Advice For Real Life / Work Style

How To Choose Your Word Of The Year + Velvet Duster & Jumpsuit

Velvet duster_floral jumpsuit

This year you’ve decided to try something different to help you stay on track and make positive changes in your life. Resolutions have proven to be ineffective in the past, and you’re intrigued by the idea of a word of the year. Great! But how exactly does one go about choosing their very own word…


…In Tuesday’s post I discussed why you might want to consider choosing a word of the year a.k.a. a guiding word or focus word. If it’s a concept that intrigues you, then let’s look more closely at the “how”.

First of all let me say that choosing a word (or even several words or a phrase) shouldn’t make you feel pressured or stressed. There is no right or wrong way to go about it, nor is there a right or wrong word. You are doing this for you; it’s all about you and no one else. Do not overwhelm yourself thinking that you have to choose the “perfect” word. You’re simply looking for a word that resonates with you and the direction that you’d like to go. You might even find that as the year goes on, you want to change your word or add another one. As I said, this is all you…there’s no wrong way to do it.

The word(s) that you choose is like a theme for your year as opposed to a rigid pass/fail resolution. It’s something that you can apply to little things in different areas of your life. Think of it as a little reminder to always be working on making your life the way that you want it to be.

For example, one of the two words that I chose last year was “intentional”. Whenever I found myself not paying attention whether it was to a person, an experience or even something as mundane as feeding my dogs “intentional” would automatically pop into my head as a gentle nudge to really be in the moment and stop missing out on my life.

Velvet duster_floral jumpsuit

This year I have chosen “focus” and “explore” as my words because both really resonated with me when I thought long and hard about where I want to see myself going this year as well as what I need to be successful and remain sane with the changes that are on the horizon for me.

Here are some tips that I think will help you along the path to choosing a guiding word that’s right for you:

  • Think about what you need more of in your life. What does your life look like now and what do you see coming this year? Come up with a few words that will guide you towards what it is you need.
  • Think about who you want to be. No matter who we are, we all have qualities that we would like to see more of in ourselves. Brainstorm some words that encompass some of those qualities that you would like to see.
  • Next December when you look back at 2020, how do you want it to look? What words could help you to get there?
  • Think about the past year. Are there things that you wish you had done differently? Is there a word that sums up how to do those things better this year?
  • Google “word of the year lists” or “word of the year ideas” to give yourself options. As you read over the lists pay attention to words that resonate with you.
  • Once you have a list of words that interest you, narrow it down. If a word is almost, but not quite right, use the online thesaurus and look at synonyms for the word. I actually did that this year and it was really helpful in the narrowing down process.
  • Sit with your word for a few days. Does it feel right? Does it feel natural and not forced? Will it help keep you on the path that you want to be on?

Have you chosen a guiding word? If so, I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

Velvet duster_floral jumpsuit


This look tells a story of coziness. It expresses the need for warmth on a cold day, while acknowledging the fact that color is still important, necessary even, in the gloomy months of winter…

Once cold weather sets in, velvet is kind of my jam and this orange-y/rust velvet duster is one of my very favorite pieces to wear. Although it is a shade of orange, it works surprisingly well over an all black base outfit without veering into Halloween territory, and it instantly elevates a basic pair of jeans. This time I styled it with my orange, pink and black floral jumpsuit. It’s actually a summer piece that was more than lightweight enough for July, but when layered properly works all year long.

There’s just something about velvet in the winter that gives off all the warm and cozy vibes. One of my favorite ways to wear it is in the form of a velvet duster. There’s nothing easier than a kimono to add some spice to a basic look, and a velvet duster is like the cozy winter version of a kimono. It will take even the simplest outfit to a whole new level with very little effort.

Velvet duster_floral jumpsuit Velvet duster_floral jumpsuit


When looking for the right velvet duster try to find one that hits somewhere between mid-calf and ankle length. For the most versatility, make sure that there is either some stretch to the fabric or a little extra room in the arms so that you can layer it over long sleeves on a cold day.

Velvet duster_floral jumpsuit Velvet duster_floral jumpsuit


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Velvet duster_floral jumpsuit Velvet duster_floral jumpsuit

Duster: Similar;  Jumpsuit; Zulily (Similar);  Boots: Similar

**Disclaimer: Commission earned through shopping links in this post.

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

I have to say I gravitate towards velvet this time of year…it’s such a rich material. And the color of this duster is amazing.
I love the idea of a word for the year….we have ours picked out already too!!

4 years ago

What a beautiful photos! The gorgeous color of the duster with green of nature! I am still not a person to choose a word but….if I would it would be daring!

4 years ago

I like the idea of using a word to focus on as opposed to a specific resolution. I think my word chose itself. “Health” I suffer from hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Mainstream medicine is not good at treating any of these things. (I won’t bore you with all the reasons why.) In November, I made the decision to seek help from a clinic in LA who stay up on the latest info regarding these and related ailments, doesn’t file insurance (although they will give you the info to file), because they don’t want their hands tied by insurance… Read more »

4 years ago

What a fun velvet duster! it’s so nice with the florals! I don’t have a lot of velvet in my wardrobe – just a velvet belt! Even in winter here it’s too warm a fabric to consider! 🙂

Hope that you are having a lovely weekend 🙂 It’s rainy here but the rain is so welcome!

4 years ago

These are great tips! I haven’t picked a word for the year yet. I’ve been having a hard time narrowing it down. Your velvet duster is fabulous1 What a perfect piece to brighten up a winter day!

Jill – Doused in Pink

Leslie Susan Clingan
4 years ago

I have a little Loft Outlet velvet tee that I got for nearly nothing…$3??? and need to wear it. Thank you for the reminder. Wanted to know a little more about your jumpsuit. Is it a jumpsuit with 2 legs or more like a jumper/dress with straps? I received an email with jumpers from Eva Trends and was so surprised by some of the jumpsuits or overalls they shared. They had such a saggy, baggy CROTCH!! But lots of cute details.

You always find the most enchanted, dreamiest backdrops of your photo shoots. Love the ambiance.

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

Debbie, you know I am swooning over this amazing outfit! I need a velvet duster! I have a few velvet kimonos but they are all short. The drama of the duster length in velvet is just screaming out to me! Brilliant, my friend. And I am totally on board with a guiding word of the year. I came upon my word for 2020 simply by writing a post about my intentions for the new year. By the end of the post, the word “reinvention” became glaringly obvious for me. So that’s my word this year…Reinvention. Of myself and anything else… Read more »

4 years ago

These are great tips Debbie! I have still been feeling out my word but think it’s going to stick. Your kimono is gorgeous…and of course it gets elevated because….POCKETS!! Hace a super Wednesday!

jess jannenga
4 years ago

Hi Debbie
Your kimono duster looks fab, I love velvet and think it is such a rich looking fabric. The floral is so pretty with it too and I love the longer length. All these colors look gtreat with your hair. Loved the tips for the word one might choose, I myself dont set resolutions but small goals I aim to acheive this year. I like this idea though!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

Emma Peach
4 years ago

Gorgeous duster, the colour looks fabulous on you! I love velvet, particularly at this time of year. I haven’t picked a word for the year yet, it’s been a weird start to 2020 so far. I’m hoping it’s just the usual January “meh” feeling and will pass before long! Thanks for linking up!

Emma xxx

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