Boho Style

High Low Maxi Skirt & Choker Tee: Livin’ The Dog Life

High low maxi skirt, choker tee and Birkenstocks.

A big shout out to all you dog (and cat) mama’s out there…


…No it’s not Pet Mama Mother’s Day. Although honestly, I think that should be a thing. Anyhow, a big shout out to you all because my sisters, being a dog mom is a lotta damn work.

I’m not begrudging the work; the love my dogs give back makes it more than worth it. But when it rains it pours. For those of you who don’t know, I have four pups; a min pin named Jaida,  a sheltie named Charley, a pug/bull mix named Macie and the lone boy, a bulldog named Bawb.

In the past week, all of the following has happened:

  • When any one of us leaves the house Charley (who has severe separation anxiety) goes insane; she runs in circles barking her fool head off and nipping at you…this has been going on since she was little. But this week, for whatever reason Bawb has now joined the fray. Every morning at around 5:30 a.m. when my husband is attempting to leave for work, Charley is doing her crazy business while Bawb is barking and literally biting my husband’s work duffel bag as he tries to yank it from his hands. Seriously dogs, w.t.h.?
  • Macie went to her annual vaccination appointment the other day. She has severe allergies, as in she’s basically allergic to the world. I’ve been giving her allergy shots since last November, but they take about a year to fully kick in. To help her deal with the itchies until the shots do their magic, I now have to give her allergy pills. She also has a bacterial/yeasty type infection on her skin/in her ears that is related to the allergies so now she is also taking antibiotics and ear drops…you do not want to know the size of the check that I left with the vet.
  • Three times this week alone, I have had to stick my hand entirely inside the bulldog’s mouth and root around until I found the rock…piece of wood…piece of cement that he was attempting to eat. If you’ve never been covered in bulldog spit, you’re really missing out. If you don’t get it rinsed off quickly enough it sets and you can no longer move your hand. Exaggerations aside, dude…how in the hell am I supposed to keep you alive when you eat literally everything that you find on the ground?
  • In the meantime, Jaida has developed what I’ll call “projectile diarrhea”…now there’s a term you didn’t think you’d come across on a fashion blog, amirite? Twice now, she has thoroughly doused (and my friends, I mean from one end of the room to the other) our computer/spare/dog room. And it’s carpeted…are you feelin’ my pain yet fur mamas? Both times it took me well over an hour to scrub it all down while valiantly fighting my gag reflex. She has an appointment next week for vaccinations, but I fear I’ll have to be calling the vet again sooner.

See, you all thought that this fashion blogger gig was all sorts of glamorous now didn’t ya? Wearing beautiful clothes, travelling to exotic locales…But no, I’m on my hands and knees scrubbing dog poop out of my carpet. Hence the shout out to all the dog moms. They may be sweet little balls of furry love, but they are seriously a full-time job. I always say it’s like living with four furry toddlers, and that is not too far from the truth. So props to you my sisters in fur baby motherhood…just know that when you’re on your hands and knees covered in dog hair, scrubbing the carpet by hand, I’m right there with ya…


From the moment that I saw this high low maxi skirt at the American Eagle store at our local outlets I was in love. I kinda have a thang for boho flavored skirts…or kimonos or tops or anything really. Although I’m pretty sure that I’m not telling you guys anything that you don’t already know. When I’m looking for a maxi I usually go the skirt route as opposed to dresses because they are easier to adjust to accommodate my elfin-sized stature.

Not only am I tad too lazy to get things altered, it seems that all of the seamstresses that I had gone to in the past are no more. Yep, I live in an area where there is apparently a shortage of humans with the gift of stitchery. Not really surprising I suppose, considering where I live…I don’t figure one needs their flannel pajama bottoms altered before heading out to Walmart.

This particular choker tee belongs to my mini (who btw now has pink hair like her mama). I picked it up for her when I got this one last year. I realize that they were trendy about a year ago, but I could care less. I love the way they look and I’ll continue wearing them until I decide I’m done. Actually I’ve made a few of my own, so even when they go the way of the dinosaur I’ll still be able to hack away and create my own choker tee magic.

