Advice For Real Life / casual style

6 Tips For Journal Writing + Tie Dye Sweatshirt & Bzees Sandals

tie dye sweatshirt_Bzees sandals

To write or not to write…that is the question. Okay, maybe that’s not actually the question, but my question to you is this…


…Do you journal write? I ask this not because it’s trendy, I mean seriously, you can’t peruse social media or the internet without stumbling upon an article/post touting the benefits of journaling. I ask because I have found it to be one of the most cathartic, calming & mind clearing things that I can do for myself & perhaps it might be just as good for you.  I ask because it’s effective.

Even though journaling is currently trending & even though it might sound borderline woo-woo to suggest that you should give it a try, that’s exactly what I’m going to do; suggest that you give it a try if you aren’t already putting pen to paper. If the very thought of writing puts you into a tailspin just settle yourself for a minute…you don’t have to be an insanely talented prolific writer in order to write…you only have to be you.

The benefits of journaling go well beyond the self-care aspect. There have been studies done that show journaling can have some surprising outcomes. For example, the very act of writing is an exploration of language and that is beneficial for brain functioning, which in turn can boost memory skills and comprehension. Writing down your thoughts can also increase your emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to perceive and understand your emotions which leads to a greater ability to understand others.

One of the more out there sounding benefits of keeping a journal is that it can help you to achieve your goals. It does sound all sorts of new age-y to say that writing out your goals will manifest them into reality. However, putting your goals into writing signals your brain that “this is some important sh*t!” This then activates a part of your brain to be on the lookout for opportunities to help you reach your goals…think of writing out your goals like a map for your brain to follow to get you to the desired outcome.

tie dye sweatshirt_Bzees sandals

Most importantly journaling can help increase your self-confidence which is kind of my thang. Journaling your thoughts, feelings & goals increases your self-awareness which leads to a change in mindset. Writing about a positive experience where you absolutely crushed something that you set out to do gives your brain the opportunity to relive it; it’s an affirmation of your abilities that you can go back to over & over again.

If you think that you’re ready to give journaling a shot here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Choose a journal that’s aesthetically pleasing to you. If you love it you’ll be more likely to use it; choose a journal that reflects who you are. The pics below are of my planner/journal. I write in this one daily & since it’s also a planner it helps to keep me organized. I also have a matching notebook (both are from The Happy Planner) that I use as my more in-depth journal where I explore thoughts, feelings & ideas in greater detail.

  • Add stickers, quotes, drawings…whatever your jam is! Make your journal a reflection of who you really are. FYI…I may or may not be a sticker addict…just sayin’. Let me lose in the sticker aisle in Michael’s & I’m suddenly an eight year old…lol! I also got my daughter addicted to journaling/sticker collecting & sitting down to decorate our journals for the upcoming week is one of our favorite things to do together.


  • Do with your journal what you will. Write entire passages, write in bullet list form, maybe a mixture of both…whatever feels right for you!
  • The more you write, the more it flows. Just. Get. Started. You’ll be surprised the things you discover kickin’ around in the dark corners of your brain once you start writing.
  • If you’re still stuck (it happens to the best of us) use a journal prompt to get you started.
  • Most importantly…You are writing for you! Do not write with the expectation that others will read your words; they are just for you. Be honest, be raw, be real.

tie dye sweatshirt_Bzees sandals


I’ve mentioned before that I’m no fan of yellow in it’s brighter (meaning not the toasty warm fall mustard shade) forms. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really a pretty happy color, it just doesn’t play well with my skin tone & hair. The easiest way to wear a color that you like, but doesn’t like you is via shoes and/or accessories. That’s why when I had the opportunity to work with Bzees again, I chose the Smile Wedge Sandal in Mimosa Cheetah. They are just the happiest prettiest shade of yellow…with a very subtle cheetah print…so pretty! And like all Bzees they are not only insanely comfortable, they’re also machine washable which is a bonus you don’t see every day!

Now…can we talk tie dye for just a minute? I already have several tie dye pieces in my wardrobe like this skirt, dress & duster. But the current crop of tie dye that’s available is absolutely drool-inducing, and I hit the mother lode at Red Dress online. They have tie dye everything and the colors are absolutely gorgeous! That’s where I found today’s sweatshirt…I also picked up the matching joggers & a cropped tee in the same print. *Side note on the tee: it’s more cropped than I like, so I soaked it in lukewarm water and hair conditioner (baby shampoo works too) & then stretched it and voila! Perfect length. The colors are just so vibrant and pretty, I couldn’t resist all three pieces…and there is no doubt I’ll be going back for more.

The colors pop even more paired with white denim like I did here. The options are endless though. The sweatshirt & tee will both be perfect paired with one of tulle or silk skirts and the joggers, which I’ll feature in another post, will be fab with my bright pink blazer, a white tee & heels.

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Tie dye is surprisingly easy to wear. It comes in every color that you can imagine from brights to pastels to darker shades. You can find tie dye not only on tees & sweats, but also dresses, skirts, shoes, pants…pretty much anything you can imagine! If you’re feeling intimidated, try a print in more subtle colors or start with shoes or accessories.

