Those of you who are regular readers know that I am actually supposed to wear my glasses all of the time. My eyes, much like my neck, have become a casualty of the march of time. The thing is, glasses sitting on my face drive me nuts. It’s kind of like the need to get the bra off as soon as I walk in the door; it’s just too, I don’t know, irritating. Perhaps that explains my penchant for loose slouchy clothing. In any case, my mid-range vision is fine, my distance vision is iffy, and my up close vision is well, pretty much nonexistent.
My friends, I have for you a pearl of wisdom. Do not, I repeat, do not, under any circumstances attempt to trim your bangs without your glasses on if seeing past your nose is more challenging than zipping your skinny jeans the day after eating Chinese food for dinner. Seriously. Trust me. It is a very bad idea. And if my hair stylist happens to be reading this she just might kick my ass. You see, she trusts me with the do it yourself bang trims. I’ve been coloring my hair and trimming the fringe since I was a mere wee one. I’ve even got for real stylist shears and mad skills for an amateur. But every once in a great while, something goes tragically awry. Although usually it’s a failed hair color experiment. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever messed up the bang trim though. This morning I think I spent more time trying to make them presentable than I did on the rest of my hair and makeup combined. So take my sage advice; no DIY haircuts without your glasses. Or blindfolded. That’s probably a bad idea too.
Today’s outfit is pretty outside of the norm for me. No print mix, no color, and no magical third piece. I was aiming for minimal and cool. And by cool I mean the opposite of hot. When it’s 80 some degrees and humid and you’re locked up in a building full of middle schoolers all day, trust me, minimal and cool is definitely the path you want to take. As simple as it is, there’s one thing I really love about this. The white crochet skirt. Not just because it’s white and crocheted and has a super fab hemline. It’s the skirt I wore when my husband and I got remarried to each other. Not vow renewal mind you, but when we actually remarried each other. On a beach. In the Bahamas. With just our 18 year old son and the most hysterical Bahamian minister ever. So even though it’s a pretty simple outfit it has memories attached to it. And that beats the magical third piece any day.
Linking up with: Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Favorite Fashion Friday, Fun Fashion Friday, Passion For Fashion, Fashion Friday At Mummy’s Got Style.
Skirt: White House/Black Market (Old); Top: Conversation Pieces (Old); Sandals: Birkenstock
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