The other day I received a call from the Superintendent’s office requesting that I sit in on interviews for a new school psychologist. Some of us who don’t work in the summer might have viewed that as an inconvenience. Not me. And do you know why? My first thought was (and sadly this is true), “Ooo…a chance to put together a nice outfit for the blog.” See how dedicated I am to all of my fabulous followers? I was willing to go in to work just to dress up for you guys. The thing is, in the summer, the days I’m not in some variation of denim boyfriend shorts are few and far between. And it’s no good to become boring and predictable; in life or on a style blog. I’m kickin’ around a couple of ideas for a weekly series in the summer that will involve me putting on something that isn’t denim shorts. I know, I typically don’t do posts with outfits I did not actually wear that week, but I don’t want to bore you to death for the next three months.
Are these sandals not fabulous? These are the ones I posted on Instagram a few weeks back from Old Navy. How is it, that with my rather extensive shoe collection, I did not have nude sandals until now? What a loser. I happened upon the t-shirt dress at Walmart last week while getting groceries. No. It wasn’t in the produce aisle…I got sidetracked. I love me a good t-shirt dress because it doesn’t get more comfortable than that. The only problem is, it kind of hung on my like a box and in light of the fact I didn’t feel like wearing a belt, I twisted a section in at the waist and added the brooch. The cardigan was a bonus because I knew that although it was a steamy and humid 80-some degrees, the office would be Arctic. And I was right, I actually could’ve used a parka.
One more thing…several of you have asked if there was something different with the hair. I went for a trim last week, and had my stylist take a good 2-3 inches off of the back. Usually I don’t go that short, but what the hell, I was in the mood. And since it grows like a chia pet, it will be back within weeks. I also added extra blonde, you know, since it’s summer and all.
Linking up with: Stylish Tuesday, Style Sessions Fashion Link Up and Trend Spin Link Up.