I know that a lot of people are anti-Birkenstock due to the ugliness factor. But my friends, once you wear a pair, trust me, you’ll never look back. I even wear them all Winter long in the house. Besides I think the ugliness is what makes them cool. Currently I’m on the prowl (no pun intended) for a leopard print pair…


If a trend resonates with you then wear it. And if you love it, continue wearing it even when it’s no longer trendy. In my opinion, that’s when it’s even cooler because since it’s no longer a trend now you’re wearing something unique and you’re wearing it simply because you love it. That’s the beauty of having your own personal style, you can incorporate whatever works for you and make it your own regardless of trends.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

High low maxi skirt, choker tee and Birkenstocks.High low maxi skirt, choker tee and Birkenstocks. High low maxi skirt, choker tee and Birkenstocks.High low maxi skirt, choker tee and Birkenstocks. High low maxi skirt, choker tee and Birkenstocks.High low maxi skirt, choker tee and Birkenstocks. High low maxi skirt, choker tee and Birkenstocks. High low maxi skirt, choker tee and Birkenstocks.

Skirt: American Eagle;  Tee: Boheme (Similar);  Sandals: Birkenstock (Similar)

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6 years ago

OMG…i was dying laughing (only out of sympathy….) at your dog stories. Cats aren’t always that much different!! When we first got Spookie, she had kidney problems and we took her for IV fluids twice a week for a long time!!! And the hairballs???? Yep…they are wonderful!! As for shortening your skirt—I can do that for you, Debbie!! That’s an easy one if you want me to do that for me. Email me and I”ll give you my address!! And heck. all three of us just wore these choker tops recently. My mom (the 80 year old) had one before… Read more »

Lesley Russell
Lesley Russell
6 years ago

Feel your pain I have 6 tibetan terrier s and between feeding walking grooming vets trips and clean ups I sometimes have time to write!!

Suzy Turner
6 years ago

I can totally relate to your pooch stories, Debbie! But fortunate I haven’t had to deal with projectile diarrhoea just yet (!). You poor thing! But we love them so much, don’t we? Mine have been driving me insane because they just keep on barking… at everything little sound! And then I start shouting to try and shut them up. My neighbours must call me ‘that mad Englishwoman!!’ LOVE the outfit – those skirts are so YOU! As for the Birkenstocks, I’ve just thrown mine away 🙁 I’ve had them a few years now and every time I wear them,… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh, my, for your fur baby predicaments! I especially want to share with you, that if you are crafty at all, you can paint your own leopard print on your Birkinstocks. I did it on the Arizona style with three bottles of Angelus leather paint. The paint is $3-4 a bottle. There are tutorials on youtube for painting a leopard pattern. I haven’t had any problems with the paint coming off, they’ve been very durable. I’ll post a photo on your FB page later.

6 years ago

Oh, but yes, I am right there with you Debbie! My elderly Scottie, Wally, cannot hold it overnight, so I awaken to puddles/rivers/ponds of urine on my kitchen floor. After mopping the floor with bleach, I proceed to the equally delightful litter box. Before Coffee, sigh! Nor do I look good while doing it (think bad hair, bad words, and a furry audience). And the stench! Somebody kill me! That being over with, I love your outfit, including the Birkenstocks, but so especially, that fabulous skirt! I have one maxi dress, but I could go for a skirt like that.… Read more »

6 years ago

My challenge to you, Debbie: style flannel pj bottoms and do your shoot in front of Walmart. Your comment about altering flannel pajama bottoms made me laugh. On a more serious note: I love your dog mom stories and today’s outfit is very cute. Perfect for summer.

Nancy Baten
6 years ago

Oh my, that’s bad. I thought that cleaning our Mainecoons but , you know with very long hair, when he has stomach issues was bad. Likely your outfits are ahead uhhh clean? Has ha, no fantastic!

Nicole at High Latitude Style
6 years ago

You look stunning! This look is so you. Why not wear what is so you?

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