Self-Confidence & Style / Styling Tips

Is Your Wardrobe Holding You Back From Being Your Best Self?

is your wardrobe holding you back from being your best self

When you look in your closet, what do you see? Do you see clothes that tell the world what an amazing, vibrant, kick ass woman you are? Do you see clothes that excite you…that reflect how good you feel about yourself & that you can’t wait to wear? Clothes that tell the real story of who you are, clothes that reflect your best self…


…Or do you see pieces that tell the story of woman who is unsure of who she is, unhappy with herself & maybe even her life? Do you see clothes that are serving no purpose other than to hide you from the world…and yourself?

The way in which we define “best self” is going to look very different for each of us. We are all unique individuals with different views on what our best selves are, but the one piece of the “best self” equation that is universal is how we feel about ourselves. Taking a long hard look at your closet is like looking into a mirror.

Your wardrobe reflects to you (and the world) exactly how you feel about yourself. And it can be a block standing between who you are and who you want to be. So, the question is, is your wardrobe holding you back from being your best self?

is your wardrobe holding you back from being your best self

Over the course of our lives so much happens & we have so many different priorities. Relationships, kids, career, the daily mundane requirements…all of that can contribute to the loss of any style we may have ever had. And while you might be thinking “I have more important things to worry about than clothes”, I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong. A lack of concern about what you choose to wear is indicative of a lack of concern for yourself. You are not making yourself a priority. And why the hell not?

If you start making yourself, and what you wear, a priority magic happens. It has a domino effect in all areas of your life. 

Think about it. If you like how you look and feel in an outfit, you get a confidence boost. If you feel like your clothing fits comfortably, you’ll body shame yourself a little less. If you are wearing an outfit that speaks to your soul, you’ll feel more like yourself & your self-image grows. And if all of these pieces are in play?

You feel happier. You smile more. You enjoy your life more. There’s a twinkle in your eye & a bounce in your step. And all of that positive vibey-ness? It projects outward to everyone around you. People can see & feel the awesomeness rolling off of you. And at that point…nothing can hold you back from being your best self.

style tips to improve self-image

I just wanted to share with you how easy it is to make just a little effort with some basics like a skirt & cami…

And how easy it is to kick it up a notch with the addition of a simple accessory like a belt…

style tips to improve self-image

And finally, what a difference it makes when you take a minute to throw in just one more layer of interest.


A few weeks ago I sent out a survey to my mailing list & based on the results I honed the questions and developed a follow up survey focused solely on style, image & self-acceptance. The reason behind it is that I want to get laser-focused on how I can best serve you & provide content that’s relevant to where you are right now as well as where you want to be. 

I cannot tell you how much I would appreciate a few minutes of your time to fill it out. And as a “thank you” for your time & input I’ve included a link to my newest downloadable workbook, “Clear Your Closet, Find Yourself” as a free gift! Thank you so much for your support!

Take me to the survey!


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more good reads & style ideas…

style tips to improve self-image

Skirt: Thrifted (Similar);  Sandals: Walmart (Similar);  Shirt: American Eagle (Similar);  Cami: Target (Similar)


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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
3 years ago

So many people think that clothes and style is just fluff, but we know the truth. It can be SO powerful.

3 years ago

What I see when I look at my wardrobe? To much! Lol. But I love every single item! I think it is such a pity when women don’t make a effort to wear what they want! It makes you feel so much better!

3 years ago

Great message. Dressing well is a way to honor yourself as they say.

Laura Bambrick
3 years ago

You really make a good point. I feel so much better and more productive when I’m dressed with accessories and everything. It was a process to get my closet to where I wanted it to be, but now I love everything in it!

Suzy Turner
3 years ago

YESSSSS!! What a fabulous post, Debbie. It makes me want to go and have a real shake up of my wardrobe!
Suzy xx

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