Boho Style / casual style

Blush Print Duster & Graphic Tee: Different Versions

Blush print duster, graphic tee & boyfriend jeans.

You know how sometimes you come across a quote and it really speaks to you…


…When I first saw this one it really resonated with me:

“Not everyone gets the same version of me. One person might tell you I’m an amazing beautiful soul. Another will say I’m cold-hearted. Believe them both, I act accordingly.”

The reason that I felt such a deep response to this particular group of words is quite simply, it’s true. It describes me to a T. There are people in my world who would quite literally go to the ends of the earth for me…then there are others who would probably rather prefer that I drop off the end of the earth.

I’ve discussed before how I don’t think that we should judge others, and that I do try really hard not to indulge in judgement. And I stand by those words. Here’s the rub though, it’s virtually impossible, at least for me, to not judge people based upon their behavior. And I don’t mean how someone behaves just once; everyone has a bad day now and again. I mean repeated behavior. Behavior that is a pattern, behavior that’s apparent every time that I am around them. To me, repeated behavior speaks to who you are not the type of day that you’re having.

If you show me time and again that you are cruel and unkind, or that you are interested in nothing but gossip and tearing others down or that you have no problem throwing shade at someone behind their back then guess what? I will act accordingly. If you play games with me and manipulate others in an attempt to get at me, then yes, I will be a cold-hearted bitch to you. A lot of things can be said about me, but one thing that cannot be said? That I’m phony. If you have proven to me that you are not a nice person then you can be damn sure that I’m not going to be nice to you. I have zero room in my life for that kind of negativity or those kinds of people.

I realize that some people subscribe to the “be kind to everyone no matter what” line of thinking. That’s fine if that’s who you are. People that are able to do that make the world a better place to be. But that’s just not who I am, and that’s fine too. I just don’t have it in me to be tolerant of black-hearted humans. The beauty of my lack of tolerance is that their opinions of me are utterly meaningless. After an interaction with one of these individuals when they run back to their minions and ruminate over what a bitch I am, I can rest easy in the knowledge that their anger towards me proves I am not one of them. And that’s the version of me that I want to be.


I haven’t shared a super casual look lately so I figured this was a good one to choose. I last wore the blush print duster this Summer on a date night. Sadly it wasn’t available online then and it still isn’t. It’s from the Knox Rose line at Target so if you’re really loving it, dig through the racks at your local Target and hopefully you’ll find it there. I really love the colors; although it’s a light blush pink, it has a bunch of Fall colors like mustard, burgundy and gray in the print which makes it perfect for this time of the year.

I paired it with my rock n’ roll graphic tee that was also a Target score which luckily is available online so of course I linked it for you. After I wore it the day I took these shots I did cut the crew neck off…it was just a bit higher/tighter around the neck than I like. My favorite American Eagle distressed jeans were a no-brainer with the sort of rock and roll badass vibe of the outfit. I’m a huge fan of super distressed jeans, but I know that’s not necessarily for everyone and that’s okay. Differences in opinion and things that we love are what make us all unique…and unique is good. You could rock a similar look with mildly distressed jeans like these or even no distressing at all and still get the same bad girl vibe.


If you love a particular look, but feel that it’s not necessarily you take the “inspired by” approach. Integrate elements of the look that make you happy with pieces that are more you and that make you feel like your fabulous self. 


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Blush print duster, graphic tee & boyfriend jeans.Blush print duster, graphic tee & boyfriend jeans. Blush print duster, graphic tee & boyfriend jeans.Blush print duster, graphic tee & boyfriend jeans. Blush print duster, graphic tee & boyfriend jeans.Blush print duster, graphic tee & boyfriend jeans. Blush print duster, graphic tee & boyfriend jeans.Blush print duster, graphic tee & boyfriend jeans.

Duster: Target (Similar);  Tee: Target;  Jeans: American Eagle;  Boots: Soft Surroundings (Similar)

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5 years ago

I think we are a bit the same on the inside! My hubby is totally different, he is nice to everything, even people who have t treated him good. I hate that, on the other hand, it is a beautiful side of his character too.

Kellyann Rohr
5 years ago

Love the quote and I agree – everyone has a bad day now and then but repeated behavior is who you are. I think there are some people who’d say the very same thing about me and I could not care less honestly. It’s not my business what others think of me. Sure I’d love it if everyone got me and understood who I am but that’s not the reality and I’m no phony either. On another note – that duster is fabulous. I have seen it at Target and came so close to getting it. When I go this… Read more »

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
5 years ago

I want that quote framed and placed in my house haha! I don’t want to judge either, but sometimes there is no avoiding it. You always pull of a Rock and Roll look with amazing style Debbie xx

5 years ago

You are wise as well as smart, my friend. People’s behaviors show us who they are at heart, and we can decide whether we want to share our time and love with them. I’ve been called a bitch many times in my life, and been called a sweetheart too. Both are “true”. You look authentic and fab, xox


jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
5 years ago

I’m one of those that works on being nice to everyone but there’s always exceptions. In fact I was just telling my hubby that’s it’s easier for me to be nice now because I’m happy. And it makes me wonder about those people that are cruel….
Needless to say birds of a feather flock together which is why I love being part of your tribe!!

5 years ago

I’m in the camp that I try to be kind despite how the other person is. Having said that, sometimes “fake nice” is all I got! Wondrous duster, Debbie!

5 years ago

Hi, Debbie I used to see the good side of everyone. Then during the years of working in an office, I got sick of the backbiting, etc. Lately I’ve been practicing compassion for everyone, trying to understand that those who act meanly are hurting inside in some way. I believe in service to others, and have been judgemental towards those who only want to serve themselves on the backs of others. Through the eyes of compassion, I can look at them in a more neutral way. I feel that if I act with love and service to others that I… Read more »

5 years ago

I agree. Being kind is something we all strive for and it is what I try to teach my son but at the same time, I also am teaching him not to be a doormat. I think it’s important to be able to walk away from people that are negative, unkind, etc because their words and actions can tear somebody down. Then you enter a whole other dimension. I love graphic tees and yours is no exception. Love the floral duster as well. It looks great paired together and takes up your outfit a notch!

Maureen |

Suzy Turner
5 years ago

That’s one of the many things I love about you, Debbie! You’re true to you and that’s what truly matters. I try to avoid people who aren’t nice – in fact I’ll do anything possibly to ignore them!
Love the outfit – ripped jeans look so damn cool on you!
Suzy xx

Bettye L Rainwater
5 years ago

““Not everyone gets the same version of me. One person might tell you I’m an amazing beautiful soul. Another will say I’m cold-hearted. Believe them both, I act accordingly.”


I’m obsessed with that duster! I love the Knox Rose line but find so few of the plus size items in any local stores and they’re not online at all anymore. Grr, Target, Grrr.


Michelle Orsi
5 years ago

Loving the way you combined rock and roll with girly in your duster! Great pairing

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