It’s so easy to all of a sudden find yourself stuck in a rut. What’s not so easy is getting yourself unstuck. You want so badly to move forward with your life & with your dreams, but day after day you just don’t do a damn thing about it.
You can feel the itch deep down in your bones to go after whatever it is you want most, but yet here you are~ doing the same exact thing today that you did yesterday & the day before & the day before that…you get the idea. And I bet if you’re being honest with yourself, it probably really didn’t happen “all of a sudden” either.
There can be any number of reasons we stop evolving, growing and/or going after our dreams. Feeling afraid is a big one. Afraid of change, afraid of failure, afraid of what others might think about you; we find all sorts of things to fear. And that fear can hold us back.
Another big reason we sometimes just can’t seem to get our asses moving in a forward direction is comfort. Don’t get me wrong, being comfortable is certainly not a bad thing per se. However, if we settle into a comfortable routine or situation (even though it actually might suck) & then never again evolve or chase new dreams then it becomes a problem.
It holds us back. It convinces we don’t need (or maybe deserve) better.
And of course, that is complete & utter bullshit. You my pretty, deserve all of the juicy delights that life has to offer so how about instead of getting stuck in your comfort zone, you start nudging the boundaries & enlarging it instead?
We all have times in our lives when we feel like the forward momentum has been thrown into neutral & we’re just sitting there waiting for something to happen. When you find yourself in that situation, try one or two (or all) of these tips for getting yourself unstuck:
Figure out your “what & why”.
Before making any changes, you absolutely have to know your “what & why”. First of all, what is it that needs to change or evolve? What is it that you truly want? Once you know the what, now it’s time for the “why”. Exactly why is it you want to make the changes you want to make? Once you have your what & why solid, you have the foundation for getting yourself unstuck.
Shift your mindset.
How you perceive & think about things (and yourself) matters. It matters a lot. Oftentimes how we view a particular situation or even ourselves needs a reframe. For example, stop thinking of mistakes as failures & reframe them as learning experiences. Or stop looking for all of the things around you that totally suck & instead look for even that one tiny thing that is absolutely amazing. Seriously. Stop your thoughts & then redirect them when necessary. And please remember this…thoughts are just thoughts. They are not the law, nor are they necessarily accurate.
Change your small daily habits.
Let’s get one thing straight my friend. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will change for you if you aren’t willing to change. You cannot continue to do the exact same things every single day that you’ve been doing & expect your life to magically change. That ain’t gonna happen. Start with one small habit & work up from there. Successfully making just one tiny tweak to one of your daily habits can make all the difference in your forward momentum.
Take action…even if it’s just a little bit.
This goes hand in hand with #3. Every day take some sort of action towards whatever your goal/dream is. Even if it’s as simple as taking a 5 minute walk to the corner & back. Do something. Do anything. Trust me, once you get the ball rolling you’ll feel so good that you won’t want to stop.
Be consistent.
Shift the thoughts, change the habit, take the action every single day. If something throws you off track, then get yourself right back on. Do the things consistently that need to be done to get you to where you want to be. Consistency might be hard, but it is seriously the one thing that is most important. You can’t half ass your life, it’s the only one you get.
Check out my previous article for a few more pointers on getting yourself unstuck. And if you’d like more intensive hands-on help with getting unstuck & firing up your own momentum then set up a consultation call with me & let’s chat.
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