Boho Style / Work Style

Western Booties & Red Boho Dress: The Importance Of Different

western booties_red boho dress

As I write this, another season has already come and gone…


…Sure, winter doesn’t officially begin until December 21st, but the rain and winds this past weekend did a number on the autumn foliage. In my mind, once the leaves have fallen and the days have grown exponentially shorter fall is essentially over. It’s now that weird limbo between seasons; not quite winter, yet no longer fall.

It’s funny how time seems to pass in a mere blink of the eye. Even if you make a conscious effort to live in the moment and savor each one, time still slides through our fingers like so many grains of sand.

western booties_red boho dress

Awhile back I wrote a post about the science behind our perceptions of the passage of time. I said at the time how important I thought it was to really pay attention and appreciate the moments of life as they happen. I still believe that, but at least for me, it doesn’t necessarily slow down time; life still seems to pass by in the blink of an eye.

I recently came upon an an article about our perceptions of time though that really made sense to me. It included an excerpt from a novel by Harlan Coben that I think really gets at the crux of the issue of slowing down our perception of time:

“There are various theories about why the years pass as you get older. The most popular is also the most obvious. As you get older, each year is a smaller percentage of your life. If you are 10 years old, a year is 10 percent. If you are 50 years old, a year is two percent.

But she had a read a theory that spurned that explanation. The theory states that time passes faster when we are in a set routine, when we aren’t learning anything new, when we stay stuck in a life pattern. The key to making time slow down is to have new experiences. You may joke that the week you went on vacation flew by far too quickly, but if you stop and think about it, that week actually seemed to last much longer than one involving the drudgery of your day job. You are complaining about it going away so fast because you loved it, not because it felt as though time was passing faster.”

I can tell you from personal experience that this idea makes sense now that I’ve put some thought into it. This past summer was entirely 100% different for me than any other summer in my adult life. As a family, our entire life had to change as a result of my husband’s injury and guess what? In hindsight, this summer was the longest that I can remember…not in a bad way, just in a different way. However, now that I’m back to school and I’m following the exact same routine that I’ve followed for more years than I can count, life is buzzing right on by.

Think about it for a minute. When we were younger everything was new and different. We were experiencing so many things for the first time. Every day was an adventure, every moment was one to be savored…and it seemed as if we had all the time in the world.

Then as we get older and settle into our lives the newness wears off; we get caught up in the mundane routines of daily life. There are very few “first times” that are truly meaningful. But if we seek out the different; different activities, different experiences, different flavors, different places…hell even something as simple as taking a different route home from work, we can awaken our senses and become truly engaged in a way the mundane simply doesn’t. If we are fully absorbed by a new experience, that becomes our focus and time slows down and settles into that experience instead of racing by at the speed of light. Not only will our perception of time slow down, but imagine how many more opportunities we’ll have to learn and how many new experiences we’ll have to enjoy…and isn’t that really the point of all of it?


This pair of Justin western booties were one of those things that when I saw them, I loved them immediately. I didn’t buy them though, because really…did I need another pair of western booties? I obsessed over them though, and it didn’t help that at the time they were 50% off. As you can see, my want eventually outweighed my need and I went back and fetched the boots. And I’m so happy that I did; not only are they beautiful, but like all better quality western boots they are super comfortable too.

The red boho dress is another score from the clearance rack at Walmart. It’s identical to the leopard print dress that I posted last month. Just like it’s leopard counterpart, if you happen to be broad in the shoulders or have thick arms you might want to size up because it will pull a bit in the sleeves if you don’t. Since sizing up to accommodate my shoulders left the rest of the dress a bit big, I belted it when I wore the leopard version. I didn’t belt it today, but it still looks good because the material is lightweight enough that it flows without looking too boxy.

The western booties and the dress together make the perfect boho outfit. If it’s a little too much for you though, you could try pairing the dress with a plain pair of boots or pumps or pair the western booties with an a-line or circle midi skirt or jeans.

western booties_red boho dress western booties_red boho dress


Western booties (or regular western boots) are an easy way to add some fun to your wardrobe. They play well with everything from tulle to denim, and if you invest in better quality boots they will be staples in your closet for years to come.

