Let’s talk self-care. Specifically self-care during the holiday season…
…So, what exactly does “self-care” mean? Self-care is any activity that we do intentionally to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. And the “self” in self-care is just as individual as we are. What constitutes self-care for me, might sound like absolute torture for you and vice versa. For some, it may involve taking some quiet time alone in the morning or evening to meditate, journal or just be. For others it might be a five mile run or some other intense workout or maybe a quiet walk in the woods. The key is choosing activities that work for you mentally, emotionally & physically and that you actually enjoy doing.
There are some self-care activities that are (or should be) universal for all of us. These include:
- Eating as healthy as possible
- Drinking plenty of water
- Preventative or follow-up medical care (think physicals, mammograms, dental checkups, etc.)
- Getting enough sleep
- Moving our bodies in some form as many days per week as can be managed
- Spending time with people that we love
- Laughing as much & as often as possible
And remember, self-care is not being selfish. We need to take care of ourselves first so that we are better able to take care of everyone else. There’s a reason you’re supposed to put your oxygen mask on first if the plane is going down…just sayin’.
Whether you’re one of those people who has been playing Christmas music & had your tree decorated since before the pumpkin was carved or you’re pretty damn sure that the Grinch is your spirit animal, the holiday season is stressful. From the physical busy-ness of shopping, baking & wrapping gifts to the emotional & mental stress that the holidays seem to kick up, we are often too caught up in all of it to remember to care for ourselves. And since this year is especially stressful & difficult, how about we start a new tradition & focus on self-care?
Holiday season self-care tips:
- Build your self-care routine into your schedule. Make “you” a priority. If you don’t schedule it, it ain’t gonna happen…and do not even say that you don’t have enough time…MAKE THE TIME! If it truly matters to you (and it should) you will find the time.
- Only do the things that you truly enjoy. If you aren’t a journal writer, then don’t journal write. If going for a run causes your soul to wither, then don’t run. If you don’t like the activity then it isn’t self-care.
- Be present. No, I didn’t say be a present, I said “be present”. In other words pay attention to what you’re doing. Be in the moment & fully experience each & every second.
- Check in with your emotions & fully experience them. Good, bad or ugly…feel it & move on.
- Express gratitude for the good in your life. A regular gratitude practice is good for you in lots of ways. Take a few minutes each day to recognize the awesomeness in your life even if it’s as mundane as a fresh hot cup of coffee. Personally, I take time each night to jot down in my planner, in bullet list form, three things I was grateful for that day. And yes, sometimes I’m grateful for simply surviving the day.
- For every Christmas cookie you eat, drink a glass of water. Okay, maybe that’s a little silly, but do remember to fit in some healthy foods in between the holiday treats. Treats are good for the soul, but vegetables & a glass of water are good for your ass.
- Take it easy on yourself. Nobody is perfect. No holiday season is perfect. Stop holding yourself to impossible standards & enjoy the moments for what they are.
- A good candlelit bubble bath followed by curling up on the couch with a good book never hurt anyone.
Finally, I’ve put together a list for you of a few of my favorite things that make me feel sane & very self-cared for…
I honestly highly recommend all of the books I’ve included on the list, but especially Untamed by Glennon Doyle. If you haven’t read it, you need to. If you’d like, you can check out my full review of Untamed here.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more good reads & style ideas…