Ageless Style Link Up / Work Style

Snakeskin Booties & Satin Skirt: Darkness Falls

snakeskin booties_satin skirt_flannel shirt

Fall is hands down my favorite season, but there’s one thing about it that I utterly despise…


…The time change. When daylight saving time ends I’m one sad little girl. I cannot stand the fact that it’s already getting dark by the time that I get home. After work I have to rush to get my outfit shots done before I do any errands and if I happen to have an appointment, forget about it. I know…first world problems…but the blog, and thus the photos, really are important to me so it’s frustrating.

I’m tired enough after work as it is, but when night has fallen by the time I eat dinner my body is all like “hey, it’s time to go to sleep right now” by 8:00, which really cuts into any productivity I might’ve had. As a matter of fact I had a few things to finish up on this post, but I fell asleep before 8:30 so here I am at 5:30 a.m. trying to get it done before work.

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In my mind the “dark months” as I call them, are something that just need to be powered through. Two of my favorite days of the year are the winter solstice and the day that daylight saving time begins because both signify we’re on our way to more daylight in the evening.

A handful of states in the U.S. don’t play the daylight saving time game; some stay on standard time all year and a few have decided they want to stay on daylight saving time all year. I personally would prefer that. Even though it may still be dark in the morning when I go to work at least it would be light for a while longer when I got home.

I read this article the other day about daylight saving time, and it just seems to me that it’s one of those antiquated things that we do (like the 180 day school year) that perhaps made sense in the past, but just doesn’t anymore. What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you have daylight saving time where you live? Do you love it or hate it?

snakeskin booties_satin skirt_flannel shirt


When Jennie chose “Snakeskin Print” as this month’s Ageless Style Link Up theme I was definitely there for it! Problem was I had two pair of fabulous snakeskin boots and ended up with two perfectly styled outfits and I had to choose between the two.

I ended up going with this look…I’ll share the other next week…because a) these boots, while snakeskin, are real standouts because of the unusual colors, and b) I’ve been lusting after a rust satin skirt since I first saw the one featured in the Nordstrom sale catalog, but it was sold out instantaneously, so when I found this one I couldn’t wait to wear it.

I decided to go with my favorite plaid flannel from last year’s AE collection, I love the mix of blue, rust, mustard yellow and cream in the plaid which worked well with the skirt and boots. The cardigan has the same colors as the shirt, and it’s my go to when I want to feel all cozy. It made the just right final layer for this particular outfit when I had to be outside.


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Snakeskin is definitely having a moment right now. I don’t get too caught up in trends and if I think if you love something you should wear it, trendy or not. Snakeskin boots however, at least in my opinion are a classic. It’s a subtle print that works with just about anything. If you’re looking to mix things up a bit though, try a pair of snakeskin boots in an unexpected color combination. I linked several pairs above that I think are gorgeous and just a little bit different from the standard black/white/gray combination.

snakeskin booties_satin skirt_flannel shirt snakeskin booties_satin skirt_flannel shirt snakeskin booties_satin skirt_flannel shirt


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas… BE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN AND LINK UP WITH MYSELF AND MY LOVELY CO-HOSTS FOR THIS MONTHS AGELESS STYLE LINK UP!!

snakeskin booties_satin skirt_flannel shirt snakeskin booties_satin skirt_flannel shirt

Booties: Nasty Gal;  Skirt: Nasty Gal;  Sweater: American Eagle (Similar);  Shirt: American Eagle (Similar)

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Bettye Rainwater
4 years ago

Oh gosh I LOVE LOVE this look! The rich colors, the pattern mixing, THAT SATIN SKIRT! Whoa, Nellie! Ha ha remember that saying?? I’m gonna bring it back 🙂 And I have a love-hate relationship with daylight savings time. It is a hard adjustment to make that it’s dark half an hour after I get home from work, but once we settle into real winter December January and it’s too cold to be outside anyway, I kind of like the excuse of cold and dark that allows me to put on my nightgown the minute I get home from work… Read more »

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

Debbie, these colors are magnificent! I am dying over this rust satin skirt. So gorgeous. I have a pair of grayish snakeskin boots, but I am really loving the brown tone ones, too. Years and years ago, I had a fabulous pair of red and black snakeskin boots. They went out of fashion and I got rid of them. I wish I still had them now! I am with you in the Fall and Winter. I shut down when the sun goes down and simply cannot be productive. But we must push through. I would be okay if we got… Read more »

Paula Holloway
4 years ago

Your snakeskin boots fit perfectly into one of my tips for how to wear snakeskin if you have a snake-phobia! And girl, you have all. the. best. skirts. Seriously! As far as DLST, I’d go either way with it as long as every state did the same thing. When we first moved to IN, they didn’t adhere to it and it just made things so much more complicated than they needed to be. We were at the same time and had the same differences in a time zone for only part of the year, even states that were only a… Read more »

Kimberly Malkiewicz
4 years ago

I clicked over to the Daylight Saving article and it made things even more confusing! I’m not a fan of it either and the fact that it’s an energy wash… My only caveat would be if it makes it safer in the mornings for school kids.

Love the snakeskin booties. I’m about the different color variations as I’m not a grey-person myself. I bought this year’s AE flannel–love it!

jess jannenga
4 years ago

oooh, I love all of these warm autumn tones Debbie and the mix with the snakeskin booties, fabulous! I could use another plaid/flannel shirt.. they are soft and perfect for the Fall. That skirt, no wonder you fell in love! DST messes with my sleeping schedule and im not fond of it being so dark so early! LIke you said, I am ready for bed at 8 this way! I would like for NC not to follow it.
thanks for linking!
jess xx

Kellyann Rohr
4 years ago

I can’t stand changing the time, I wish we’d leave it alone! Drives me crazy trying to adjust and I can’t stand the early darkness.
I love these booties of yours! The fall colors in your outfit and the setting are just so darn cozy and make me wish I were in PA right now!

4 years ago

Daylight savings time always throws me off and it’s so depressing that it gets dark at 4pm. I’m all for getting rid of it! Absolutely love your booties! This is such a pretty look!

Jill – Doused in Pink

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

Those are such interesting snakeskin boots Debbie.
I have to admit, that living in AZ is great because we DON’T change times. But I still have to keep track of where everyone else lives. But it certainly made life easier this last Sunday.

4 years ago

i like that your boots are not the common snakeskin color that you see most. i always enjoy your clothes pairing. when i lived in mexico there were no time changes which i think make life easier!

Connie K
Connie K
4 years ago

OMG those boots! I went immediately to the Nasty Girl website and ordered myself a pair, at 60% off, score! Thanks for sharing

4 years ago

Getting pictures this time of year is such a struggle but I also totally agree my mood is so affected by the short days!! My husband drives 90 miles one way to work and it really wears on him leaving in the dark and coming home in the dark.

4 years ago

Wow – these boots are pretty amazing! Love the different colors and great style. I am now thinking I “need” a pair of snakeskin boots, too! This satin skirt is gorgeous and I really like it styled with your plaid shirt and boots.

You already know how I feel about the time change… I am all for daylight as long as possible.

Nicole of High Latitude Style
4 years ago

I think day light saving time makes no sense in the Tropics and high latitudes. In the former days and nights are about the same lengths yearround. In the latter, it’s day all summer and only a few hours of daylight arround noon. It’s business model for the mid-latitudes. But I wonder whether all the strees involved with the changes isn’t more costy than the money made.

Daenel T.
4 years ago

I know we’re focusing on the snakeskin print, but can I say how much I love that you wear socks with your ankle booties? I do it too {I also wear knee high socks with tall boots}. I think it makes things a little funky and it adds extra color/texture.

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