Ageless Style Link Up / Work Style

Tie Dye Skirt & Chambray Shirt: Procrastination Master

tie dye skirt_chambray shirt_lace up sandals

Time management is definitely not my strong suit…


…I own that personality flaw and I readily admit it. And you haven’t seen procrastination until you’ve seen me with paperwork that needs done. Oh yes my friends, I am a true master. Weird thing is though, once I get going I seriously do my best work under pressure. Where is this going though, you might be thinking?

tie dye skirt_chambray shirt_lace up sandals

The only thing that will make me run away and find about fifteen other more exciting things to do faster than having to write new IEP’s (individual education plans) for my students each fall is having a stack of papers to grade that is two feet thick when grades are due the next day. Guess what?

Those two super fun events coincided with each other this year. I spent all day~and by “all day”, I literally mean “all day”~Sunday writing IEP’s, I’m currently writing one as we speak in another open window on my computer AND I seriously do have weeks of papers to grade and the grades are due by Wednesday night. So there ya have it, that’s my story for today…no time for an actual story just an ode to my procrastination skills. So until I dig myself out of this self-created hell hole, please continue on and enjoy the super fab outfit…

tie dye skirt_chambray shirt_lace up sandals


It was my turn to choose the theme for this month’s Ageless Style Link Up. Choosing something fall related just seemed too basic so I decided on “Natural Beauty”. My thought was that we could each choose absolutely anything at all in regard to nature and interpret it into an outfit. That way if any of us was really feelin’ the fall vibes they could totally roll with it. I did seriously consider it since fall is my favorite time of the year, but instead I went another route.

I used the morning sky, sunrise to be more specific, as the inspiration for my look. I love all things sky-related…whether it be sunrises/sunsets, clouds, the moon and stars, meteors…love it all. One morning on my way to work several weeks ago the sun coming up over the lake was breathtaking. The sky was a swirl of pink, white, peach and orangey-coral clouds with hints of blue sky mixed in. I knew that was absolutely what I wanted to go with, but was struggling with exactly how I wanted to go about it.

Originally I was going to build the look around this multicolor kimono, but then I remembered this peachy/coral tie dye skirt that I had stashed away in the attic. The colors were perfect for what I was going for and my coral cami, although a bit too matchy-matchy for my liking, worked perfectly with the skirt. The blue chambray shirt and blue lace up sandals finished the look off perfectly. They served to tie in the hints of blue from the morning sky…and there ya have it…a fall sunrise in an outfit.

tie dye skirt_chambray shirt_lace up sandals tie dye skirt_chambray shirt_lace up sandals


Look for inspiration for outfits everywhere. You might be surprised what you come up with if you just keep your eyes and your mind open. It’s easy to look to Pinterest or Instagram for styling inspiration, I do it all the time. For a change of pace though, look for things you see in your everyday world…the color of the sky, the last flowers of autumn, an interesting building or colorful wall…whatever it may be, inspiration is all around us if we just open ourselves up to it. Always be on the lookout for interesting colors, patterns or even textures that you can incorporate into your look.

tie dye skirt_chambray shirt_lace up sandals tie dye skirt_chambray shirt_lace up sandals


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas… BE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN AND LINK UP WITH MYSELF AND MY LOVELY CO-HOSTS FOR THIS MONTHS AGELESS STYLE LINK UP!!

tie dye skirt_chambray shirt_lace up sandals tie dye skirt_chambray shirt_lace up sandals

Skirt: Similar;  Chambray Shirt: Similar;  Cami: Similar;  Sandals: Similar

Daenel ~ Living outside the stacks bloginstagrampinteresttwitter

Debbie ~ Fashion Fairy Dust bloglovinbloginstagrampinterestfacebooktwitter

Jennie ~ A Pocketful of Polka Dots bloginstagramfacebookpinteresttwitterbloglovin

Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style blogfacebookinstagrampinterestbloglovintwitter

Julia ~ When the Girls Rule blogfacebookinstagrampinterest,

Kellyann ~ This Blonde’s Shopping Bag bloginstagrambloglovintwitter

Lisa ~ Coast to Coast blogfacebookinstagramtwitterpinterest

Paula ~ Dimples on my What blogfacebookpinterestinstagramtwitter

Shelly ~ The Queen in Between bloginstagrambloglovinpinterestfacebook

Shugunna~ Nzuri N* Simplicity bloginstagrampinterest

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5 years ago

Haha, sounds awfull! Good luck! The outfit is gorgeous! The dress has such a beautiful color and so does the sandals.

