Doesn’t that bring to mind a big spotted cat pimp strollin’ across the African grassland? Just too cool to chase down an antelope, he kind of chills by a tree and waits for one to drop in front of him. Okay, maybe it’s just a phantasm of my twisted mind, but hey, that’s what I thought of. Regardless, I’m pretty sure these are in a close race with my plaid pants to be the coolest pants ever. Or at least in my closet. You’ve got gray cuffs, camo colored leopard print, a drawstring, and a faux leather tuxedo stripe down the side…good lord, could they be more perfect? I probably should’ve thrown on a blazer over the tee to dress them up a bit, but it wasn’t a blazer kind of day for me, hence the chunky cardigan.
Linking up with: Tres-chic Fashion Thursday, Style Blogger Link Up Party, What I Wore To Work, and Three-fer Thursday.