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Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

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Sandals: c/o Bzees;  Sweatshirt: Red Dress;  Jeans: American Eagle (Similar)

**Sandals provided c/o Bzees. All opinions, as always, are my own.

**This post contains affiliate links. Clicks/purchases made may result in a commission for FFD.

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4 years ago

I just ordered that sweatshirt yesterday!! Now I’m really glad cause it looks great on you! You are so right about journaling your goals. It makes them much more concrete. Great tips. Super cute yellow shoes-love!

Xx Darlene

4 years ago

I never ever wrote down my deepest feelings! Ever! I just don t feel comfortable doing that. I think you van guess now that I am a very closed person……. It brought me in huge mental problems when I had to stop working. So I guess it s a good thing to do! Love your sweater and slippers!

Kaylan Luce
Kaylan Luce
4 years ago

Funny you should talk about journals today! I just bought one. I always say someday I want to write a book and what better way to collect my stories for the book than in a journal!

Kaylan Luce
Kaylan Luce
Reply to  debbies
4 years ago

Can’t wait to share with you how I’m enjoying journaling…xo

4 years ago

A friend sent me a journal earlier this year and I have yet to write in it. I don’t know why it seems overwhelming to me. This is giving me the push to get started! I have those yellow wedges too and love them! Also loving your tie-dye!

Jill – Doused in Pink

Last edited 4 years ago by Jill
Lucy Bertoldi
4 years ago

You wear this look splendidly!! The tie-dye is sooo good (especially with your hair- which by now you must know I’m obsessed with!!) But also the jeans!! As for journaling…I’m an on and off kind of girl..and I’ve narrowed it down to when I run out of paper…well it can get me awhile to get back on track. I do a lot of art journaling- but I love the writing process as well. Maybe if I get one of those pretty planners, I’ll stay on track?! Thanks for a great post- love it always. Have a great week xx

Kimberly F. Malkiewicz
4 years ago

This is such a cute *you* look all the way around. Your braids are charming, I bet your students would love those! I don’t journal, but I’ve been trying my hand at writing devotionals for my daughter. I agree that it uses a different part of your brain. Plus, I can hardly spell anymore, what with autocorrect and my middle-aged brain! ha!

4 years ago

great post! i’ve been journaling off & on since i was 13…i have 20+ books filled from the time i was 13-20….do you know, i haven’t even cracked one open yet to read?…that’s a whole other discussion…but ever since i’ve found my niche to blog, i’ve been using my blog as my adult journal…i’ve had a few comments ‘wow your blog posts are so long”…and that’s ok, because the stories i share, are now my journaling…also i know 98% of people are visiting me to see my process of Upcycling and Refashioning clothes….i’ve even tried to cut back on how… Read more »

Leslie Susan Clingan
4 years ago

Can I just say nobody wears tie dye better than YOU? And I love seeing your big smile. You often look sultry but I love the huge smile in a couple of these shots. I am a journaler from way back. Wonder if I should toss all my old journals before I am too old to remember to do so? I don’t often return to them because much of what I have written takes me back to difficult days.

Amy Christensen
4 years ago

I love this outfit, Debbie and those sandals are amazing! I have been writing and journaling since I was 12. It has always been a way to vent and I most often use it as a way to pray. I find that writing my prayers down, I can go back and see how God has used the difficult things in my life to help me grow and I have seen how He has answered my prayers. Now, I also have a writing journal, where I write about writing! Ha, ha. I am an ultra geek, but hey, when you want… Read more »

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

I love that you pulled out the yellow in this tie dye with the sandals!!
As for journaling, I’ve never really done it. Can you believe? (maybe not since my writing is so bad…haha). But I totally see the reasons we should. It’s never too late, right?

Laura Bambrick
4 years ago

Oh wow! That top is seriously stunning with the bold bright colors! I think journaling makes us all more positive, focused, and productive! I wish I had time for it!

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

I am loving tie dye so much right now. What a fabulous sweatshirt and you have styled it perfectly. And those sandals are so fun! As for journaling, you know I do it and I love it. However, I have not put actual pen to actual paper inside the pages of a journal in many years. I write on my blog and other outlets but have gotten away from true journaling. Just yesterday, however, I was about to pick up a blank journal and get back to it. I think I got interrupted along the way and never did it,… Read more »

4 years ago

What a fun tie dye top! it’s a great mix of neon colours and looks so good with the distressed denim! 🙂

I don’t journal although I did when I was younger and it’s fun to read back on it! No idea where my journals are now, i think they may still be at my parents?

Hope that you had a lovely weekend 🙂 Thanks so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup! 

4 years ago

I agree with every point you made with journaling, especially since I love to write and I am a poet. Maybe one of these days I will pick journaling again and don’t give myself curfews, rules or whatnot. It doesn’t have to be a diary type where you write every day. Like you mentioned bullet points, topics and stickers help too. I happen to love how you wore yellow twice in this outfit, in your gorgeous tie dye sweatshirt and those beautiful wedge slides. After I come back from vacation I have to invest on some tie-dye pieces, Debbie. This… Read more »

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