Finally, it’s here; the first official day of Spring. And in honor of that I wore… sequins and sweats. Ya, I know. Floral print would have made more sense, but in light of the fact I have inundated you with floral prints lately I figured I’d shake it up a little bit. This is the first time I’ve been to the park recently that it wasn’t buried under three feet of snow so I was able to actually get some shots on this sweet little bridge that goes over our tiny river. (and yes, it is actually a river and not a stream). Since it was a reasonably nice day there was an overabundance (okay, in my mind it was an overabundance) of people in the park. While I wasn’t necessarily in the thick of things, people did actually see me taking photos of myself. And guess what? I didn’t die of embarrassment. I just did my thang and paid them no attention. Trust me, that’s impressive. Usually I get all awkward and whatnot if people are watching me. Maybe once I hit 50 I became one of those babes of a certain age who just has no shame.
This is the sequin top I wore for New Year’s Eve. Since we all know by now (at least we should know) that sequins are allowed out to play on a regular weekday, I paired them with what else? Joggers of course. Because we also know that if we wear sequins during the day we need to dress them down. And really, unless it’s pajama pants, joggers are as dressed down as it gets. Add chambray and leopard and voila! It’s bipolar dressing at it’s finest. I think the next time someone asks me to describe my style in one word that’s the word I’m going to choose.
Linking up with: Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Favorite Fashion Friday, Fun Fashion Friday, Passion For Fashion, Fashion Friday At Mummy’s Got Style.
Chambray top: Target (Old); Joggers: Old Navy (Old); Pumps: Target