I’ve talked about dressing for your soul, dressing intuitively & the transformative power of clothing. Today I want to go a little deeper & talk about why getting dressed matters…
…Every. Damn. Day. Are you above ground? Are you breathing? Yes? Then it’s for sure a celebration, sister. The fact that you are you is cause for celebration. Did you know that the probability of you being born as you at this exact moment in Earth’s history is approximately…1 in 400 trillion? Yes, trillion. 1 in 400 trillion. Allow that to sink in. Now if that isn’t cause to celebrate your mere existence, I don’t know what is.
That means that every time you wake up to start a new day, you need to get dressed for the party.
Let’s be clear, I’m not saying that every day has to be a tulle skirt & sequins day, although I’m here for it if that’s your jam. I’m saying that getting dressed mindfully & with intention is important. If it’s a “I wanna stay in my jammies all day” kinda day & that’s what you will feel good wearing, then do it. But maybe put on a clean comfy pair of jammies that you love as opposed to grabbing a pair out of the dirty laundry pile in the corner.
That’s what I mean by being mindful & getting dressed with intention. Stop. Take a minute. Think, really think, about what will make you feel good. Think about how you want to show up in the world. What clothing will reflect these things? Then, put that clothing on your body. I’m willing to bet that pajamas that have sat in a pile on the floor for 4 days ain’t the thing.
What we wear on any given day impacts our mindset, our self-image & our feelings. Even if you don’t think so, what you choose to wear is a really powerful thing. How you view the world, how you view yourself, how you carry yourself…it all shifts depending upon your outfit.
In other words, clothes have power. Clothes have the power to get your very own personal party started.
If you need more convincing, or just really want to feel inspired, check out this TEDx talk from Stasia Savusak, Change Your Pants, Change Your Life:
Yes, one could make the argument that “I’m only going to the grocery store,” or “I’m only watching Netflix,” or “Who’s gonna see me so why does it matter?” Why does it matter? For God’s sake woman, it matters because YOU matter. How you feel about yourself, how you show up for yourself, how you celebrate the incredible unique 1 in 400 trillion you…all of that matters.
There’s a reason why each of the photos in this post feature different outfits. Every single one of these outfits were worn on days that I could’ve simply decided not to show up for myself.
Picking up prescriptions at the pharmacy, dropping off papers at the financial advisor’s office, coffee with a friend, relaxed day with the family that was too damn hot to function…all days that I could’ve chosen the easy way out & just grabbed a plain tank top & cut-offs.
But I didn’t. I chose to celebrate me & the party that every day is. I chose to show up for myself. I chose to embody the woman I am working so hard to become. I dressed with intention. I dressed with mindfulness.
I felt confident. I felt powerful. I felt happy. I felt like myself. And at the end of the day, that is why getting dressed matters.
Speaking of powerful confident women who know the power of a good outfit, if you haven’t already discovered her, take a minute to drop by my beautiful friend Marsha’s blog, Marsha In The Middle…trust me, you’ll love her wit & style as much as I do!
If you are so ready to light a fire under your own ass, to start celebrating the incredible 1 in 400 trillion you that you are & to start redesigning yourself inside AND out, I would love to be your partner on this journey. It is absolutely possible to upgrade your confidence & self-image to a level you’ve never imagined & to start living your life big & out loud!
It’s time for…You: Restyled.
You: Restyled is the first program of its kind that focuses not only on reframing your personal story & shifting your mindset, but also on restyling your closet transforming you into the woman you KNOW you’re meant to be.
Let’s chat! Schedule your FREE Discovery Call now!
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more good reads & style ideas…
Floral Boho Skirt: Amazon; Platform Sandals: Walmart (Similar); Faux Birks: Amazon; Floral Sundress: Target; Puma Sneakers: Similar