Random Musings

It’s The Little Things

it's the little things

When you think back over the past year, it’s obvious just how very much things have changed & it’s easy to see how much we’ve lost. More importantly though, I think we need to look at one really important thing that we’ve gained…


Sure, the changes & the losses are easier to see. Depending on where you are in the world, you may or may not be on some degree of lockdown. When we do go out in public we (the responsible ones amongst us) have to wear a mask. That means if we want to smile at another human we have to have perfected Tyra’s “smize”.

We stand at least 6 feet apart from one another which makes random conversations difficult. We now realize that perhaps we should’ve bought stock in hand soap & sanitizer companies. We can’t just take for granted that a particular restaurant or shop is going to be open…or even if it still exists at all. Many of us now work from home, do school from home & find ways to entertain ourselves at home. We can no longer just grab a coffee with a friend…go out for dinner on a Friday night…or see a Sunday matinee at the movie theater.

Our conversations have changed. “Hey, did you see the case counts have gone up? Wonder if we’ll shut down.” “I think I need a test, where should I go?” “Did you get your vaccine yet?” “Which one?” “Did you have any side effects?” “I’m so excited…I’m fully vaccinated!” “That’s a pretty mask, where’d ya get it?”

Many of us have lost a loved one or an acquaintance to Covid, or at least know someone who has. And most all of us, to some degree or another, have lost connection with other humans. A simple handshake. The random unexpected smile. A shoulder squeeze. A kiss on the cheek. A hug. Things we used to take for granted are now a danger to our health.


I certainly can’t speak for everyone, but I know that this past year has taught me a lot about taking things for granted. And that is a good thing. I’ve gained a new appreciation for things that I never really thought much about before. There was far too much…those little sweet & juicy moments of living…that was getting lost in the daily grind of life. Now that we’ve collectively slowed down, taken a deep breath & spent time in the deep quiet of our souls we’ve been able to really see & appreciate those juicy moments that we took for granted.

Who knew, that for me, the girl who protected her personal space like a rabid badger, a simple unexpected hug would be one of those moments.


A couple of days ago I took my daughter to get her first vaccine shot. A friend of mine from high school (who I also lived with for a year during college) was working at the vaccine clinic. Since we live in a small town area we seem to cross paths every few years. We chatted for a bit about our families & she told me how much she loves the blog (I was so excited to hear that she reads it) & how she thinks that leaving teaching to become an image coach & personal stylist is perfect for me. It was so so nice to hear unexpected encouraging words from someone who doesn’t see me all that much that I said, “God, I wish I could hug you!”

And if you know me IRL, you’re probably thinking “Nuh uh…you did not say that.” But indeed I did.

Then this weird conversation happened…”Hey, I’m fully vaccinated!” “So am I!” “Well then, we can hug!” And so we did. And it was awesome. The entire above interaction only lasted about 2 minutes, but that 2 minutes made my week. I guess I’m more of a hugger than I thought I was. Who knew?

Once the world settles back down, I’m going to try my best to not take things for granted & to remember that it’s the little things that matter. However I’m not delusional…I know that eventually some things will once again fall into the “I can do that whenever I want so what’s the big deal” category. But one thing that won’t is the innate value of basic human contact.

That my friends, is one of the little things that we all need to never forget & carry with us moving forward.


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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
3 years ago

Hugging is truly the thing I miss the most (obviously I AM a hugger). But luckily there’s still some of it going on here with all of the updates!!

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