I have to admit, I’ve been feeling a little guilty about my lack of attention to the blog lately…
…and by extension, my lack of attention to all of you. I’ve only been posting once or twice per week and I’ve definitely been neglecting the story portion of my posts, which I personally enjoy writing as much or sometimes more than the outfit part. And my social media presence has been of the hit and run variety; maybe one post per day and after I post I’m gone. If all goes according to plan, I’m hoping things will be back to at least semi-normal by the end of next week.
As I told you on Monday, I’m currently mired in IEP writing hell. I have four done (along with the meetings), but six more to write. My CFS flare-up is still out of control; it has not been this severe since I was first diagnosed. Last night I fell asleep at 5:30…seriously, 5:30. I slept until this morning and still felt like I had never even gone to bed. I’m not sure what caused it to start raging like this, but I’m thinking it might be a combination of work-related stress and menopausal hormones.
Normally IEP season doesn’t give me this much of a beat down, but in addition to all of the paperwork I feel like I can’t get ahead in my classroom. I went from 7 students last year to 15 this year…15! That my friends is a lot of life skills students in one classroom. And the range of their abilities is off the charts. For example, in math class, those 15 students have to be split out into 7 different math groups with abilities ranging from basic single digit addition to double digit multiplication…that’s 7 wildly different lessons to be taught in just one class.
I know it probably sounds like I’m being whiny, but honestly I’m not. I’m just explaining the reasons behind my lack of blog dedication as of late. I hope that you all can bear with me for another week or so and then we’ll get back to the regularly scheduled programming.
Before I get into the nuts and bolts of the outfit, I want to throw some love in my son’s direction. I wore this yummy velvet maxi dress to a wedding this weekend which my son came home for. Between the wedding and the reception he and I took a little side trip so that he could take my outfit shots for me. I have to say, I think he did a pretty fabulous job, and it was actually a lot more fun having someone do the shots for me!
When I saw this stunning vintage velvet maxi dress last year on my lovely friend Suzanne’s blog, I fell in love. And then when I realized it was for sale in her Etsy shop, Vintage By Suzanne, I knew it had to be mine. The first time I wore it, I styled it more casually with combat boots and a moto jacket. This time, since I was wearing it to a wedding, I went with my cage sandals and black clutch. I also lowered the brooch to below the bust this time; the last time I placed it higher to keep the neckline secure since I was wearing it to work.
I can’t tell you how excited I was that the weather cooperated and it was cool enough to wear it. Since it was a Fall wedding, I’ve known for months that this velvet maxi dress was what I wanted to wear. The thought momentarily crossed my mind that maybe it was a bit much for the occasion, but it only crossed my mind and went right out the other side. This dress is one of those one of a kind statement pieces. It’s not only beautiful and just the tiniest bit over the top in the best sort of way, but when I put it on I feel beautiful; kind of like the hot matriarch of a vampire clan.
Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb every once in awhile. If you have a piece in your closet that you find a little intimidating to wear because it is a true statement piece, throw caution to the wind and put it on. It’s up to you to ignore the voices in your head that are saying, “Um, maybe not.” Think about how beautiful you’ll feel. Think about how happy it will make you to look amazing and not like everyone else. Wear it like you were born in it. Own it. Rock it. Be the hot matriarch of your own vampire clan.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Dress: Vintage By Suzanne (Similar); Shoes: JCPenney (Similar); Jacket: Chico’s (Similar)