Boho Style / Work Style

Silk Print Maxi Dress & OTK Boots: Follower Purge

Caite & Kyla boho print dress_otk boots_long cardigan

The Instagram saga continues…


…Last month I wrote a post about the massive decline in Instagram engagement that I and many other bloggers have been experiencing as of late. Up to this point it has continued unabated with the exception of posts that I have promoted through Instagram, which confirms one of my theories…posts by bloggers/content creators are being throttled to coerce us into paying to promote our posts. However, I stumbled upon another theory the other day and have since read a few articles that seem to back it up.

silk boho print dress_otk boots_long cardigan

And it’s actually connected to something else I’ve also discussed previously; instascammers. Instascammers include the skeevy men hitting up on women, the money scammers and the fake bot accounts. I try to keep them weeded out by blocking them as they show up. Sometimes though it gets overwhelming and far too time consuming to keep up with. It’s also easy for them to slip through the cracks on days that I just don’t have the time to check my notifications carefully or overnight when I’m sleeping. Thus, the fake accounts can slip by unnoticed.

What I didn’t think about though is since Instagram is only showing your posts to approximately 10% of your followers, if a chunk of said followers are bots or scam accounts then that is going to skew your engagement numbers. How any particular posts fares in regard to visibility is entirely dependent upon initial interactions within the first hour or so. That means if a fresh post goes up and it gets pushed out to only a small percentage of your followers and those particular followers are bots or scam accounts then that post will get very little interaction so the algorithm buries it…meaning your truly interested and engaged followers may not have the opportunity to ever see it. Here’s a link to one of the articles that I read that explains all of it in more detail.

So this weekend I began the purge. It’s a laborious process to go through all of my followers and block the accounts that appear to be scammy or fake. I’m still working on it bit by bit; I’ve been doing it while watching t.v. or engaged in other activities so that I’m not bored out of my mind. Believe me, it’s been painful. My follower count is already down by almost 500, and even though we like to say that numbers don’t count, it is a little ouchy to watch it drop. If you want to clear out your followers so that you have a truly engaged audience, here are a few things to look for:

  • An imbalanced follow/followers ratio…i.e. 25 followers 7,000 following
  • 0 posts
  • No profile picture
  • No bio, or if there is a bio, poor grammar and spelling
  • Mentioning WhatsApp or a phone number in bio; same goes for mentioning that they are looking for love
  • Posting similar/same photos on repeat
  • At the risk of sounding politically incorrect, a lot of these accounts seem to originate from specific regions of the world

silk boho print dress_otk boots_long cardigan


Caite & Kyla nailed it with literally every single piece in their fall collection. I’ve already shared the silk kimono that is the same print as today’s silk print maxi dress as well as this cute little tunic dress that I layered over skinny jeans.

When I saw the print, colors and mouthwatering embroidery on both the kimono and this silk print maxi dress I fell in love instantly. So much so, that even though the dress is literally miles too long on me I had to keep it; it was simply too beautiful to part with. Even with heels though, it was too long so I was determined to find away to make it work. While a belt did the trick, I really liked the way the dress flowed when I simply gathered up the extra material at the sides, pulled it to the front and knotted it. I added a sparkly brooch on the knot for a little extra pizzazz and I was good to go.

The long cardigan and over the knee boots were necessary because the temperatures have cooled considerably. I had considered layering a chambray shirt instead of the cardi, but a knotted shirt over a knotted dress would have been too…knotty…lol.

Over the knee boots are one of my tricks for keeping my legs warm when I’m just not feeling tights (which is most of the time). They also add an extra layer of warmth layered over tights or leggings once the cold really kicks in. I feel like they are one style of boots that can really become a cornerstone of your fall/winter footwear collection. If you’re hesitant to give them a try, don’t be, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how versatile they are.

silk boho print dress_otk boots_long cardigan silk boho print dress_otk boots_long cardigan


Over the knee boots are key to any fall/winter footwear collection. They work beautifully with everything from leggings to evening wear. OTK boots are chic, edgy and practical all at the same time. If you’re still hesitant, try starting with a basic color like black, taupe or brown; a lower heel also makes this style less intimidating. Also, I’ve found that the styles that tie at the top to hold them up are a fail…I’ve never come across a pair that stays up with the tie. Look for a pair that has a shaft that stays up on its own as opposed to the softer tie top styles.

