navy blue blazer / pumps / striped t-shirt / white pumps

White Pumps And Boyfriend Jeans

     It’s Tuesday, so that means it’s time for some blog hopping!  This week I’m linking up with Laura, Erin, and Tara for the Trend Spin Linkup, Tori for the Anything and Everything Linkup, Amber for The Real Girl Style Weekly Fashion Linkup at Real Girl Glam, and Lauren for her Style Sessions: Weekly Fashion Linkup.  Fun stuff!  So click the links and sit back and enjoy some outstanding fashion inspiration!
    On to today’s outfit… This weeks Trend Spin challenge was red, white, and blue. I didn’t want to go full out patriotic, because that just isn’t me. I did decide though, the time had come to work these white pumps into an outfit.  I’ve had them for quite awhile, but I’ll admit they kind of scared me so they’ve sat alone and neglected in the back of my closet. I got them on clearance at Baker’s because I thought at the time, “Wow, I could do so much with white pumps and I don’t have any!”  When I got them home I got a little intimidated. I don’t know why, some sort of weird fashion mental block I guess.  Anyway, I threw them on with my boyfriend jeans, striped tee, and blazer for this outfit and loved them. Now the white pumps have been liberated from the back of the closet and can enjoy a place in the shoe rotation!


Blazer: Sears (similar);  T-shirt: WalMart (No longer available);  Jeans: Levis (similar);  Pumps: Baker’s Shoes (No longer available)


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Erin Kelly Cannon
11 years ago

This looks is darling!! So patriotic!! Our Trend Spin Linkup is now live and the trend theme this week is Red, White & Blue, so this outfit would be perfect. Come linkup here now!

The Fashion Canvas

11 years ago

Thank you, Erin! 🙂 I’m linked up!
Debbie 🙂

11 years ago

Such a nice red white and blue outfit! The white heels look great with the jeans 🙂

Away From The Blue

11 years ago

Thanks Mica! I wasn’t sure about the pumps, but now I’m likin’ them!

Laura B @ Walking in Memphis in High Heels
11 years ago

I wasn’t sure about boyfriend jeans but now I know I need them! This look is perfect with the striped tee, blazer, white pumps and denim. I really do love this!!! You look fantastic and I love your necklace you wore today. I have the same one and love it. ; ) Thanks for linking up again!

11 years ago

Laura~ Boyfriend jeans are my favorites! There are so many styling options.
I enjoy the link ups! Thank you for stopping by!
Debbie 🙂

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