Tips for choosing the right western boots for you:

  • Decide which toe shape you prefer. Western boots come in 4 general toe shapes…pointed, rounded, squared and broad-squared. If you’re not sure, this chart can help you decide.
  • In regard to shaft height, again it’s a personal preference thing. Western boots come in ankle, mid-calf and knee high styles and what you choose comes down to what you plan on styling them with. I don’t own a knee high pair, however I do have both mid-calf and ankle boots. Both styles work with a variety of outfits.
  • Much like my advice in regard to combat boots, western boots are an investment piece. I do have a few pairs of inexpensive fun western style booties, but they are not even close to my better quality pairs in regard to comfort. Western boots are like Birkenstocks in that the more you wear them, the more they mold to your individual foot thus becoming even more comfortable the more often that they’re worn.
  • Western boots come in a huge variety of colors with an even larger selection of embellishments and embroidery. If it’s your first western boot purchase I suggest going for a pair that is more neutral and will thus work with a wider variety of outfits. Once you’re sure that they are something that you’ll love and wear, then think about adding a few more fun pairs to your closet.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

western booties_red boho dress western booties_red boho dress

Boots: Shoe Sensation (Same);  Dress: Walmart;  Denim Jacket: Similar

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4 years ago

Oh those boots are beautiful! And who can wear it better with a boho dress like you!

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

I love hearing it put this way and I can totally get that. Once we retired and started doing the things we never did when we were working, it was like being a kid. In fact, I look forward to finding these festivals or interesting places to go now!!
Love the boots too. I have one pair (and my dad’s pair that is too big, but I can’t give them away) and need to pull them out more.

Suzy Turner
4 years ago

You always manage to look totally gorgeous teaming boots with dresses, Debbie! And I adore those boots and the dress. I like it without the belt too. As for time…. this theory certainly explains how slowly time seemed to pass by when we were kids at school!! lol
Suzy xx

Jacqui Berry
4 years ago

Love the boots Debbie, they look so good with your rust coloured dress. Jacqui

4 years ago

I am so with you winter starts when the trees are bare and Spring doesn’t start until the leaves start to bloom, which in MA can be mid to late April. Love this boho dress, you look beautiful!

xx, Elise

4 years ago

The passage of time: I try to be conscious about enjoying some of the moments that are special: my youngest is 2 and has some really cute moments that I treasure. This summer while visiting France I tried to soak up the time spent with friends! During the school year we have the breaks to look forward to and we are making the weekly routine special by making time to play together.
PS. love this look!

Kimberly Malkiewicz
4 years ago

Oh, my goodness! I love this dress! ❤️ On the other note, I think you’re on to something about the new experiences making time seem to go more slowly. It’s a dilemma, as well, because I enjoy a certain amount of routine–it’s comforting.

4 years ago

Those boots are gorgeous! Love this fun boho look!

Jill – Doused in Pink

Nicole of High Latitude Style
4 years ago

Very nice look. You really rock the Bohemian style. I agree. I have the feeling that the older I get the faster time flies. It’s like time is logarithmic. When I was in high school it seemed like an eternity to graduation. Same in college. Then I did my Phd, the second PhD, immigrated to Al;aska and it seems like yesterday despite I am here since 18 years.Why is that? I recall that my mom also said that time runs faster as you get older.

Leslie Susan Clingan
4 years ago

Look at Walmart offering such a darling boho dress. It has such pretty details, I would have expected it to come from some upscale boutique. Wish so badly I felt comfortable wearing floaty, less fitted pieces. My chest is so large, though, that I feel like everything sticks out from my chest and looks like an awning or a circus tent. Love all the swing dresses I see but they fit me the same way. I do have a pair of western boots and it is about time to get them out for fall! Thanks for the reminder. We bought… Read more »

4 years ago

Beautiful outfit! Your boots look very versatile and I love how you paired them with a dress.

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

Debbie, you always get my mind going with your posts! Time is a crazy thing, for sure. I was reading something recently along the lines of quantum physics and it was talking about how we perceive space and time in a linear fashion when it is not linear at all but cyclical. Yet, our human minds are not capable of shifting our perception to that. But if we could, time would actually slow down because it is never nearing an end point, it is merely cycling back around again and again. I also think that when we embrace new experiences,… Read more »

Paula Holloway
4 years ago

Love the dress Debbie. It’s such a great little boho piece to have in you wardrobe.


Emma Peach
4 years ago

That’s an interesting theory about the perception of time passing – it makes more sense than the age-related one, which is how I’d rationalised it. When you do the same thing nothing stands out or sticks in the memory. I love your fabulous boho dress and those amazing boots! Thanks for linking up

Emma xxx

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