On a side note…stop by Your True Self blog to read Angie’s tips on styling moto vests. She’s sharing one of my looks with the pastel pink moto vest I actually forgot that I owned!

silk boho print dress_otk boots_long cardigan silk boho print dress_otk boots_long cardigan


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

silk boho print dress_otk boots_long cardigan silk boho print dress_otk boots_long cardigan

Dress: c/o Caite & Kyla;  Boots: Similar;  Cardigan: Target (Similar)

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Bettye Rainwater
4 years ago

Oh, you’re so knotty!

I’m sorry, Debbie. I had to do it.

Now you’re like an autumn sprite! This is lovely 🙂


4 years ago

I just don t follow back! But I guess I have quit a few of those accounts. What a beautiful dress! I love the knotted detail!

4 years ago

Love this pretty dress. The color palette is so like the leaves and makes me hope for some more tame temperatures. It is funny about the weird men followers: for 1 real person/woman, I get probably 3 men followers that I end up block when they try to start a conversation or leave a weird comment. My numbers go up five down 3 probably each week.

4 years ago

Thank you, for this information Debbie. I do Instagram to promote my blog, and haven’t gained any followers since August – I gain a few then loose them. I’ve cut my time right down on there also, as the little time I have I want to spend on my blog.
I always love the colours of your outfits and love this dress your wearing. Perfect with the suede boots. Enjoy your week.
Alison xx

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

That dress is amazing Debbie.
So now the question is, have you noticed any difference in your engagement by weeding out those followers. If so, I may do the same thing!! It’d be worth it.
PS…I never see your replies to my comments, so email me (

Leslie Susan Clingan
4 years ago

OH MY GOSH!! This post is beautiful. It is like you have this magical land where you go for photo shoots. I guarantee, as much as I love El Paso, there is nothing half as dreamy here. Like you travel to an enchanted forest. Just gorgeous. That dress! Magical, as well. The color palette is perfectly fall but that navy is a bit unexpected and contrasts well with the warmer colors. Love the soft lines, the floaty feeling of this beautiful piece. I became frustrated with Instagram when it became harder for me to post there. Was using an app… Read more »

4 years ago

That dress looks absolutely gorgeous on you! 🙂

x Merel

Suzy Turner
4 years ago

I’ve always loved OTK boots but can you believe, I’ve never actually owned a pair! After reading your post, I think, I should make it my next mission lol! Miss OTK boots!!
You look gorgeous – I just adore the way that dress looks with it tied at the front like that. It’s genius, Debbie!
Suzy xx

Lisa Richardson
4 years ago

I see more and more cute things from Caite & Kyla. Love this look on you. The whole Instagram thing makes my head want to explode. LOL Good for you for taking action. Thanks for joining our linkup!!! XO

4 years ago

That outfit is totally gorgeous! Love the colors.

4 years ago

Your Instagram theory makes complete sense and while I’m trying to grow my followers, I think I need to go through and purge as well! Your dress is beautiful! I love how you gathered it and secured it with a brooch!

Jill – Doused in Pink

Reply to  debbies
4 years ago

That’s great to hear that you are seeing results! I spent an hour unfollowing the other day but I probably have a long way to go!

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

I totally understand why you couldn’t part with this gorgeous dress! That little gathering trick is brilliant. The colors are so perfectly rich for fall. Love the while look. And Instagram is freaking killing me. I just attempted to unfollow a bunch of accounts that I probably followed for some giveaway a million years ago. I spent an entire day doing it and got put in IG jail for 2 weeks. I lost a huge percentage of followers because I could not engage for two weeks. Also one thing to watch for in fake accounts is the dates of posts…I… Read more »

Bettye L Rainwater
4 years ago

“I simply gathered up the extra material at the sides, pulled it to the front and knotted it. I added a sparkly brooch on the knot for a little extra pizzazz” Oh you are so clever, girl!

This whole look is beyond gorgeous. You are living out my indie-boho dreams 🙂


Amy Christensen
4 years ago

Absolutely, gorgeous! Those colors on you are fantastic and that dress is lovely. I really like the way you knotted it at the front. It works so well. Thanks for the IG tips. I usually don’t pay that much attention to it, but now that you shared your idea, I think I will do the clean up you mentioned. Have a great weekend! – Amy

Gina - BeYouTiful Style
4 years ago

Great outfit – and thanks for the Instagram tips!

jess jannenga
4 years ago

I really like how you gathered it with a pretty brooch! It looks like it was meant to be! Love the navy cardi with this rust embroidered dress. ( you know I love the pattern) and I am looking to take out my rust boots soon too! As far as IG, I get frsutrated too easily, but thanks for the info!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

4 years ago

Very interesting. That makes sense now. I think I have a lot of work to do on Insta 😫Thanks for your informative post ❤️😘

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