I am 100% certain that every single one of you knows someone who plays the victim. Someone who blames their parents…their past…the world, for all the things they perceive to be wrong in their lives…
I have always had a hard time empathizing with people who play the victim card. Even when I was a kid & was still literally trapped in the shit, I knew that I & I alone would make something of myself…of my life. That kind of mindset though, I guess you’d call it a survivor mindset, requires a certain resilience, grit & tenacity that not everyone has. No, I’m not judging, I’m simply stating a fact. If more people had a survivor mindset there’d be a whole lot less playing of the victim card to justify bad behavior & the sense of entitlement so many seem to have.
I get it. Bad things, heinous things, happen to people; often when they’re too young to defend themselves. Children are victims because they’re unable to escape the situation. BUT…and this is a big BUT…there comes a point in time that we have to become responsible for who we are & how we’re being in the world. A dark & tragic childhood is no excuse to become a cruel, entitled, lazy asshole. The world owes you nothing. You. Owe. Yourself.
Your past does not define who you are. How you respond to it, how you use it, that is what defines you. You are the author of your own story. You and you alone. If you choose to allow ghostwriters from the past to tell your story, well my friend, that’s your choice. It does not have to be that way. You can allow the old story to destroy you & turn you into a caricature of who you could’ve been, or you can learn from it. You can use it as an opportunity to grow into something better. You can rewrite it to fit your true authentic narrative.
I’m not sure what exactly the odds would be of two resilient women escaping the same soul-sucking black hole of a childhood, probably pretty slim I’d imagine. And yet, here we are. Allow me to introduce you to my sister/cousin (that’s explained in the interview…lol), Barbara Kremm of The Kremm de la Kookie.
I can’t tell you how cool it is that both of us are working on building an online business empire at the same time! As those of you who are doing it (or have done it) know, it is invaluable to have someone IRL who truly gets you & can provide support & feedback for you in what can be a challenging & sometimes lonely journey.
Neither of us popped out of that black hole unscathed. We’ve both worked hard to create our world’s to our own specifications. We raised our children the way we should’ve been raised. We worked hard to better ourselves & used our past bullshit as both lessons & a roadmap for how to become the women we are today.
Barbara has always had the entrepreneurial spirit, but she’s really nailed it & found her true calling with her latest venture The Kremm de la Kookie Community. While she only sells her insanely delicious (and beautiful) gluten free cookies locally, she is building an entire online community for cookiers that encompasses not only the business aspect, but also mind, body & spirit as well.
Barbara offers a paid monthly membership that includes live cookie decorating video trainings, tips & tricks of the trade and the support of like-minded cookiers that only a FB group can provide. Another part of her offerings to her community is “Mental Health: You Matter Mondays” where she will be interviewing different experts on a wide range of topics. Since my newly launched self-image & style coaching business dovetailed perfectly with her new venture, she asked to interview me for the launch of her first ever You Matter Monday & of course I jumped on the opportunity!
You’ll learn why it’s so important that you take care of “you”, get inspired to start working on your own self-image today, plus more about where I came from, how I got to where I am today & why helping other women matters so so much to me. I think you’ll really enjoy it, but maybe that’s because I’m kinda partial to the two badasses on the show!
Grab a cup of coffee & a seat in your favorite quiet spot & have a listen!
Be sure to let me know what you think in the comments!
Follow Barbara on Facebook at The Kremm de la Kookie Community or Instagram @thekremmdelakookie (her cookie decorating videos are mesmerizing…trust me on this!)
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