floral hoodie / hoodie / JCPenney / maxi skirt / Old Navy / striped maxi skirt / turtleneck / Uncategorized

Striped Maxi Skirt, Floral Hoodie & Long Layered Necklaces: The Snowpocalypse…Seriously??

As you all know, I have an obsession with interest in the weather and all things apocalyptic. The snowstorm that is now raging towards us like a spider monkey on crack is not, I repeat is not the snowpocalypse. But you would think it was with the way people are behaving. I mean seriously, do we really believe the end of days is going to start with a snowstorm in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Um, no. I watched the news Friday night with amusement while they interviewed people in various stores stocking up on water, milk, bread and whatnot. I did not laugh when I arrived at Walmart for the weekly Saturday morning grocery run and had to park five miles away and take a shuttle back to the store. Okay, it wasn’t that bad, but still. There were aisles inside that I could not even go down with my shopping cart. One of them was the shampoo aisle….think about that for a moment. If the world really was ending, is it necessary for one’s survival to stock up on L’Oreal products?

After mumbling a plethora of cuss words under my breath and developing a stress knot in my neck, I finally got in line to check out; although line doesn’t do it justice. The gentleman in front of me took it upon himself to strike up a conversation with me using this as an opening line, “You really don’t have enough food in your cart. It should be heaping.” My response was, “Well, I’m pretty sure that even if we get the 11″ they’re predicting, the roads will be cleared and you’ll be able to leave your house by Tuesday. So I really don’t see the need to buy a bunch of extra food.” He gave me a smirk and in a patronizing tone of voice said, “Uh, ya. We’ll see about that.” Are you kidding me?! Did these people all just move to this area? There has never been a time in my life span that we were snowed in for months or even weeks for that matter. Should we stay off the roads Sunday and Monday? Yes. Will school be delayed or cancelled Monday. Yes. Do we need to squirrel away enough food and survival supplies in our basements to last until June? No. Craziness I tell ya.

I’ve been on somewhat of a hoodie kick lately for reasons I cannot explain. Recently I’ve been subbing them for cardigans and blazers for work. I realize that you can’t do that in a stricter business environment, but if you work somewhere with less restrictive rules I suggest you give it a try for a little somethin’ different. I decided this floral hoodie would give just enough print mixing interest to the striped maxi skirt and guess what? It did. I could have thrown a graphic tee under it to give it a bigger kick, but the need for warmth won out over the need to be the uber cool girl so I went with the black turtleneck. The long layered necklaces with the sparkly necklace added a little something more over the plain black. I used to have this weird aversion to wearing necklaces with turtlenecks, but now I’m really diggin’ it. I think the key is the length of the necklace; too short would be a bad thing, but longer works well.

Linking up with: Sunday Funday Linkup, Creative Mondays Blog Hop, Style To Inspire, Let It Shine, How I Fall, Share-In-Style, Personal Style Link Up.

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Hoodie: Walmart (In-store purchase);  Skirt: JCPenney (Old);  Turtleneck: Old Navy

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9 years ago

There are few things I hate more than going to the grocery store when it is supposed to snow…people are ridiculous! It is just snow haha! you look adorable, I love your mix of stripes and floral!

Mrs C
9 years ago

People love drama.. gives them the kick. And many would fall for it. I’m sure nothing like in The Day After Tomorrow would happen but it is good to prepare a bit like an extra can of tuna, some candles (do people still use candles?)but not to the point of buying the whole supermarket! That reminds me of late 1999, the Y2K scare.. I had friends that went on a candle buying rampage, just in case electricity failed to work after 2000. I pitied her.. Anyway, your little flowers managed to add spice to the cold day, Debbie 🙂 A… Read more »

9 years ago

Your stories are so funny! That was what the grocery store was like here on Saturday morning. We ended up getting 14 inches and the schools are closed today. I love the pattern of your hoodie! It’s perfect with the striped skirt!

Doused In Pink

9 years ago

Same thing here as well! I am pretty sure the world will not be end in my life time. 😉 Like your outfit, easy and chic! Thank you so much for visiting my blog again! I hope to see you more! 😉 Stay warm and keep in touch!

9 years ago

thanks for the laugh! snow literally makes people insane. I, on the other hand, don’t mind a snowed-in day here and there.. though that hasn’t really happened where I live since I was a kid!

9 years ago

People get freaked out easily. I could understand it if they were in California…but out your way aren’t they used to snow?

We got dumped on last night. Lucky for us our neighbours were super nice and cleared the driveway and sidewalk. I love our neighbours!

So sorry that pretty floral blazer was already sold out : (

I’m leaving all of this weather behind tomorrow for a beach…Yay!

I love the striped maxi and the black turtleneck.


9 years ago

Obsessed!! I have to try this… to go hoodie shopping!!!!


9 years ago

HI Deb love the long striped skirt with the floral. How are you not freezing your ^&* off? Ah, one thing I like to look at is snow, pretty pics, but just hate to be cold. Have a great day.
from the link up,

please stop by, jess xx

Sydney Fashion Hunter
9 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Style to Inspire which I was lucky enough to co-host with Rhea this week. Love that maxi skirt!

9 years ago

Love floral and stripes mixed together. How are you not freezing?!?

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