Jacqui Berry
5 years ago

This is a lovely outfit, and I know exactly why you were so inspired. I did a similar post, but didn’t like my outfit as much as i like yours. Thanks for sharing your looks Debbie. Jacqui Mummanstyl

5 years ago

The shirt works with the peachy skirt perfectly! Love this look.

Anika |

Shelbee on the Edge
5 years ago

Debbie, this outfit is an absolutely gorgeous interpretation of a morning sky! I love these shades of pink and coral on you. So pretty. And I hear you on the procrastination methods we implement to avoid the piles of work. I am the same way and I work better under pressure as well. But hey, as long as we get it all done, does the method really matter? I hope you can dig out of your hell hole with ease!


5 years ago

Every month I open your post with excited anticipation to see how our styles meshed my soul sister. This moth we’re both style skirts so we have that. But here I find out we both have the same procrastination disorder. 😉 Case in point, my beautiful”fall outfit” photos for today’s post were taken YESTERDAY!
I love your interpretation of the beautiful sunrise. The colors are magnificent.
Happy Tuesday Soul Sister!

5 years ago

Oh, the dress does look like the morning sky! And I am in love with your sandals =)

Kimberly Malkiewicz
5 years ago

I agree in inspiration being found most anywhere–if you know to be on the lookout! Best of luck with All. Those. Papers!

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
5 years ago

I’m telling you Debbie…you look like a sunset in Arizona!!
You and my hubby would get along well with that procrastination thing…I’m just the opposite (except when it comes to putting the laundry away) LOL

jess jannenga
5 years ago

I know all about IEP’s! My mom and dad taught blind kids and also worked at the School for the Blind and were always doing IEPs. That and grading paper is alot of work! I procrastinate on certain things- surprisingly working at home on my blog, I am very disciplined! Love the slip dress, such a pretty color and the area is lovely!
hanks for linking!
jess xx

Shugunna Alexander
5 years ago

I’m a huge procrastinator, ask my husband; he’ll rattle off a list! I’ve never written an IEP but I’ve sat in on plenty of meetings as part of my job, I feel your pain those things seem like a lot of work. I really like that color on you

Leslie Susan Clingan
5 years ago

Oh, Debbie, these photos are so lovely. I like the easy style of this outfit. Not fussy, not overly frilly just perfect, especially after a day of IEP writing. But what you do is so important. You speak for those who can’t always speak for themselves. And you promote the success of your students. You are their cheerleader. Thank you for doing the important work you do.

5 years ago

Debbie! I completely relate to the procrastination with paperwork. I don’t think there’s any task I hate more. And the worst of it is that my hubby despises it as well. lol. When we sold our home last year and purchased another it was quite an ordeal. Anyway, I love your natural beauty theme and was excited to be able to link up a post where I sported no makeup with it. Love your dress with the denim overtop. Cute!

Bettye L Rainwater
5 years ago

Oh, ho ho, NO ONE is more procrastinatorial (yep, I did that) than me! I started responding to this post yesterday and am just getting back to it today. Ba dump bump. Ha. Sorry. Sometimes procrastination is the only way I get things done. Like…if I should be editing pictures, suddely washing the dishes looks kind of appealing. If I should be washing the dishes, I’ll pull out the vaccuum. If I should be vacuuming, TIME TO TRY ON ALL THE CLOTHES IN MY CLOSET TO SEE WHAT DOESN’T FIT. Ha. PLUS, at work, procrastination is a really great tool.… Read more »

Daenel T.
5 years ago

Ha! I just had an instructor in the library trying to avoid doing IEPs by grading papers. So funny.

Love the outfit, especially those shoes. That color is perfect for the sky.

Nicole of High Latitude Style
5 years ago

Another great outfit that’s so you. Love the look!

5 years ago

Very cute outfit!

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