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Tulle Skirt & Choker Sweatshirt: It’s The Moments That Matter

Tulle skirt, white cut out sweatshirt & over the knee boots.

Any of you who have been around for awhile know that I am one of those weirdos who happens to love my job…


…I mean, how could I not? I spend my day in a room full of special needs students who never fail to amaze, amuse, and yes…occasionally frustrate me. I also spend my entire day surrounded by the best tribe of girlfriends that anyone could wish for.

Today was one of those days that was, um, long. The kids were a hot mess and my patience was well and truly tested. But…the day ended with one of those moments that simultaneously makes my heart smile and chokes me up. About two years ago, I wrote about our school district starting a bocce team in conjunction with Special Olympics. The team is comprised of a 50/50 mix of special needs students and regular ed students, and we played teams from neighboring districts.

This year the local university that oversees the program decided to enforce a “high school students only” requirement. Needless to say, my four middle school students who were going to play were crushed. Thanks to our truly fabulous special education director though, we are officially starting a middle school only league. We, along with the three other local school districts my boss recruited, are to serve as the pilot program for the entire state. No pressure, right??

Today at the end of the day when I gave my kids the permission letter to take home to their parents and told them we start practice next week, the excitement was palpable. My sixth grade boys who are playing were practically bouncing in their seats when I told them that two of the most awesome and kind boys in the sixth grade were going to be their teammates.

I have one girl whom I’ve had for years, who holds a particularly special place in my heart. She happens to be friends with my daughter and one of my daughter’s close friends. It just so happens that my daughter and her friend are two of the four regular education students on the team. I know, surprising right? I, along with the guidance counselor and principal hand selected the regular ed kids based purely upon the size of their hearts…trust me, my daughter would have been selected regardless.

In any case, when I told my girl that Hailee and her friend were her teammates…you guys…I wish you could have seen her! She covered her face with her hands and said “YESSS!!!” She was hopping around all smiles and giggles. Here’s the truly tear-jerking choke you up part…as she was leaving the building she passed my daughter on the staircase. She leaned in and whispered to my daughter, “Thank you Hailee.” I’m tearing up typing that…so I’m done now. Just remember, no matter how rough the day, it’s the moments that matter.


It doesn’t matter what you pair it with, a tulle skirt always adds a hit of magic to an outfit. Nine times out of ten, when I wear a tulle skirt I pair it with either a sweatshirt or a tee shirt and boots or sneakers. Even with the casual add-on’s though, a tulle skirt never fails to be a conversation starter. When I wore this particular combo…tulle skirt, choker sweatshirt and boots I received one of my favorite compliments ever. “You look like a badass fairy godmother…” Yep, I’ll take that.

I’m sure the first thing that enters many people’s minds is that a tulle skirt would be tough to style and/or wear for every day. Not the case. Sure, it’s super easy to fancy up. Simply add a pretty top, heels (pumps or sandals work) and a sparkly clutch and you’re ready for a night out. But it’s just as easy to dress down. Go casual on top; for example a sweatshirt or tee shirt, either graphic or plain will do. For the feet think easygoing. Adidas, Converse or basic boots will do the trick. If a jacket is needed go with denim or a moto and you’re ready to roll into your day like a badass fairy godmother.


Don’t be afraid to give a tulle skirt a try. If you’re unsure about it, try a less expensive option first, consider it a “starter tulle skirt”. There are plenty to be found on Amazon for example. Try this one, this option or perhaps this. At under $25 a pop you can’t go wrong…and if you don’t love it, not a lot of damage was done to your wallet.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Tulle skirt, white cut out sweatshirt & over the knee boots.Tulle skirt, white cut out sweatshirt & over the knee boots. Tulle skirt, white cut out sweatshirt & over the knee boots.Tulle skirt, white cut out sweatshirt & over the knee boots. Tulle skirt, white cut out sweatshirt & over the knee boots.
Tulle skirt, white cut out sweatshirt & over the knee boots.Tulle skirt, white cut out sweatshirt & over the knee boots.Tulle skirt, white cut out sweatshirt & over the knee boots. Tulle skirt, white cut out sweatshirt & over the knee boots.

