Taking photos in public can be awkward, especially if it isn’t something that you do everyday…
…When I first started the blog I took all of my photos at home in the backyard. No exceptions. I didn’t even like my husband or daughter to be in the vicinity. Eventually I branched out, although I kept to places that other humans were sparse. If someone did show up I’d freeze like a deer in the headlights.
Flash forward six years and I’m an old pro at public displays of photography. I have even done photos in downtown Pittsburgh with a photographer in tow. I still prefer that not a lot of people are around, but that’s more for the sake of expediency than embarrassment. I like to get things done without anyone in the way.
Whenever I take shots where people are around, like in my favorite alley downtown, in and around cute little shops or in front of a mural on a busy street, people have questions. Sometimes a lot of questions, sometimes when they hear fashion blog they simply look puzzled, smile awkwardly and walk away. Even though I prefer being alone I’ve met some interesting characters during photo shoot related conversations.
Last fall I decided that I needed to branch out in regard to where I take photos because I’d fallen into a rut. Now I’m always on the lookout for potential cool spots for photos. Last week it occurred to me that a rather large (okay, I’ve since discovered it’s huge) cemetery a few miles from where I live would probably have some excellent spots.
Some may be skeeved out at the thought of taking snaps in a cemetery, I however, am not one of those people. There’s something so beautiful and peaceful about cemeteries. As a matter of fact, I’ve taken photos several times in the past at the cemetery where my mom is buried. I usually take shots on the road there because it’s a beautiful country dirt lane. Since it’s a super small very country cemetery with no crypts or mausoleums there aren’t really any structures to use in photos, so the variety there is rather limited.
The larger cemetery though? Cool spots galore. And people galore. Since it’s larger with winding paved roads and plenty of shady trees it’s a popular spot for walking. I got into a conversation with a really kind elderly man while I was taking photos. He is on the board of directors of the cemetery and was putting up a new for sale sign at the building where I was taking shots. Yes, a for sale sign…see the bottom right photo below if you think I’m making that up. Here’s where the conversation got interesting though.
Apparently the building is the original chapel. It was built in the 1800’s, but hasn’t been used as a chapel since the new one was built in the 1950’s. I asked him about the for sale sign, and he said that since it’s just sitting empty they thought perhaps someone would buy it to convert it to a crypt. I told him I thought it would make a totally sweet tiny house. Except, you know, the whole being located in a cemetery thing. And as the gentleman pointed out…lack of natural light since there’s only one small stained glass window…lol.
Once I told him what I was doing, he didn’t think I was at all weird and very kindly pointed out some other prime photo spots. I went back yesterday and took shots of some of the buildings to share with you because I thought they were super cool. The crypt at the top of the collage is built into a hillside; there’s actually a few like that. I love the kind of abandoned creepy vibe it gives off; remember Tales From The Crypt? It feels like if you went inside you just might find the Crypt Keeper chillin’ in the corner. All of the crypts as well as the mausoleum have so much character and they are absolutely beautiful, and in my opinion they make for the perfect quirky backgrounds for a photo shoot.
For this month’s Ageless Style Link Up theme, Shelly chose “Red, White & Shoes”. I was pleased with the ambiguous nod to the Fourth of July because I’m not one for blatant holiday dressing…I don’t have a problem with it, it’s just not my thang.
I chose to go with my navy blue cropped jumpsuit paired with my favorite espadrille sandals to dress it up. I’ve become quite the jumpsuit connoisseur as of late, which is funny since I was in the anti-jumpsuit camp for years. Assuming the jumpsuit is designed to easily get in and out of, like this one is, they are insanely comfortable and easy to wear. A jumpsuit, much like a dress, is no-brainer one shot dressing. Throw it on, add accessories to dress it up or down and you’re ready to go.
This jumpsuit is perfect for a Fourth of July cookout. It’s lightweight, flowy and loose which means it will keep you cool in the heat of the day, and more importantly it will be very forgiving of any food baby you might be carrying after the cookout. Once evening sets in it’s easy to throw a cardigan or hoodie over top to enjoy the fireworks and not worry about any chill that might be in the air. If you’re considering picking up this particular jumpsuit, it does seem to run a bit big. I’m wearing a medium, but a small might have been better. I’m actually about to order it in black and I’m going to try the small so I’ll keep you updated.
I layered my Caite & Kyla kimono over top because air conditioning makes light layers a summer necessity. Summer heat means the layers need to be lightweight and in that regard you can’t go wrong with a kimono. Caite & Kyla have a beautiful selection of kimonos and ponchos many of which have hand embroidered details like the one that I’m wearing today.
I don’t usually go into too much detail with my jewelry, but these beautiful earrings though were a gift from new friend Wendy at The Silk Road Fair Trade Market and I wanted to share them with you. I met Wendy through Instagram, but her business is actually local to me which means I get the pleasure of wandering around and browsing her shop in person from time to time. If you are local as well, take a run to New Wilmington and visit The Silk Road…you won’t be disappointed! If you’re not local, many of Wendy’s fair trade handmade pieces are available online as well.
When buying a jumpsuit, keep in mind ease of wear. If the neckline is tight or if it has buttons or a zipper on the back, it’s going to be a challenge to get in and out of it…and nobody needs that in their life. Look for front fasteners, wider necklines or a stretchy knit so that you don’t require an assistant to extract you from your outfit.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas… BE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN AND LINK UP WITH MYSELF AND MY LOVELY CO-HOSTS FOR THIS MONTHS AGELESS STYLE LINK UP!!
Jumpsuit: Amazon; Kimono: c/o Caite & Kyla; Shoes: Similar; Earrings: Silk Road Market
Daenel ~ Living Outside The Stacks blog, instagram, pinterest, twitter
Debbie ~ Fashion Fairy Dust bloglovin, blog, instagram, pinterest, facebook, twitter
Jennie ~ A Pocketful of Polka Dots blog, instagram, facebook, pinterest, twitter, bloglovin
Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style blog, facebook, instagram, pinterest, bloglovin, twitter
Jonet ~ Fabulously Chic Over 50 blog, facebook, , instagram, pinterest, twitter
Kellyann ~ This Blonde’s Shopping Bag blog, instagram, bloglovin, twitter
Lisa ~ Coast to Coast blog, facebook, instagram, twitter, pinterest
Paula ~ Dimples on my What blog, facebook, pinterest, instagram, twitter
Shelly ~ The Queen in Between blog, instagram, bloglovin, pinterest, facebook
Shogunna~ Nzuri N* Simplicity blog, instagram, pinterest