Boho / boho top / boots / Forever 21 / jeans / layered necklaces / Lulu's / moto jacket / Nordstrom / peasant top / style tips

Sheer Peasant Top & Moto Jacket: Absentee Blogger

sheer peasant top, moto jacket, floral print ankle boots

I want to start today’s post with an apology…



…I’ve been a bit absent from both the blog and my other social media over the last week. I know it might be weird, but I feel bad when I don’t get the chance to visit your blogs and/or Instagram and Facebook pages (ya, I know Twitter counts too, but it’s kind of the red-headed stepchild of my social media accounts). I’m also behind on responding to comments here on FFD, and I hate when that happens. But hey, as it should be, sometimes real life takes precedence.

Tuesday night was our final bocce match, and since all of my students wanted to go to cheer on their classmates we made it an after school field trip and took them all along for the ride. Needless to say, I was so exhausted Wednesday that I don’t remember how I got through the day at work. Thursday and Friday I was administering the alternate state assessment to several of my kids (on video no less) all day long. And Saturday? Ya, my daughter gave me the flu; the real flu not a stomach virus. I’m talking pounding headache, body aches that felt like someone had beaten me with a baseball bat and a scorching sore throat. Fun times my friends, fun times. But now I’m back at full capacity so I’ll be doing my best to play catch-up.

I will be out of commission on Tuesday night though…I’m super excited because my son is coming home for a mom/son date night. Why on a Tuesday? Elton freakin’ John people! My boy and I have tried every year since what seems like forever to get tickets to see Elton whenever he’s been in the area, but alas it was never meant to be. Until this year! Yep, we scored the tickets and could not be more excited! I’m pretty sure you can figure out what this Friday’s post is going to be about…


Yes, I have broken one of the cardinal rules of style bloggers; I wore the same boots two posts in a row. Um ya, I don’t care because I am in love with them. If I could marry a pair of boots, these would be my sole mate (get it…”sole” instead of “soul”…haha). They actually have chameleon-like powers. When I wore them with the pink tulle skirt the pink shades were more apparent. Today with the creamy sheer peasant top and rust suede moto jacket, the brown/tan seemed to pop more. The top by itself is a yummy piece of floaty deliciousness, but pairing it with the moto added not only a pop of color, but also a layer of warmth since it was cooler than it has been recently. I layered the top over a cream cami for coverage, but I plan on layering it over a black one at some point because I love the contrast of layering light over dark.


Today I went with skinny jeans on the bottom to balance the volume of the sheer peasant top. As I’ve mentioned previously, I do occasionally pair a looser fitting top with looser fitting bottoms, but if you’re going for a more streamlined look this is the way to go; tight on the bottom, loose on the top. And here’s a bonus tip…get these boots. Like right now. You won’t regret it. As a matter of fact, the identical boot in plain tan is making it’s way to my mailbox as we speak.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

sheer peasant top, moto jacket, floral ankle boots sheer peasant top, moto jacket, floral ankle boots sheer peasant top, moto jacket, floral ankle boots sheer peasant top, moto jacket, floral ankle boots sheer peasant top, moto jacket, floral ankle boots sheer peasant top, moto jacket, floral ankle boots sheer peasant top, moto jacket, floral ankle boots sheer peasant top, moto jacket, floral ankle boots

Top: Forever 21 (Similar);  Jacket: c/o Shein;  Boots: Lulu’s


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8 years ago

Have fun with your son! And I love your jacket 🙂

8 years ago

So sorry you’ve been sick, that sucks! Great to see you, and looking gorgeous as ever – love those boots. xox


8 years ago

The first thing I noticed is the pretty floral booties again. They look great with both outfits. Wish I owned them and your amazing jacket and cute peplum top too.

I am so sorry you were sick. But so great you are going to see the amazing Elton. How old are your kids Debbie?

Happy first day of Spring, beautiful!

8 years ago

Glad you are feeling better…just in time for Elton John! I”m sure it’ll be a blast!

Love the colour of your jacket.


Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

I didn’t realize there was a rule about wearing the same shoes…ha ha! No wonder I’ve been banned since my OTK boots keep showing up almost weekly!!
Love that jacket too!! jodie

8 years ago

First – glad you’re feeling better. Second – have a blast at Elton John! My hubby and I are huge concert go-ers! So much fun! Third – awesome outfit! And as far as double-wearing the boots – don’t blame you! If I had those boots, you’d be hard pressed to EVER get me out of them! 😀

Bettye Rainwater
8 years ago

So much floral’n’floofy goodness! Pheh on the “no two days in a row” nay-sayers, hey, we’re actual human beans with actual budgets and actual “other priorities” at times. I try (TRY) to not repeat an entire OUTFIT in a 2-week period, but components are fair game for repeats!

Glad to hear you’re feeling better and you’ve got a fun Son Date planned – enjoy Elton!


8 years ago

Simply beautiful and it is perfect on you!

vicki | The Fashionable Mum
8 years ago

I adore this outfit! The jacket is ridiculously delicious.x

8 years ago

That jacket…ohhh I love it! The boots…love it. The blouse.. ok, you get the idea. It is lousy when you have the flu, the chils and body aches. sometimes as you said, you have to take care of you, and worry about blog life later. Glad you are feeling better now, i hope. ELton John and Billy Joel are 2 performers I would like to see. Have a great time with your son.
thank you for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!
jess xx

8 years ago

Hi Debbie, aww sorry you have been ill. I know what you mean about comments etc. I am forever catching up!!

Great look, love everything you are wearing here, especially your blouse 🙂

Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

8 years ago

OMG those Boots! I recall seeing this post on instagram, but not the boots .. sooooo pretty !!!


Sheela Goh
8 years ago

That moto jacket is stunning. Like Nutmeg and Mace got together to create a jacket baby. I love. And my love also runs true for those booties. If they but had heels, I’d be swinging my way over to get myself a pair right this very instant. And don’t apologise, Debbie, life happens. Especially when life is tempered with touches of the flu. I’m right there with you. I’ve had this irksome flu for 9 days now and it shows no signs of abating, quite the opposite because bronchitis has joined the party. It’s particularly hard I think when we’re… Read more »

8 years ago

OMG to those cool booties! This outfit is the perfect combo of cool & boho! Love it

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