Mindset / Self-Image

What If Today Was The Day You Decided To Change Your Life?

what if today was the day you decided to change your life

What if today was the day you decided to change your life…


Okay, before we go any further you need to do a few things. First, get rid of all distractions. Whether it’s your phone, the television or your dogs needing to go outside & pee, remove anything that will grab your brain’s attention & distract you from the task at hand.

Well, don’t get rid of the dogs. I love dogs. Just make sure they’re taken care of before you dive into this.

Get yourself a cup of your beverage of choice along with a pen & paper. Settle yourself into your favorite comfy spot & let’s get started on our journey into the “what if”. Are you ready? Then let’s go…

You need to go into this exercise with an open mind & a willingness to, if even only temporarily, let go of your self-limiting beliefs. You need to tap into your inner child…you remember her. She’s the one who used to believe that anything was possible. We’re entering the realm of endless possibility so every time a limiting thought creeps in (and they will, that’s how were conditioned), cut it off & move around it.

Now, close your eyes for a minute & clearly imagine what your absolute ideal life would look like. There are zero limits here. None. What if your life could be exactly what you want it to be?

  • How would that look? Be specific, down to the tiniest details.
  • Where would you be living?
  • Who, if anyone, would you be living with?
  • Who are the people you are surrounding yourself with?
  • What type of work, if any, would you be doing?
  • What would your everyday life look like?
  • How would you be spending your time?
  • What kind of clothes would you be wearing?
  • What foods would you be eating?
  • What kind of home do you live in?
  • How is your home environment decorated?
  • How do you feel about yourself?
  • What type of thoughts would you be thinking?
  • What things would you be saying?

Like I said, include everything down to the teeny tiniest detail. Include any things that are important to you that I might not have mentioned. Once you’ve clearly visualized all of it & I mean all of it, then write it down. Don’t worry about neatness & sentence structure. Just write. Include every single detail that you saw in your visualization. When you’ve written all of it out, reread it. How does it make you feel? Scared? Excited? Disappointed in yourself? Be honest. Feel the feelings. And then write those down as well. This is for your eyes only, so hold nothing back.


Here’s why it matters my friend…look at these two pictures. You are looking at two very different women. Ya, of course they’re both me. However they are very different versions of me.change your life before & after

The me on the left had an “okay” life. Sure, there were some really good days thrown in, but overall it was just okay. Nothing was awful, but nothing was great either. I spent a whole lotta my time & energy dimming down my energy to make other people in my life more comfortable. Because you know, if I was too much maybe those people wouldn’t love me anymore. And since I 100% defined myself through my relationships & my expected roles, that mattered more than expressing who I really was.

I never ever spoke my mind. I didn’t do things that I wanted to do for fear of disapproval. I loved clothes even then, but you’d never catch me wearing something that I might be judged or berated for wearing. All it took was a look or a word from the right people to make me feel ashamed, humiliated, less than. I mean my God, just look at my eyes. Those are the eyes of a barely okay woman. Honestly, I think the red pupils were really my inner badass demon just waiting to be unleashed.

Now look at the woman on the right. Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about…look at my eyes, my smile…just all of it. That is the woman I was always meant to be. That is a woman who gives zero f*cks about what anyone else thinks about what she says, does or feels. That is a woman who at 57 years old rocks pink rainbow unicorn hair, wears ripped jeans & is about to get another tattoo. That is a woman who is living life on her own terms, a woman who WILL NOT under any circumstance make herself smaller so that someone else can feel bigger. Sure, relationships matter to me. However, if I’m too much for you then there’s the door.

Had the soul-deep pain of keeping myself small not jolted me out of the mindless okay life I was living, had I not thought to myself one day several years ago “What if today is the day I decide to change my life?” the woman you see today would not exist. I can’t imagine how empty & painful my life would be had I not taken the risk to become the woman that I am today. And I cannot imagine how shattered I’d be inside at this point in time if I hadn’t asked myself that question and then done something about it.

You see, “what if” matters because it opens up an entire realm of possibilities for you. It gives you a glimpse into the great big life you could be living, full of all the things that truly matter to you…if you’d just be brave enough to take a leap of faith. To take a chance on yourself. To decide that YOU are worth it.

If you’re ready to believe in what if, to finally feel powerful, confident & free, to believe in yourself & the unlimited potential that you have inside you, but you are scared & unsure of where to start, I would be honored to walk the path with you. Schedule a call with me here & let’s talk it through.

So…what if today was the day YOU decided to change your life?

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
2 years ago

The comparison photos….that says it all. Sharing with my email readers tomorrow…this is SO good.

2 years ago

They say, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Those two pictures, side-by-side, are amazing. The one on the right shows a happy, energetic, creative, confident, and free woman. Kudos to you for changing your life!

Bettye L Rainwater
2 years ago

Picture on left WHO DAT?? Those are two entirely different souls. Glad you made it to the right 🙂 Re What If…HOW many people have said to me when I tell them about my dream of moving to South Korea, “what if you hate it?” To which my reply is WHAT IF I LOVE IT?!? 🙂 That pretty much shuts people up…maybe not even so much for the “there’s another way of looking at that” thing as the fact that they’re shocked that *I* would ever say anything as optimistic as that! Don’t MESS with a newly-optimistic woman! She has… Read more »

2 years ago

Yes you definitely changed your life. Life is to short anyway to not live it the way you want. I never ask myself what if. I am erfectlyhappy with how I live my life. And yes , there are many things I would want it to be different. But then there will be other issues. So no, I wouldt want to change anything. But I am glad you did!

Suzy Turner
1 year ago

FREAKING YEAH!!!! OMG I love this so damn. much, Debbie!!! You are the biggest breath of fresh air EVER!!
Massive hugs, my friend
Suzy xx

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