bracelets / GAP / graphic t-shirt / graphic tee / JCPenney / jeans / Kohl's / Poshmark / pumps / statement necklace / target

White Blazer & Graphic Tee: Fashion Regret

white blazer, graphic tee, boyfriend jeans, nude pumps

You know that advice about living life with no regrets? That’s one of those things that’s far easier in theory than practice…


…especially in regard to fashion. Need convincing? Allow me to present Exhibit A:

PicMonkey Collage

Um, ya. First of all, in my defense, I did not choose the hideous romper at the far right. Even then, I was a little fashion rebel; no sailor bow for me, no way, no how. I may have been six, but I knew tying that bow was overkill with the nautical braid around the neckline, so one side hung down the front and the other was tossed jauntily over my shoulder. And don’t even get me started on the bowl cut with the crooked bangs. My hair had been almost to my little bum until my grandma came at me like Edward Scissorhands pruning a hedge while trippin’ on acid. See why I have an aversion to both rompers and short hair? Now how about that shift dress in the middle? Not bad if you ignore the fact it’s about five inches too short. And bonus points for rockin’ a mini arm party before it was cool.

Last but not least, and earning a paragraph all to itself, I give you the 70’s prostitot look; sadly the one look I can take full credit for putting together all by myself. Let’s just pretend I was on my way to audition for the role Jodie Foster stole from me in “Taxi Driver” shall we? Can I just tell you that I spend a good part of my summer berating the fashion choices of any number of little girls who parade past my house on a daily basis in teeny tiny bootie shorts and camis with no bras. They look like they’re on their way to a shift at the local truck stop…hence, prostitot. So imagine my horror when my cousin sent me this shot from a family reunion back in the dark ages and I discovered that yes, I too was a prostitot. And on a final note, you’ll notice that even as a child I had that same smart ass smirk on my face that you still see today. See why I rarely smile in my blog shots? It’s in my genetic code. Baby, I was born this way.

Wow, did this story go off the rails. My point originally was the Pink Floyd tee. I saw Floyd several times in my depraved youth and not once did it enter my mind to pick up a concert tee. C’mon, I was at a Pink Floyd concert, I had other things on my mind. Had I known then that I would one day be doing the fashion blogging thing (yaaa….were there even computers then?) I would’ve picked one up. Same goes for Madonna and Eddie Money. Yes, I had rather schizophrenic musical taste. Don’t judge. I was simply well rounded.


Is there a more outdated fashion rule than “don’t wear white after Labor Day”? Of course most fashion rules are outdated in my opinion, but I definitely wear white all year. And finally I found the perfect fitted white blazer. I have a great loose fit version, but I needed one with a more fitted look. When I found this one, which by the way is on sale at the moment, I snapped it up in four of the five colors. Ya, I’m crazy like that. But hey, if something works, it works.


 Because it simply will not do to wear a graphic tee without dressing it up, I paired it with the white blazer, some bling and nude Mary Jane’s. My only fashion regret here is…my Floyd tee isn’t authentic.


When you’re on vacation or at a special event like a concert, think about picking up a tee or maybe some fabulous jewelry or accessories. Not only will you give yourself some unique styling options, you’ll also have some great memories each time you wear it.



Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more style ideas…

white blazer, graphic tee, boyfriend jeans, nude pumps statement necklace, layered bracelets white blazer, graphic tee, boyfriend jeans, nude pumps white blazer, graphic tee, boyfriend jeans, nude pumps white blazer, graphic tee, boyfriend jeans, nude pumps white blazer, graphic tee, boyfriend jeans, nude pumps white blazer, graphic tee, boyfriend jeans, nude pumps

Blazer: JCPenney;  Tee: Target (Similar);  Shoes: Amazon (also at Kohl’s);  Jeans: GAP via Poshmark

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Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Oh those photos are priceless! I dread to think how I looked in some of the stuff I had to wear as a kid. And I’m the same, when I see young girls strutting around with those shorts and bralets!

Love this whole outfit – those Mary Janes are gorgeous and hey, I’m with you too on buying the same garment in different colours. That jacket is great. I’ve been to a few gigs in my time but I never saw Pink Floyd so I’m rather envious that you have!

Dawn lucy
Dawn lucy
8 years ago

Omg … Love these old pics! Makes me wanna dig out some of mine! And yeah I wish I kept all my old concerts tees. Who knew they would be so cool again? I was at Pink Floyd Dogs of War!
Oxox dawn Lucy

8 years ago

Wow. I mean, just wow. I wasn’t going to comment on the first of the old pictures but you did so… wow. The differences in child-rearing and culture from back then and now are striking. Today, that outfit would be condemned even as a Halloween or pageant costume.

*regaining composure* In your new outfit, the shoes are cute and I adore vintage tees. I saw the Pink Floyd “Dark Side…” tour so that brings back memories.

8 years ago

Ha ha! Prositot.

I too have well rounded tastes in music. I like to call it eclectic : )

Ahhh…Pink Floyd. Between that and Led Zeppelin it doesn’t really get much better.


8 years ago

Love those Mary Jane shoes! I bet they are so comfortable with the rounded toe 🙂


8 years ago

Love the blazer with the Pink Floyd tee – adorable!


Jaymie Ashcraft
8 years ago
8 years ago

love the blazer!so chic

8 years ago

It’s so fun to look back at photos and wonder what the heck our parents were thinking when they dressed us (or what we were for that matter)! I love the Pink Floyd tee styled with the white blazer! You look so chic!

Doused In Pink

Leah B.
8 years ago

Awww, you were so adorable though! I’m so glad that the smirk lives on. You’ve clearly always had a dash of attitude, and that’s great. And I LOVE that necklace to the moon and back. Such a great color-pop and it, with the blazer, elevate a shirt that I’d otherwise have probably still associated with stoner high school classmates in ripped-up JNCOs. (they were and are such a good and innovative band, though — I shouldn’t have passed judgment just based on the fact I was a goody two-shoes in school.) Thanks for participating in the link-up! It’s really been… Read more »

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
8 years ago

Ohh, I am loving exhibit A! My mom used to cut my hair and sew my clothes, so I am sure I’d have some really interesting photos to share of me as a child! Lol! You were adorable though in all of these. This Pink Floyd tee looks great dressed up with the white blazer and heels!! Great look!


Happiness at Mid Life
8 years ago

So fun to look at pictures of your younger days! I have been a a wide range of concerts and have never bought a tee either. Great look!

Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week. Have a great weekend!


Sandy a la Mode
8 years ago

girl you are totally rocking that tee!!

Sandy a la Mode

8 years ago

Wow!!! You look amazing!! I am loving the way you accessorized your Pink Floyd tee!! Love your childhood pics, so cute!!

xx, EE

Nicole Mölders
8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. I love today’s outfit. The romper would have been my personal nightmare if it had been mine when I was a kid. LOL. Have a nice weekend.

8 years ago

Oh I like your smile, bring it on. :o) As for that one outfit…you look like a skimpy Hayley Mills! She had that smirk too come to think of it!


8 years ago

Wow, Deb, you’re looking smashing in these photos! Gloriously beautiful hair and smile! 🙂

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