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Taupe Slip Dress & Adidas: The Spider Chronicles Pt. 2

Taupe slip dress, white tee and Adidas. Slip dress layered over a tee.

Several weeks back I shared with you that I have super top secret spider ninja skills


…If you missed that post, you might want to peruse it before continuing so that all of this makes sense. Alright, so when you read that post perhaps you thought that I had indulged in a bit of hyperbole…I mean really…how big can these spiders actually be? Since that post, I have eradicated four other furry eight legged hooligans, and as I explained previously, each time my automatic ninja skills saved the day. Buuut…sometimes there is a monster so big, so terrifying, like literally the size of something that should be walked on a leash, that my skills fail me. I freeze. Like a deer in the headlights. Even the ability to scream in terror eludes me.

Last night just such an event occurred. I walked into the bathroom minding my own business. I turned on the light, and holy hell! Perched in front of my tub on the bath mat is this arachnid that I swear to God had to have escaped from a tropical rain forest. I froze mid-stride. I stared at her. She stared right back. Seriously, this thing just sat there all cocky-like. After the initial horror, I broke cardinal spider rule number 1; I left it unattended to fetch my phone because this beast had to be photographed for evidence. I dashed back to the bathroom and lo and behold, she was still there; trust me, a spider that big has no need to run away.

After snapping some shots (and you know you’re gonna see one when you scroll down…so prepare yourself) I looked around for something to trap her with. I was not stepping on her because that would’ve been like trying to squash a squirrel with your shoe. There wasn’t a single thing in the bathroom that was large enough so I broke rule 1 again and ran to the kitchen for a tupperware bowl…who knew tupperware was so versatile? I dropped it over her, but decided extermination was in order because I had no clue how to get the thing outside without one of those neck noose things the dog catchers use. What’s handy in the bathroom? Hairspray of course.

After careful examination I saw that she was perched on the far side of the bowl so I lifted it just the tiniest bit to spray a cloud of hairspray in to asphyxiate her…ya, did I mention how freakin’ fast wolf spiders are in my last post? She shot out of there at me like a bolt of lightening. Trust me, my screaming ability returned. I couldn’t let the thing escape so that it could lay in wait for me after I’d fallen asleep so I chased her. All the while screaming and spraying her with hairspray. Picture that little moment of awesome for a minute. Spider extermination pointer: hairspray does not kill spiders. It does slow ’em way down though. Since she was sort of sticking to the floor, I was able to reset the tupperware trap for later disposal by the husband.

Now without further ado, I give you Exhibit A:spider

See…I told ya…I was so not exaggerating!


When I picked up this taupe slip dress over the Summer, I knew that it was going to end up being a super versatile year-round piece. I first wore it on it’s own with a lightweight lace vest layered over top. When I wore it here it was no longer skin melting hot outside, but it was cooler so I layered it over a basic white tee. It’s easy to see how well it’s going to work under chunky knits with a pair of boots once it gets full on cold outside. And seriously, how cute will it be paired with a moto jacket?

This outfit would have worked just as well with ankle boots, but I kept it casual (and super comfortable) with my Adidas. I warned you all that the Adidas would be on heavy rotation when I first wore them with a pencil skirt and graphic tee. #sorrynotsorry Now that I also have a pair with gold stripes it’s possible you won’t see any other footwear until snow boot weather.


So many “seasonal” pieces in your wardrobe can easily become “year round” pieces with just a few changes. Sundresses and slip dresses are the easiest. Simply layer them over a tee or turtleneck and/or under a pullover sweater or chunky cardigan. Swap out your summer sandals for boots and you have a dress that will work for you all year long.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

**THERE’S STILL TIME TO ENTER THE JORD WOOD WATCH GIFT CODE GIVEAWAY:                                                                      Would you like a JORD Wood Watch of your own? Well you’re in luck! I, along with JORD are giving you the chance to win a $75 gift code to use towards the watch of your choice. And guess what? You get a $20 gift code automatically just for entering! How cool is that?! Simply click the link to enter for your chance to win!!  Contest closes 10/16/16 at 11:59 p.m.long-taupe-dress-2long-taupe-dress-3long-taupe-dress-4Taupe slip dress, white tee and Adidas. Slip dress layered over a tee. Taupe slip dress, white tee and Adidas. Slip dress layered over a tee.Taupe slip dress, white tee and Adidas. Slip dress layered over a tee. Taupe slip dress, white tee and Adidas. Slip dress layered over a tee.long-taupe-dress-9

Dress: Three Bird Nest (Similar);  Shoes: Nordstrom;  Tee: H&M;  Necklace: Ettika

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Linda Cassidy
7 years ago

love the dress and FYI spiders are my enemy, terrified of them

7 years ago

Love your posts. Lord do not get a doggie door they will walk right in. Eeeewwwww!!! Furry!!!!

7 years ago

Oh my! That spider is huge! I’m glad you were able to trap it! I love your slip dress styled for fall! It’s so cute with the sneakers!

Doused In Pink

7 years ago

Great story! We have wolf spiders here, too. Their attitude makes them about 5x scarier, as if the size and hair aren’t bad enough! Cute outfit!!

7 years ago

I’m overlooking the hairspray incident and getting straight to the adorable slip dress. I love slip dresses. I love sneakers. I love dresses with sneakers. This look is everything I love.


Andrea Nine
Andrea Nine
7 years ago

OMG even the picture scared the crap outta me! My mom taught me the hairspray trick years ago but I will never be nit scared to death of them!!! In more happy matters, you look spectacular! Love a comfy slip dress and so fun with the superstars!!

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

Tell me again where you live, Debbie….because I am NEVER moving there. OMG, OMG, and another OMG about that spider!!
I can’t believe it , I don’t want to believe it and I’m more than glad it happened to you and not me!!
I remember using hair spray for cochroaches when we visited Texas once—another good reason not to live in Texas–ha ha!!

But the dress is wonderful! I love the idea of a tee under it!!

7 years ago

Gasp! Lol!!! 😂 Sorry but this post was hilarious to me. For me it’s rodents, but I’m as big a fraidy cat as you are and I saw myself in this hoot of a post. Thanks for the guffaws! And! The reminder to look at summer things as fall ideas with layers.😍

7 years ago

I have been wearing a ton of outfits like this lately. Sneakers with everything from jeans to dresses!

7 years ago

Okay…I am not ever coming to visit you. EVER!

This will give me nightmares now. I don’t know how you manage to sleep!


7 years ago

Oh my, I have gone cold readying your spider story, I freak out with spiders!!

Lovely dress Debbie, love your Adidas shoes too 🙂 Thanks for linking up to the weekend blog hop..

7 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. What a big spider. The right size for an extreme pet. Great outfit btw.

Dawn Lucy
7 years ago

OMG that spider is going to be in my nightmares tonight! Love your casual fun dress with sneakers. Adorable as always, Debbie.

Thanks so much for linking up with Fun Fashion Friday!

Dawn Lucy

7 years ago

You are a spider ninja indeed. That thing was huge. Great idea about the hair spray.

That beige dress is so cute and bohemian. I can see it from Spring through Fall. Love the Adidas too and need a pair of my own.

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