Advice For Real Life

What I’ve Learned As A White Woman

theodore roosevelt quote_quote_inspirational quote

Today there is only a story. No outfit. No tips. No link ups. Just a story. My story of what I have learned this week as a white woman…


**Disclaimer: As always, when I am posting something controversial I want to start with a disclaimer. Normally I would say that if this is something that you don’t want to read, then move on. Today though, I am taking a page from my friend Bettye’s playbook and instead, I ask that you stay. I ask you to truly feel your discomfort and not run away from it. I am not suggesting that you do as I do, I only ask that you listen to my story and perhaps take something away from it that wasn’t a part of you before.

…To be honest, I have been struggling for days over this post. What to say…how to say it…where to find the words to clearly share my feelings, thoughts and opinions in a helpful way. The fear of saying something offensive is real. Not offensive to my white readers, but offensive to POC. This is new to me; I’ve never feared my own words before, but the world has changed so very much and so very quickly that I’m not sure what is the right or wrong thing to say anymore. Believe me, the last thing that I want to do is hurt or offend someone with my words. However, after some serious introspection & talking with my friends Bettye and Shelbee, I came to the conclusion that not sharing them was perhaps more offensive.

I have written before about LGBTQ rights, gun violence in our schools and my opinions on the current government administration. I’m not shy about sharing my thoughts, even if they may be controversial. What I have never written a single thing about though is the prevalence of racial injustices against black humans happening in our country every single day. I just didn’t feel that I was well-versed enough to write about it…and that right there is the whole damn problem.

Why wasn’t I “well-versed” enough to write about something that affects other human beings, that affects so many of my own friends for God’s sake? Ignorance. Plain and simple. I was uninformed about something so horrific because I chose to view the world through the lens of the bubble I’ve always lived in. In my bubble, I love people because of who they are…what type of human being they are. For me, things such as race, sexual orientation, religion, disability and physical appearance have zero effect on how I feel about someone. Therefore, even though I was aware that racism exists, I was effectively blinded to it because of my own beliefs, and that my friends, is white privilege.

I realize that this is where it might get dicey with my white readers, but please, stay with me here. There is a level of discomfort for white people when we use race as a self-descriptor because it’s not something that we’ve ever been required to do before. There is a knee-jerk response for white people to immediately go on the defensive when they hear the term “white privilege”. Coming from a very poor not very pleasant background my first thought used to be, “Excuse me…but I am far from privileged. I had to fight tooth and nail to get where I am today.” And that is because I did not understand the meaning of the term.

Since I have begun my educational journey I have learned much, and one of the concepts that I now understand much better is white privilege. This article on Teaching Tolerance does a beautiful job of explaining it.

“And white privilege is not the assumption that everything a white person has accomplished is unearned; most white people who have reached a high level of success worked extremely hard to get there. Instead, white privilege should be viewed as a built-in advantage, separate from one’s level of income or effort.”

So you see, that built-in advantage gave me the option of viewing the world only through my lens. I wasn’t seeing it every day, I wasn’t living it every day hence the world was as I wanted it to be. Since the very public murder of George Floyd and the currently unfolding events that have happened as a result, I have done some serious self-examination. I have always viewed myself as a basically “good” person; I love and appreciate people based on who they are on the inside and that’s enough…right? Wrong. My silence, my inaction, these things have made me complicit in the ugliness of ongoing systemic racism.

While I have used my voice to fight for the LGBTQ community and I have used my voice to fight for those with disabilities, I have not used my voice to fight for people of color. Why? Because in my mind it did not affect me personally. I mean, after all, I’m not a racist, I treat everyone the same way so I’m doing my part. Again, wrong. That way of thinking I now realize is complete and utter bullshit. Racism does affect me personally…because I am a human being. As a human being it is on me to fight just as hard as my fellow black human beings and friends. I refuse to continue in my complicity. I refuse to continue seeking refuge in my ignorance.

I cannot and will not ever claim to understand how it feels to be black. None of us whom were born white can make that claim. But I can claim this…I now stand with my black sisters and brothers in the fight for racial equality. I will use my white privilege to further the cause in any way that I can as opposed to using it as a shield to protect me from the harsh reality. Now that I know better I will do better. And if what I have shared here leads to even one person doing the same, then I have done my job.

