coral lace skirt / Forever 21 / graphic t-shirt / graphic tee / leopard print slip-ons / statement necklace / Tilly's

Hot Mess Epidemic: Bonjour Graphic Tee, Coral Lace Skirt And Leopard Slip On Sneakers

     A graphic tee, coral lace skirt and leopard skaters make a perfectly cute going out in the world outfit in my opinion. I’m just not super pumped about the photos though. I think it had more to do with my hormonally challenged mood than the outfit. I’m feeling tired and cranky and that showed up in the shots. So I guess what I’m saying is it’s more my attitude than the outfit that is the problem.
     With that being said, even a good mood can’t fix a truly horrific get up. I don’t know if it’s because of the area I live in or if it’s prevalent everywhere, but it seems to me that more and more people (men and women alike) couldn’t give a crap about what they look like when they leave their homes. I’m not saying you have to be dressed up in your finest to run to the corner grocery store, but maybe at least throw on something that has been washed sometime during this millennium. Oh, and maybe run a brush across your teeth.
     I was standing in line behind a girl in her 20’s at the mini mart the other day. She was wearing a dirty spaghetti strap leopard print sundress (bathing suit cover up?) with a formerly white, very dirty bra sticking a good two inches above the back of the dress with only one of the four hooks hooked. Yes. I could see the hooks above the dress. Um, wow. So I look away because I’m fighting the overwhelming urge to tell her I’m the new host of “What Not To Wear: Backwoods Edition” and then whisk her away to dress her appropriately. I turn my head and look directly at this dude who’s old enough to be my grandpa (yes, being a hot mess is ageless) wearing the most God-awful filthy white tee and sweatpants I’ve ever seen.  It was one of those times I wished I hadn’t shrunk my “Why” tank top in the dryer because that’s all I could think…why?!
     Please don’t anyone take this wrong and think that I am in some way ridiculing the less fortunate. I grew up poor….reaalllly poor….and I never ever left the house in anything but clean clothes that looked presentable. I just don’t get it; is it a self-esteem thing, is it general apathy, or is there some hot mess virus that some of  us are immune to?

Linking up with:  Fashion Item FridayPassion For Fashion Link UpWelcome To The Weekend Blog HopStyle Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites and Casual Friday Link Up.

Skirt: Forever 21 (Old);  Tee: Forever 21 (No longer available);  Shoes: Tilly’s (No longer available)

$230 Francesca’s Collection Giveaway!

The Giveaway goes live on Monday, June 9 at 12:00 am PST and ends Sunday, June 15 at 12:00 pm PST. Winner will be announced Monday, June 16

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

I still cannot believe it when I see people at the grocery store wearing PJs. They are not in a hospital cafeteria…they are at a normal store.

Hey at least even if you couldn’t smile with your eyes you were still able to smile with your mouth : )


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

You’re a genius! That is exactly what’s wrong with these shots…I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I’m sort of smiling, but my eyes are saying, “I’m going to eat you for breakfast and spit out your bones.” Ha!

Dana Jo
10 years ago

This phenomenon I´ve also noticed. Unfortunately. I think you must not wear expensive clothes, but they must be clean and well maintained. There are so many shops where you can buy clothes with very low prices. It is rather the attitude to their own appearance. Their focus in life is somewhere else. Perhaps drinking and luying lazy around? I don´t know. You must not go to the supermarket in a cocktail dress but out of respect towards other people you can be tidy.

Something with your hair is different today… 😉


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Dana Jo
10 years ago

I don’t know if it’s reassuring or scary that people all over the world don’t care about how they look! Good eye on the hair…I got a trim, but had my stylist take about 2 inches off the back. My hair grows like an out of control weed!

Mindie Hilton
10 years ago

I love the color of the skirt and necklace together! Thanks for the giveaway!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Mindie Hilton
10 years ago

Thanks Mindie and you’re welcome!

Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

I agree with you and poor is not an excuse for dirty nor unkept (and most times they worst offenders may not even be poor). I noticed the smile as well, its one of those hmmm i don’t really want to be doing this smiles. You still look great though. PS have you gone on and watched those walmart shoppers videos ( can you say ewwwww )

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Linda Cassidy
10 years ago

I’ve seen the walmart shopper pics, but not the videos. Walmart kills me…it seems to attract the worst offenders!

Who is that Girl Mo?
10 years ago

LOL to Backwoods Edition! 🙂 Cute skirt.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Who is that Girl Mo?
10 years ago

Thanks! 🙂

10 years ago

You look fab, I love that coral skirt. I hate dirty, scruffy looks, especially in the supermarket. Have also seen pjs on the school run though…


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  fashion-mommy
10 years ago

I see pj’s everywhere…wth?!

10 years ago

That skirt is really cute! I think different cultures have really different acceptable opinions of what’s okay to wear out. Looking back at old pictures I cringe at the clothes my Mom let us kids wear–but when we were little we lived on a farm in backwoods Michigan and I guess I can’t blame our holey jeans on Mom because we fell down constantly, I think it was hard for her to keep up with! In Malaysia there was definitely a higher standard for how you dress when you leave the house–even children are much more likely to be dressed… Read more »

Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Oh dear! I know! When driving through downtown Salt Lake City last week after chemo, while stopped at a light three young, college age pediatricians walked in front of the car, two guys and a gal and they each had on the same thing; short running shorts (like from the 80’s) white t-shirts that looked like they had taken them out of the hamper to wear and flip flops. I remember thinking, I would NOT be caught DEAD wearing that in a downtown area of a nice city. What brings about this laziness? I don’t get it! Your skirt is… Read more »

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Great look Debbie, love the skirt and how you styled it 🙂

Thanks for linking up to the weekend blog hop…

10 years ago

love the leopard shoes!! 😀

Animated Confessions

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