least a few who still believe, but I didn’t realize that this year a) out of a class of 14 kids, 11 still believe, and b) I mean they really believe. As in Santa is The Man. This particular group of kids are also still filled with a very child-like innocence and they take just about everything on a very literal basis.

So I suppose I should have seen this coming. After the movie ended, I was bombarded with questions about whether or not Santa really died. You see, that is the premise of the movie…not that Santa died per se, but it explains how Santa seemingly lives forever. When Tim Allen startles Santa and he falls off the roof into a snowdrift and vanishes seemingly meeting his demise, Tim Allen then becomes Santa since he puts on the suit left behind.

Talk about having to think on your feet! Fortunately, after much questioning and explanation I was able to satisfy their curiosity and concern. They actually ended up pretty pleased to know that no matter what, because of mysterious North Pole magic, there will always be a Santa Claus. I love having a job that when I’m asked, “What did you do at work today?” I can say things like, “Oh, I talked about the appropriate protocol for farting and burping as well as how North Pole magic works so that Santa Claus lives forever.” Seriously, how is that not the best job ever?


There are few outfits more basic than a pair of jeans and a white button down shirt. But when the white button down is a ruffle hem high low shirt, the whole look becomes anything but basic. The burgundy version of this ruffle hem high low shirt is what first caught my eye, but when I saw that it was also available in white I knew the styling options would be endless.

Since I hadn’t yet taken my navy blue otk boots out for a spin, I wanted to include them too. The final piece was the skinny jeans which kept it all firmly grounded in the realm of casual. With all of the ruffles on the shirt paired with the over the knee boots I was feeling sort of pirate-y; which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. When you feel like a pirate you tend to walk with some pirate swagger…and who couldn’t use a little pirate swagger in their life?


There are a few basics that are a good idea to have in your wardrobe arsenal: a versatile pair of jeans, tees in white, gray and black, the perfect black pumps, a denim jacket and a white button down shirt to name a few. It never hurts though, to have a basic with a special stand out detail, like this ruffle hem high low shirt. It’s a basic, but the special details make it a strong stand alone piece and a total outfit maker.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Ruffled high low hem shirt, over the knee boots and skinny jeans.Ruffled high low hem shirt, over the knee boots and skinny jeans. Ruffled high low hem shirt, over the knee boots and skinny jeans.Ruffled high low hem shirt, over the knee boots and skinny jeans. Ruffled high low hem shirt, over the knee boots and skinny jeans.Ruffled high low hem shirt, over the knee boots and skinny jeans. Ruffled high low hem shirt, over the knee boots and skinny jeans.Ruffled high low hem shirt, over the knee boots and skinny jeans. Ruffled high low hem shirt, over the knee boots and skinny jeans.

Shirt: JCPenney (Similar);  Boots: Charming Charlie;  Jeans: JCPenney (Similar);  Chokers: Ettika

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Jodie filogomo
6 years ago

But what a fabulous opportunity to be able to shape these kids with truth and reasoning, Debbie!!
I love that you don’t try to hide these issues!!!
And the outfit?? Perfection in everything!!!

Daenel T.
6 years ago

I so enjoy the stories from your classes. And I love that you keep it real and talk to and explain things to your kids. I know they appreciate it too.

That top is just beautiful. Love the burgundy version as well. As I was reading, I did a mental check list to see if I have any of the basics that you mention and, guess what, I don’t. I mean, how do I not have a basic white button down or tees in neutral colors? *shopping trip*

6 years ago

So chic!

Your job does sound hilarious.

I hope that Elf is on your Christmas movie list. That is a great one.


Amy Christensen
6 years ago

Debbie, you have such an amazing opportunity with those kids and it sounds like you are one of those teachers we all wish we had had in school! The Santa Clause is one of my absolute faves, along with many others. I love that you decided that North Pole Magic could certainly keep Santa living forever! Ha, ha. Love the outfit! You are one beautiful pirate! – Amy

6 years ago

How wonderful is this shirt, and how beautiful the outfit with your jeans and boots! You look like a beautiful musket.

Nancy Baten
6 years ago

Ah, so sweet! That reminded me about that serie with Tim Allen. There was one episode, during Christmas time, where All was to late for church of something like that. It was a long time ago. And then they were singing Noell. But they sung it as no All. We loved that serie and we had tears from laughing about this joke. Every when we hear that Christmas song we sing , no All! In stead of Noell!
You probably don t understand a word of this!

Suzy Turner
6 years ago

What a lovely post, Debbie! I absolute adore the Santa Clause movies too and I would probably have been stumped for something to say to the kids lol. It sounds like you handled it brilliant – same with the farting and burping class lol! How wonderful!
Needless to say, I LOVE your outfit – it looks fabulous with the great jacket too. And I’m happy to see you went back to that pretty alleyway for photos!
Suzy xxx

6 years ago

You do have the most difficult, and fun job! Love how you guided the kids to real-life discussions, and solutions. “Excuse me, may I leave the room for a moment?” and no questions asked. Your outfit is modern and fab, and thanks for linking up, xox


6 years ago

These are great lessons and conversation topics. Your hair is gorgeous! I love the two tone and your blouse is lovely. I love the ruffles. It looks so fun!

Shelbee on the Edge
6 years ago

Debbie, I seriously don’t even know where to begin! I love everything in this post! EVERYTHING! The farts, the burps, your best job ever, the shirt, the boots, your pirate swag. I could write an entire blog post of my own about how much I adore this post of yours! Thanks for the laughs and the style inspiration. And thanks for linking up with me! #SpreadTheKindness


6 years ago

This is such a cute story! You really seem like you are a great teacher. Childlike innocence is so cute! Also, this outfit looks perfect on you. The blouse is really unique, and I love the ruffles on it.
Thank you for linking up this week!

~xo Sheree

Emma Peach
6 years ago

We have many conversations about burping and farting in our house – usually involving my eight-year old daughter telling my husband off! He burps words which really winds her up, especially when he burps her favourite authors’ names (Enid Blyton and Beatrix Potter)! He’s not really setting a great example but somehow she’s the one with good manners! I love your ruffle shirt and OTK boots…pirate chic at its best! Thanks for linking up Debbie!

Emma xxx

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