casual style / Work Style

Velour Sweatshirt & Midi Pencil Skirt: Value Yourself

Burgundy velour top, midi pencil skirt and moto boots.

Do you remember back in the early 90’s when supermodels ruled the Earth, and Linda Evangelista said that she and Christy Turlington didn’t wake up in the morning for under $10,000…


…No? Well, that actually happened. In any case, I had to write an email to a company the other day, and I kind of felt like Linda Evangelista when I did it. The company in question is on foreign soil and one that I have worked with now for a few years. As any of us who blog know, when you are first starting out the initial collaborations often pay little (or nothing), but because we are new to the game and need to get some traction we sometimes take the work.

As we gain in experience as well as in followers, what we can charge (either in product or cash) per post increases…as it should. I don’t know about other bloggers, but for me, the time to put together a post including taking/editing photos and writing/organizing the post takes about 4 hours per post. When the post includes an item for review (or a wishlist) it takes even longer. I take a great deal of pride in the content that I produce and a lot of work and love goes into it. Even though my blog is a hobby and not how I make a living, the work that I do for it has value. My time is valuable. Therefore, if I am producing content for a company, I expect my work and my time to be valued. Unfortunately, with this particular company that was not (and most likely would never be) the case.

What they were compensating me broke down to a little less than 1/3 of what any other company compensates me per post. When I then broke it down to an hourly rate it came to about $4.25 per hour…the minimum wage in PA is $7.25 per hour…no bueno my friends. Therefore, I had to pull a Linda and tell them that while I appreciated our past collaborating I was not willing to work for any less than my minimum. I was not waking up in the morning for less than my going rate. Not for them, not for anyone. They were seriously undervaluing my hard work, and I respectfully told them so.

Ladies, never ever allow someone to undervalue you. Your time, talent and energy is worth every single penny that you charge. And I’m not only talking about blogging; I’m talking about life. You are worth being treated well and with respect. Your work, no matter what it is that you do, is of value. You are worth being loved. You are worth being valued for the unique human that you are. And if you find yourself in a situation that’s not worth getting out of bed for, then make your voice be heard. It might be difficult, but stand up for yourself. It isn’t arrogance to recognize your own value. If you don’t see it yourself, how is anyone else supposed to?


When I went on my lace up sweatshirt binge at JCPenney, I also snapped up two of these side-tie velour sweatshirts on the super cheap (and they are currently under $15!) as well. I could not be happier that velour (and chenille) are making a comeback. Both are so soft and cozy to wear once the temperatures drop. This velour sweatshirt has the added bonus of the cute little side tie detail that makes it a little different from your average velour sweatshirt.

I paired it with my midi length pencil skirt and harness ankle boots since I was wearing it to work, but it works equally as well with a pair of jeans and sneakers. One of these days I’ll have to surprise you all and wear a pencil skirt with pumps and blouse or sweater just to keep ya guessing. It was finally a tad nippy outside so a light top layer was required and my lace up denim jacket was the perfect finishing piece.


It is true that ankle boots (especially with socks peeking out) paired with a midi length skirt can visually cut you off (especially if you are vertically challenged like myself). But here’s the thing, sometimes a girl just wants to wear what a girl wants to wear…visual aesthetics be damned. I happen to love my harness ankle boots with my midi pencil skirt. I don’t know why, nor does it matter. All that matters is that I feel all kinds of fabulous wearing it.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Burgundy velour top, midi pencil skirt and moto boots.Burgundy velour top, midi pencil skirt and moto boots. Burgundy velour top, midi pencil skirt and moto boots.Burgundy velour top, midi pencil skirt and moto boots. Burgundy velour top, midi pencil skirt and moto boots.Burgundy velour top, midi pencil skirt and moto boots. Burgundy velour top, midi pencil skirt and moto boots.Burgundy velour top, midi pencil skirt and moto boots.Burgundy velour top, midi pencil skirt and moto boots.

Top: JCPenney;  Skirt: Nordstrom (Similar);  Boots: Target (Similar)

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Jodie filogomo
6 years ago

I’m finally feeling better about asking for what I’m worth!! But it takes time and experience I think!! And heck—if I have to take photos of all 3 of us and then put together a post, it’s usually more like a whole day project!! Fun, but a project!!!
And I love this sweatshirt, Debbie!!! What a perfect way to stay casual yet look fabulous!!

Connie K
Connie K
6 years ago

Tell me more about the triangle necklace? It always catches my eye when you wear it.

6 years ago

Great post-Debbie. After 7 years of blogging, I am finally saying not to everything that I get nothing in return for. I have done lots of things on my blog with a promise for something next time. Next time never comes and I am feeling good now at sticking to my guns. I still do the odd thing for free but only things that do not take up much time for, makes my blog look pretty for my reader and I might gain pageviews from. Great look, love all your photos, Debbie, as always 🙂 Thanks for linking up #Wednesdaybloghop

6 years ago

I love that sweater on You and Yes…know your worth and demand it!! My blog has not reached that point yet, and maybe it will never get there. But, I truly understand demanding compensation for the work. Enjoy November.

6 years ago

Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. You look awesome in burgundy. The necklace is perfect with this sweater.

Cheryl Tucker
6 years ago

I love this post and it helps me understand how to break down compensation. Thank you so much for all your helpful information. And now your outfit. That top is just beautiful and I love how you styled it. Your photos are lovely from your outfit to the setting.
Happy Friday!

6 years ago

As always, love your thoughts and your willingness to be YOU with no apologies. I’d love to pick your brain sometime about all things blogging and collabs. Not sure how to start.

6 years ago

This is so inspirational! It is definitely important to value yourself and your brand, and stand up for yourself when you feel that you deserve more. Also, I absolutely love this outfit on you! SO cute!
Thank you for linking up this week!

~xo Sheree

6 years ago

Great for you, Debbie, sticking to your principles and valuing your own work. i say “no” to most offers now, because of this very phenomenon – lots of work and just enough $$ for a nice lunch. I’m loving the tie-up trend and you’re working it perfectly! Thanks for linking, xo


6 years ago

Such a great look! I love the lace details on the denim jacket!
Thanks for joining the Thursday Moda Link up!

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