Much like the seasons change, so do we. Sometimes it’s by choice & other times because we have no choice. Then there are the times when we want to change, like really deep down inside want to change, but fear holds us back…
…These are the times that if we’re really fortunate, we get signs from the universe; as in a big ol’ kick in the ass telling us that we damn well need to pay attention. That’s what happened to me since my last blog post exactly a month ago today. And to say that it’s been a lot is an understatement.
I’ve been working on (dabbling in is probably more accurate) getting solid on what direction I wanted to take the blog in order to use it as the foundation for a viable business for after I retire from teaching. I had actually accomplished much, however was still nowhere near being ready to do all the things that needed done. Part of it was fear, however a lot of it was me thinking “I’ve got time. I’m teaching for 2 more years until I retire & I’ll have it all ready before then”. Mind you, I no longer have any desire at all whatsoever to continue teaching. Over the last several years a myriad of things have sucked the joy of it out of me. My heart has been done with it for a long time, but I was doing the responsible grownup thing & teaching until I reached the exact number of years for full pension.
But then on a cold Friday in February, the universe deemed it time for that ass kicking I referenced above. I went to work that morning just like a usual day, but by the end of that random Friday everything was different. Things happened that made retirement right now, as in the end of this school year in June, an absolute must…like I would have to be really really stupid not to do it. I made the decision. I felt its rightness down to my soul. And just like that, my whole entire world changed.
And my friends let me tell you, nothing will light a fire under your ass to get moving on your goals quicker than jumping out of a plane without a parachute! I quite literally have no f-in’ clue what I’m doing, but guess what? I’ll figure it all out just jlike I always do. So no more screwing around because “I have a few more years to work on it”. No more wondering “what if” or “can I really do this” or “I’ll get to it over summer break”. It was the universe’s way of saying, “B*tch, the time is now!”
Another major change came about during the course of all of the work, additional education & introspection during the lost last year. I realized that Fashion Fairy Dust had run it’s course. She’d served me well for many years, but no longer meshed with the direction I’m heading & the vibe I’m going for. It just made sense that since my entire existence was changing it was time for a total rebrand as well. And out of that realization Your Styled Story was born.
Some of you may have seen my Instagram post awhile back where I talked about the change, or maybe noticed my new handle on all social media. Well in any case, here it is…the result of massive often uncomfortable & definitely stressful, but totally exhilarating change…my new baby, Your Styled Story! There are still some details that need tweaked, but for the most part the rebrand is done. New name. New logo. New colors (still pinks, of course). New services. New direction. And I seriously could not love it more! I’ve also revamped the Your Styled Story Facebook page, Instagram & Twitter so please stop by check ’em out & give me a follow if you love what you see.
I’m so excited to be starting down this new & completely unknown path full of exciting new adventures & I so hope you’ll come along for the ride! I honestly don’t know what a comfort zone even looks like anymore, and there are no words to describe how freeing that feels. If there’s one takeaway for you from this post it’s this:
Feel the fear & then let it go. Listen to the universe & listen to your gut. Do the thing no matter how big & scary it seems. Do what you know is right for you. Burn it all down & rise from the ashes as an even more amazing & powerful version of yourself living the life you’ve always wanted to live.