I’m not sure why, but this time feels different on so many levels and we have to keep the momentum going. In recent days I have been educating myself, I have been signing petitions and making donations…I have been doing what I can to be part of the solution. If you are interested in doing the same, here are some links that you might find educational and/or helpful:

**If you know of any other resources that I should include, please share them in the comments**

Tell me, what are your thoughts on this very important issue?



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Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

Well done, my friend. I applaud you. And now I must face my own ignorance and become more educated as well.

Amy Christensen
4 years ago

Debbie, thanks for your honest and helpful post. I feel very much like you. I am not racist in so far as I try to treat everyone the same, but I am totally ignorant in understanding the risks and obstacles that Black people have to overcome day in and day out. I haven’t written a post yet addressing these issues so I will probably refer to yours as a good one for resources. Thanks for showing us a few places to start to better educate ourselves and help in the cause. – Amy

Marsha Banks
4 years ago

This has been a very hard week. I, too, thought I was doing enough. But, I’m not. I am educating myself. Thanks for adding to my resources.

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

It goes to show how ignorant we all can be. At least the conversation has been started and we should all grow and learn. .

Bettye L Rainwater
4 years ago

Yes!!! We are all in a place of learning…and more importantly…DOING. I started out thinking “Oh, I need to educate myself and learn and grow and become more aware and blah blah blah” but I realized that while I’m allowing myself the LUXURY of learning…people are still dying. I feel like first I have to jump in the water…and figure out how not to drown, later!
Good for you for making the jump!
Bettye xoxo

Kellyann Rohr
4 years ago

It feels like no matter what we think we knew there is always room to learn more and do more. Now is certainly the time! Thanks for sharing this!

4 years ago

The best resource are the African Americans that you know. Talk to them, understand their experience.
Truth is talking about race will inevitably offend someone. It’s just the way it is and you shouldn’t be worried. Such things come with taking a stance for/against a cause.
Thank you for your honesty. I’ve seen many posts of non POC individuals but yours is genuine. It explains your truthful journey.
I respect that.

linda cassidy
4 years ago

Well done, I have struggled for a while about staying silent, going on as ” normal ” or addressing the issue head on. I am not sure there is a right or a wrong ubless we are just moving on. The steps we all need to take to educate ourselves and to just be better, do better. Thank you for sharing

Emma Peach
4 years ago

I have to admit that I’ve been apprehensive about broaching the subject on social media in case I inadvertantly offend someone. But then I’ve seen a number of posts on Facebook about how white lives matter too that have pissed me off – and I’ve tackled those people about it. A certain section of British, white people (mainly males) think that we have no right to be angry about what happens in the USA, especially when white people have been murdered by immigrants in the UK. I’ve tried my best to enlighten those people (I often find they voted for… Read more »

Lucy Bertoldi
4 years ago

I’m with you all the way on this. So much food for thought…that now needs action. So important- thanks for this post

4 years ago

FANTASTIC. I have read all your other posts on social inequalities and you always come thru. This is well written. My blog post on the subject is no where as good as this, and I applaud you for taking a stance. Kudos!!

4 years ago

Thanks for sharing these links! Like you I felt a little unsure about speaking up too as how can I understand when I’ve never experienced life like a black person? But listening and hearing them say that they need us to acknowledge their pain and speak up lead to me saying a little something, and has lead to me diversifying who I follow, what I share, and even what I buy for my kids.   I think it’s important to stand for what is right and show that racism is not tolerated – I confess I didn’t know the scales… Read more »

4 years ago

I highly recommend “Between the World and Me” by Ta-Nehisi Coats. He mentions that black children are often told by their parents that they must be “twice as good”. I never had to say that to my son. I just told him to do his best. As a white middle class kid with blue eyes, he would be on an even playing field, not having to deal with assumptions that, because of his race, he would be less capable and would have to do something above and beyond. I also never had to have “the talk” about dealing with police.… Read more »

Lauren Renee Sparks
4 years ago

I applaud your decision to speak up. If everyone of us used our platform, no matter how big or small to call our the continued racism in our country, we just might be able to change the world. Visiting you from your friend and mine – Shelbee.

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