As pretty as this tie dye silk dress is (yes, it’s a dress, not a skirt), the poor thing has languished in my attic since June of 2008…
…I realize that June of 2008 is pretty damn specific, but I know the exact last time that I wore it. I wore it to my son’s high school graduation at which I presented him with his diploma. Good memories, right? So why banish this sweet little wisp of a dress to the netherworld that is my attic?
The day after my boy’s graduation was the last day of school for the rest of us. It was that morning that I got called into the office and told that I would be moved to the elementary school starting with the next school year…so what, right? As anyone who teaches can attest, you are either an “elementary” teacher or a “middle school/high school” teacher; the teacher who can/wants to do both is as rare as a unicorn my friends. At that point in time, I had been a high school teacher for 18 years and teaching small humans was most definitely not on my list of things that I wanted to do.
Needless to say, I didn’t take it well…so in my weirdo mind, I associated that dress with the last time that I was a high school teacher since I had it on the night before the hammer came down. I know, I know…that’s all kinds of silly, but the mind works in mysterious ways. I held on to it because it really is a gorgeous dress and I just couldn’t let it go. I would bring it down from time to time, but it always ended up going back to the attic, sad and unworn.
I don’t know why last week I finally decided to bite the bullet and actually wear it, but I did. I never was a huge fan of the cut of the top of it anyway, so throwing the tee over top served two purposes. It covered the top half and it made it more like a skirt so it wasn’t the exact dress that I wore way back in 2008. And besides, because of that change in position I ultimately ended up exactly where I am supposed to be.
It’s funny how unexpected things like a scent, a sound or even a piece of clothing have the power to transport us to a different time, whether it be good or bad. How about you? Do you have a piece of clothing that reminds of you of a specific time in your life?
I gotta say that I’m glad I pulled this dress out of extended retirement. While I’m not fond of the top half, the colors and the floatiness of the silk make it the perfect skirt with a fun graphic tee or sweater thrown over top. I’m thinking in colder weather it will look cool paired with black over the knee boots and a chunky black sweater over top so I’ll have to be sure to keep it in rotation.
You know those pieces that you unexpectedly fall in love with and then wear until they literally fall apart? Ya, well this graphic tee shirt is one of those pieces. It works with so many things. It has gotten a whole lotta play over the last several years and if one looks closely it’s starting to show it. Sadly, I don’t have a back up (I often snag back ups of pieces that I love) so I’ll just have to run with it until it’s inevitable demise.
Before you cull pieces from your closet, be absolutely certain that you will never wear a piece again before you part ways with it. If you have the space, hold on to things that you aren’t absolutely certain about…that way you can avoid a case of closet regret.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Dress: Similar; Tee: Tilly’s (Similar); Boots: Aldo (Similar)