camo pants / Forever 21 / GAP / JustFab / layered necklace / leopard print sandals / neon pink belt / white t-shirt / white tee

Too Tired To See Straight: Camo Pants, White T-Shirt And Leopard Print Sandals

     The title about covers it my friends. It’s Thursday night of my first week and my butt is firmly and solidly kicked. I absolutely love my new position, but I am busy, busy, busy. That’s actually a good thing, but with that being said there is definitely an adjustment period for my body…and my brain. Therefore, today’s post is more about the pictures than the words. Don’t worry, once my stamina is built up I’ll be back to entertaining you with my observations on the absurdities of life.
     I figured I’d go for a little print mixing using my two favorite prints…camo and leopard. I’m sure you all know by now, leopard is a neutral. If you didn’t, now you do. You’re welcome. I used the pink belt for a pop of color since everything else was pretty subdued color wise. I finished it of with several layers of necklaces to further up the girly factor in opposition to the camo because you know I love opposing elements in an outfit.

Linking up with:  Fashion Item FridayWelcome To The Weekend Blog HopPassion For Fashion Link UpStyle Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites and Casual Friday Link Up.

Pants: GAP (No longer available);  Tee: Forever 21;  Sandals: JustFab (No longer available)

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Zarouhi Zaz
10 years ago

Love your style lady! Popping by from Style Elixir – would love to invite you to join in my All About You Tuesday linkup. Have a fab weekend.

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Great style Debbie 🙂 glad your liking your new position…

Thanks for linking up 🙂

10 years ago

Love those sandals Debbie! Hope you have a good weekend:)
~Anne xx

M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

I’m right there with ya about the week kicking everyone’s butt. That said, I can’t wait for you to get your groove back because I want to hear absurd stories about your new, older students. ;p Do they respond well to your sense of style? Because this outfit’s the shiznit!

Amy Fashion Blog
10 years ago

such a fun outfit. I hope you can relax some this weekend.

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

Cool mix of patterns on the lower half.

Hope you can chill this weekend.


Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Love the camo pants on you Deb and the leopard wedges are super cute, you look great! I can remember what I looked like after my first week of teaching and it wasnt this good 🙂
from the link up
please stop by, jess

J @ Bless Her Heart Y'all
10 years ago

You are definitely rocking the camo right! I am loving your necklace too! It’s so pretty!

10 years ago

Happy First Friday, you made it through the first week of school!!! :o) And you looked fabulous throughout!


Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Oh TREMENDOUS my sweet over-worked friend. Yes, your stamina will build and so will mine. I think chemo is creeping away already. I feel strangely good today. This necklace combo is genius and you are so dang pretty every post, my friend! ♥, Renae (and thanks for being at Fashion item Friday every time, xoxo)

Beata B
10 years ago

Absolutely love the outfit ! Debbie you look fantastic 🙂 have a lovely weekend 🙂 x

Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

Loving those sandals with the camo pants! I know that first week feeling … no kind of tired like that tired!
Dawn Lucy

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