Tulle Skirt: Similar;  Sweatshirt: Forever 21 (Similar);  Boots: Charlotte Russe (Similar)

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6 years ago

Beautiful look I love your skirt and all the softness and sweetness of this color. I really like the accessories and also your boots. A really wonderful and elegant outfit.

Nancy Baten
6 years ago

Fantastic look! Tulle is so you!
What a lovely story. I decided that ,,grateful,, or gratitude is my 2018 word. I had a enoying start on Monday, that I wrote about on Tuesday, but there is always a gratitude moment! Just like you had!

6 years ago

Okay my friend, you have convinced me – I have FINALLY ordered a tulle skirt! Thanks for all the options! I have been wanting one FOREVER and today I decided to pull the trigger and order a light pink one from the Amazon links you provided. I can’t wait for it to get here! Thanks also for sharing your sweet story. I think it’s near impossible to have a terrible day when you work with children. Adults usually are the source of frustration for me, when that would happen I’d head into a classroom and talk to kids – amazing… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh, I love that story 🙂 And I agree, life is about Those Moments. I feel like I can count on two hands The Best Moments of my life – and most of them are not that big a deal, but…they’re feel good moments that stay with me forever.

And yes, Fairy Godmother, for sure! Forget the tulle, I’d be afraid to wear all that cream! I’d spill on myself in the first five minutes!

Loving the taupe boots.


Jodie filogomo
6 years ago

It’s so heartwarming to hear your stories like this Debbie!! Because these are the stories that make my day and we all need that!
As for the tulle skirt–I just wore mine this last weekend, although for dress up. It’s starting to get so worn, so I may need to send it to tulle skirt heaven soon. Which means I’ll have to get another one…

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

Love your tulle skirt! I haven’t worn mine to work yet…hmmmm. Maybe I need to. One of my stepsons is severely disabled with cerebral palsy. Not sure if you’ve seen him on my Sentence a Day blog. I’ve included pics of him. What a sweetie! You are a blessing to chose to work with these angels.

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

Love it! I haven’t worn my tulle skirt to work yet…hmmmm. Maybe I need to. One of my stepsons is severely disabled with cerebral palsy. Not sure if you’ve seen him on my Sentence a Day blog. I’ve included pics of him. What a sweetie! You are a blessing to chose to work with these angels.

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

Love it! I haven’t worn my tulle skirt to work yet…hmmmm. Maybe I need to. One of my stepsons has cerebral palsy. Not sure if you’ve seen him on my Sentence a Day blog. I’ve included pics of him. What a sweetie! You are a blessing to chose to work with these angels.

6 years ago

That is a beautiful story and just reinforces that you never know what moments are going to mean everything to someone. Thanks for sharing I needed that! I am looking for a tulle skirt. I think they are so gorgeous and who doesn’t want to feel like a princess all day!! haha

Emma Peach
6 years ago

Such an uplifting story Debbie! You really are a badass fairy godmother! I love the tulle skirt – I’ve toyed with the idea of getting one…now you’ve convinced me that I need one! Thanks for linking up!

Emma xxx

6 years ago

Love your sweet classroom stories and your fairy-godmother outfit! I love tulle as well and you’ve inspired me to drag it back out of the closet…I think I just might have the perfect sweater to try. Love your style Debbie…Oh and I watched your review video on the Saranghae skincare – great job! No one would have know if was your first video. 🙂

6 years ago

Thank you for that wonderful story, Debbie. Love is all around, isn’t it, but not always making a lot of noise. i love, love your tulle skirt and am ordering (another) one. You look fabulous, xox


6 years ago

What a lovely story Debbie 🙂 Love this look, I own a few skirts like this but they are a little tight at the minute! I need to work harder at the gym. Thanks for linking up to Creative Mondays. Hope you can join me for The Wednesday blog hop today 🙂

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