If someone were to ask you, “How’s your life?”, what would you say? Be brutally honest here. No one will know your answer but you, & seriously, what good will it do to lie to yourself…
If your answer is something like “I love my life” or “it’s pretty amazing” or “it’s exactly how I want it to be” then a big ol’ “hells yes” to you!
But, if your answer to that question is somewhere along the line of “it’s fine”, “um, good I guess” or “it’s okay”, that my friend is when okay isn’t okay. Or maybe it is…if you have no problem with living a substandard life.
Let’s get one thing clear before we go any further. We all have those days. Days when everything seems to suck & it’s like we got gut-punched by fate. It’s perfectly normal to feel just “okay” or even really shitty about our lives. Those days are not what I’m talking about here.
I’m talking about a general pervasive overall sense of “okay-ness”. The way you feel about yourself is okay. The way you see yourself is okay. Your relationships are okay. Your job is okay. Each day after the next is just…okay.
Think about that for a minute. Is that the kind of life you’d want for your kids, your best friend or anyone that you love? I kinda doubt it. So why is that the kind of life your living for yourself?
Maybe you’re at the point where you are well aware that your life doesn’t look anything like what you used to dream it would be. Maybe you’ve been completely honest with yourself & you fully realize that you and your life are meant for WAY more. You want it so bad you can taste it. The woman you want to become, the life you want to live is right there in your brain. You can see it with total clarity, but you have no idea how to snatch it up for yourself.
So now, you’re just suffering in silence. You go through the motions, put on your fake smile & power through the days. But that’s just not enough anymore, so what do you do?
When you’ve truly reached the point of “enough of this bullshit, I CANNOT live like this another day”, then it’s time to do something about it girlfriend. Nobody is coming to save you. Nobody is going to hand deliver to you the shiny sparkly pretty life that you deserve. You have to WANT IT BAD ENOUGH. You have to be willing to LEAVE YOUR COMFORT ZONE. You have to GO AFTER IT.
You. have. to. do. the. work.
If you want to start with the basics, I highly recommend reading Untamed by Glennon Doyle. Completely life-changing, I kid you not. Also, read through the posts in my Mindset archives as well as the Self-Image archive posts. And if you’re REALLY READY to do the work, schedule a call with me & we’ll really light that fire under your ass.
There’s just too much big juicy excitement in life to be selling yourself (and your life) short. “Okay” is simply not good enough. You my beautiful friend deserve more…so what are ya gonna do about it?
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