blue plaid shirt / boyfriend jeans / faux leather moto jacket / Forever 21 / JC Penney / leopard ankle boots

Today You Are You: Plaid Flannel Shirt, Blue Faux Leather Moto Jacket And Leopard Ankle Boots

     “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Sorry I went all elementary teacher on you guys for a minute. But in honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday yesterday I thought I’d share my favorite Seuss-ism. Originally Seuss was my tie in because Friday was our big culmination day of Read Across America week in celebration of his birthday, and this happened to be the outfit I wore. But I think that quote is actually something that we, as fashion bloggers, should live by. Actually everyone could probably benefit from taking that quote to heart.
     What you wear and how you choose to present yourself to the world should be based on what makes you happy and what best represents your uniqueness. Not on what others believe to be appropriate or right for you. That is especially true once you reach a certain age. What is that “certain age”? Well, I’m not really sure what the magic number is, but I can tell you this. I’m callin’ bullshit on it. Seriously folks…because I’m over 40 I should wear my hair short and my skirts long? Ahhh….no. Not happening.
     I like my hair on the longer side and as long as I’ve got the body to rock skirts that hit above the knee I’m gonna do it.  Graphic tees and distressed jeans? Until it becomes a felony I’m wearing them. Why? Because that’s who I am, that’s why. No matter what it is you’re into, if it makes you happy and you’ve got the cojones to carry it off, then do it. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Don’t worry about what everyone else expects you to be doing. You are You. True dat.

Linking up with: Creative Mondays Blog HopMonday Bloom, and Mix It Mondays.

Jacket: Forever 21 (similar);  Shirt: JCPenney (No longer available);  Jeans: Levis (old);  Boots: BCBGeneration via Amazon

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10 years ago

great casual look!
love the necklace!
can you like me on facebook?


Mrs C
10 years ago

There is nothing better than to dress in your own ‘skin’ second one that is. I adore laidback easy dressing with a twist, that’s who I am. You go girl, and your style rocks!

Mrs Jack Of All Trades
Dubai, UAE

Stylin' In St. Louis
10 years ago

What a great casual look! Love this laid back look!

10 years ago

Is it his birthday today?? I’m such a fan and loved when I worked in schools that I always knew when his birthday was! This is a great look and could go anywhere and those leopard shoes kick the casual up a notch. Looking fabulous!!!!
xo ~kim & chloe

10 years ago

“No one alive is Youer than You”, but we’re gonna try our hardest at it ’cause this look ROCKS! :o)

tara langdale
10 years ago

yes maam!! i just linked todays post to this jacket!!! in love! and the booties are perfection!!!

Tara Belle

10 years ago

I have a very similar jacket and I love it! Please visit my blog: and leave comment if you like what you see 😉

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

Love this post : ) But you knew that already.

The quote is perfect. I need to make a printable affirmation of that somewhere for my office.

I adore that jacket! These colours are so perfect with my, um, your hair. LOL

I have to say you look extra comfortable and sassy in this. True dat.


10 years ago

I love the flannel and the jacket!!

Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

You go girl! You and me both. If I can fit into size Medium skirts and size 10 dresses, I am going to wear the younger styles. When I was turning 40, I decided that I needed to wear more ‘age appropriate’ styles, so I head to the nearest Mall and bought about $200 worth of clothes {on sale, mind you} {well prior to my thrifting days, let me tell ya} and after I got the clothes home I realized I was dressing exactly like my ex-mom in law. Ya, she was 20 yrs older than me, and still is… Read more »

Mica T
10 years ago

Such a nice casual outfit 🙂

I agree – I think that everyone should wear what makes them happy 🙂 After all we only dress to please ourselves 🙂

Away From The Blue

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Great look Debbie, love the check shirt 🙂 thanks for linking up to Creative Mondays …

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